
Chapter 3

The bell ringing was what woke bloom up at exactly 4:30am. She was so frustrated when she looked at the time, she has never been woken up or has her sleep been interrupted by this time so she was really furious, till she heard a voice telling them to leave the hostel. She has heard alot about boarding school, so she knew when to stand and when to run.

` Leave this hostel at the counting of 10; came the voice of the hostel prefect. ` 1.....2....3....4....5....6; the voice continued.

Before it got to 10, bloom and her cornermates where able to get out on time.

` That was a close call, if not we would have started our day with cain; said flora

` Really, I guess I should be grateful for me coming out early; said bloom

They all assembled at the compound for early morning prayers and worship and at exactly 5:00am the prayer was over. It lasted for 30 minutes and they were told to go and bring out their brooms and arrange themselves, class by class, so that work places can be assigned to each and everyone of us. Jss1 class were assign to sweep the classroom, which meant each and every class block. Jss2 class where assigned to throw the dirts at the burrowed pit which was located at the boys campus and that was a long walk, I would say. Jss3 class were assigned to clean the hostels, each and everyone of them. Ss1 class were assigned to clean the chapel, compound and water ways. You might ask why ss2 class and ss3 class wasn't mentioned, that was because the ss2 class where the ones holding the prefect posts while Ss3 class were the ones holding the past prefect posts, so they naturally where never assign to any work post but they were the ones that assigns people to work posts. Flora and stella where assigned to work at the water ways while layla and bloom at the chapel, after working and cleaning up the school compound for about 1 hour, the prefect came to inspect the work and then there were free to go by 6:00am by then the food was brought to the dinning from the kitchen which was also located at the boys side of the campus. After having breakfast for another 1 hour, they were told to go and take there bath and they were given only 30 minutes to do so. At exactly 7:30am everyone was chased out of the hostels, well except the Ss3 girls who rarely even leave the hostel.

After the singing of the national anthem and hymns, we were sent to class. Classes began at 8:00am sharp every of there teachers came in one by one and introduced themselves and their subject also some gave them the scheme of work for the term while some just left after the introduction. As time went by class ended by 2:00pm. We went back to the hostels, ate lunch by 2:30pm we went for a 30 minutes nap and went back to class for extra morals, there they review with there teachers what they had learnt in the morning and hy 5:00pm the extra moral classes were over. They went for dinner at 6:00pm, then again back to class for night prep by 7:00pm, where they just had to read there books until 9:00pm, how tiresome, bloom had never been so stressed out through out her whole life from birth till well date. After reading sections, they went back to the hostel, those that had to bath went right to it and it had to be done within one hour because immediately it is 10:00pm, the lights will be turned off in the whole school. That was how bloom's life of stress began.