
Chapter 2

Bloom took in a deep breath and gave a sad sigh, who wouldn't. It was time for her to leave already. She wasn't crying as she was yesterday but that didn't mean that she wasn't sad because sadness could be seen written all over her face. Timmy was crying and hugging his sister tightly because he did not know when he would see her again

`Bloom, please take care of yourself and come back in one piece okay?. Her brother said sniffing heavily.

`Its okay, i will try my very best, not to come back broken okay?, you can stop crying now or it will make you look ugly. She said teasingly

`I cannot believe it. You can still tease me even at this point. Her brother said while standing at akimbo with a grown.

`Ok.....ok, it's time to go bye. She said laughing as she left.

But her laugh faded as they entered the car and drove off so they can meet up.

`I hope she can still remain smiley through out. Her brother thought as he went back into the house.

They got to the school at exactly 3:30pm. They entered the school premises and made all the arrangements, in a matter of time, she got her ID card, Room card, Seat no and room no, later she got her books and her uniforms and she was told that she was all cleared and can go in because she was now a student of the school.

`Ok dear, this is your very own atm card and it contains the sum of 80,000 and the account no is 2102568100, make sure you make good use of it, the pin is 2000. Her father said while handing it to her.

`Thank you dad, I will make good use of it for sure. She said.

`Take care of yourself well ok, do well to eat and always know that daddy is proud of you. Her dad said

`Take this, I got it for you. Her mom said. Her mom got her a plate of jollof rice with goat meat and a bottle both fanta and sprite

`Thank you mom. She said

`Don't worry mummy is always proud of you and I am really sorry for yelling at you yesterday, I hope you're not still angry. Her mom asked.

` I was but it's alright, I can cope with it; She said.

` I guess, I am on my own now, I hope I can cope with the new changes ; She thought to herself.

She walked around the school to find the dorms, she kept looking around absentmindedly until she bumped into someone and all her things fell to the ground.

` Sorry, I am so sorry, my name is layla, let me help you pick these up; She said.

` It's not your fault okay, I was just absent minded as I happen to be lost; bloom answered.

` Can I be of any help, which of the dorms and what is your space no; she asked.

` I will be very grateful. The dorm's name is morve and my space no is 64; bloom answered.

` O.M.G, what a coincidence, that is my hostel and my space no is 62. Come on, let me show you the way; she said.

Layla lead bloom to the dorm which she was assigned to and to her space, where she met two order girls by name stella and flora. She was shown to her space by layla, then, layla called the attention of the other girls

` Hey girls, look at who I brought here; layla said.

` And who do we have here; stella asked as they all stood up to go over to bloom's space.

` Hi, my name is bloom and I am new here; she said

` We can see that, I am sure you are aware, no offense, you seem timid anyway, welcome to school; stella said

` Thank you and also no offense taken; she replied.