
Chapter 1

It was a cool Saturday evening and it went without saying that the charles family would have dinner together at the dinning table.

They always did, really, right from when bloom was still a tiny tot. She still remembered hearing her father's voice in her early stage saying that `A family that eats together, stays together'. Well,she did enjoy the family tradition, I mean who wouldn't. They usually got to talk and share their problems together. Now, she was 15 years old but the only thing she hated was that at the end of the meal every day, she would be the one to clear the table and do the dishes because as the only girl, she was her mother's natural pick to do stuffs like that.

`Young lady, it's taking you a bit too long to arrange the dishes, please be quick, dad and I has something to share with you." Her mother's voice broke into her thoughts and startled her a bit.

`Okay mom, I will be right there. please just 2 more minutes". She replied, smiling goofily and then hurriedly finished the cleaning and ran to join her parents and only brother at the dinning room.

`Sit and listen both of you, your mother and I have some information to pass to you guys'. Her father said, looking very serious. well you could say, he looked as usual because her father has always looked stern, since, well, she could remember.

`Well this matter is concerning bloom. After proper consideration, we have decided to transfer you to a boarding school in imo state by name"EVANGEL SECONDARY SCHOOL". Her mother said

`What, transferring, why".Both bloom and timmy her younger brother replied simultaneously.

`Why sounding so shocked, this was definitely not the reaction that I was expecting from you. I expected that you guys will be so happy and glimmering with joy, so what is the problem'. Her mother asked.

`Glimmering with joy?. In my mind, it is glimmering with shock, I would say. Not only did you decide to send me to a boarding school but you also want to send me to another state. Are my parents trying to discard me because I don't know what to feel or think right now'. She replied sounding confused and at the peak of tears.

` Young lady, will you bring your voice down, that is not the way you talk to your parents. Where are your manners dear?. Her father said

`Why are you yelling, we are doing this for your own good. sweetie, you're too introverted, you have only few friends, does not know how to express yourself and now has become a bottled person. In my opinion, you should be happy and weather you like it or not, you are leaving tomorrow'. Her mother replied

`Tommorow? Dad! Mom! don't you think that this isn't fair and it is as if you just want to throw me out of the house?. She replied aggravated.

`Weather, you like it or not, you're leaving tomorrow, we have prepared all the needful and placed them in your room'. Her mother replied.

`I just cannot believe this'. she said crying and ran up to her room.

she went into her room, locked up herself and began to cry. Then, there was a blackout and she accidentally knocked over a book and fell down and just then the lights came back on. Well, it seems that today was not just her day, well not that tomorrow will be either. She noticed the things her mother had talked about at the dinning

`Who would have thought that they where serious about sending me away, She sighed.Then, she began to arrange the things, when she was done she eventually slept off.

`I hope she understands that we mean well for her'. Her mother thought out loud.

`I don't think so, not after yelling at her at least'. Timmy chirped in.

`Will you keep quiet'. Mom yelled.

`Yes ma'am'. He replied and ran up to his room.