
Chapter 4

The next day, things went as usual, the way it normally was and I would say time went really fast and it was already 7:30am, the assembly was already over and they all retired to their classrooms. After the first half of the lectures, it was time for break and everywhere became roudy. Bloom accidentally bumped into a girl and stepped on her shoes, when she was trying to exit the class.

` I am so sorry, God, why am I so clumsy, I really didn't mean to step on you, I was not watching where I was going; bloom apologies

` You're clumsy indeed, do you know how much these socks cost me, if they don't get cleaned, you better prepare yourself to buy me a new pair, blind girl; the girl said and walked away angrily with her two friends

At that time, layla, stella and flora just got to the scene and inquired from bloom to know what happened.

` What have you done to upset miss wannabe?; layla asked.

` Who is miss wannabe?; bloom asked looking confused.

` It's the peacock that just left here; stella answered.

` Don't mind them. Her name is flourish and she likes to call herself the most prettiest girl in the whole of the ss1 class; flora answered.

` The people who join in calling her that should really go and ask her to look in the mirror closely, well, I was just leaving the class and accidentally bumped into her and stepped on her and that was why she 🌟 shrieking; bloom answered.

` Please that girl is not as important as my break, please can we just go quick to the canteen, get something and eat before the break period is over. We will talk about her and her minions after school today because I heard that we have no extra-morals, so we can use that time to discuss; stella said and she pulled them towards the staircase leading downstairs.

After the break, classes went by fast and it was already school over, after the lunch and nap time, they were free so bloom and her cornermates all sat down together to discuss as planned earlier.

` So where were we again, if I may ask?; layla asked.

` You guys promised to tell me all about the girl called flourish and her minions, so that I can know what to stay clear off; bloom answered.

` Well, her name is flourish kimberly and those two girls you saw close to her are precious peters and delight dagogo. Flourish is from a rich family, so she thinks she's the coolest, she likes to call herself the prettiest and she literally wants people to call her that and we all know, she has a big crush on a boy named sky, one of the coolest and most handsome boys in the other campus. I mean the boy only talked to her once and she is over the moon; stella explained.

` What do you mean by talk, you make it sound like they even had a conversation, let me tell you, she only went to submit our assignment notes and sky was also at the table and all he did was tell her how to put the books and walked away and that was it, she came looking all red like a tomato; layla elaborated further.

` I do not wish to be at that scenario, if not I would have laughed my heart out; bloom said.

` I mean who wouldn't; layla asked.

They all laughed out. After a while, it was already time for night prep. After dinner, the bell was ranged and they all went to class for the reading section.