
High school dreams:The Rule of the Elite

it’s a sensation to read, I can assure you. An elite is reincarnated as a low class with dissociative identity disorder and is forced to live under the class and social stratifications he and the other past elites created. his second identity faces a hard time in school as he passes through love and friendships. this innocent boy would find that he would keep reincarnating until he can bring the world to order and stop the rule of the elite. how else to do this than to become an elite again? he later has an encounter with the current elites and he falls into another conspiracy. the new elites are even more cruel than their predecessors. they plan to unite the world under one dangerous religion; THE ELITE RELIGION

Krystal_george · Sejarah
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

The idea for world power

Asher's namesake crossed his arms on the table as he spoke.

Well…A discussion has been going on for our ceasing of the total control of the flow of world power right?

Quin Shin rolled his eyes. Yeah…duh!

Asher ignored the ever unserious Quin.

To achieve this, I came up with a system, The Religion system.

Say what now????

Asher took a deep breath. He knew they weren't going to understand so easily.

But he was happy though, he was working with the most intelligent lads you could find.

Religion is a set of organized beliefs, practices, and systems that most often relate to the belief and worship of a controlling force, such as a personal god or another supernatural being. To put it short, Religion relies on ignorance to survive.

Since we're yet to discover our origins and what lies beyond earth, I decided to proffer an answer to our questions.

I will attribute every good thing to a being I would call "Almighty" and every bad thing to the dark beast.

The look of surprise on everyone's face was very evident.

Dark what????

Alexander stared at him blankly.

How is this supposed to hand even the tiniest bit of power over to us?

Hammurabi banged the table softly as he pointed at Alexander.

Damn! How did you ask that question before me?

Julius seemed a bit interested. So what is this "Almighty"?

Asher smiled. He would be the creator of you and I.

Asher suddenly turned to Alexander. In regards to the question of how this gives power to us…It's very simple.

We will attribute every strange occurrence to the anger of Almighty.

The people, in their bid to pacify the anger of this "Almighty" will follow us blindly.

But we would only do things from the shadows…

Cyrus cut in. So we would need some blind follower ship first.

Asher winked at Cyrus. Bingo!

But not just any follower, we would need extremely powerful followers or at least, potentially extremely powerful followers.

We would invite the sons of powerful kings.

Hammurabi was lost at this point. To do what?

Cyrus sighed. Isn't it obvious? They would be the followers.

Quin Shin mused. I dunno bro. It wasn't that obvious, not everyone is as smart as you and Asher-Chan.

Cyrus nodded with an exaggerated realization. Ohhhh….That's true….I'm sorry I forgot. You became a part of this group not because of your brains but because of your loud mouth.

Quin Shin bowed a bit. Thank goodness you remembered.

Julius's eye twitched at this.

Tch! Quin was a blatant idiot. He couldn't even distinguish such a sophisticated and direct insult.

Asher continued his speech. Cyrus is right. We need powerful men to help control the flow of world power, then we control this men.

Hammurabi raised his brows. These princes would be undoubtedly very proud and controlling them wouldn't be easy.

So how do we control them? Through witchcraft?

You're certainly not a witch are you?

Quin snorted. He must be a witch, else how does he come up with such ideas?

Asher shook his head. Nope. Certainly not through witchcraft.

We would control them through Hypnosis.

If you read the atmosphere, you would only see one world floating through the air right now.


The five kids including The transcended Asher was stunned.

While the other kids were stunned because they hadn't heard of Hypnosis before, Asher was surprised because he couldn't imagine a kid his age coming up with such ideas…

Hey…come to think of it, what if this is actually how religion came about?

Nevertheless, his namesake continued. Hypnosis was created by a modernist physician who was seeking new and better ways to improve medicine.

He had grown tired of the herb method of treatment which took a long time and yet, barely showed any results. Herbs couldn't even cure psychological, emotional and mental problems.

This physician decided to study and come up with a new way of treatment In the quietness of his room.

That was when he mistakenly created self-hypnosis.

After realizing this, he struck on an idea. He decided to modify hypnosis and make it a treatment method.

So he started treating people by making them believe they could do things initially believed they couldn't. He could also make them forget certain things which caused certain illnesses.

Cyrus raised his hand. If I may ask, how did you stumble upon this hypnosis?

Asher smiled through his red veil. I'd rather not say.

Quin made a facade of throwing a tantrum. C'mon! Man! We're all in this together, it doesn't kill you to share!

Asher looked at Quin Shin Huang who was the shortest and youngest of them all. After weighing the pros and cons, Asher decided to speak.

Well…I am a descendant of that physician, and Hypnosis has been passed down in my family ever since it's creation.

Asher continued. Now, Hypnosis is of three types and I plan to incorporate the three types into my plan.

Quin Shin cut in immediately. Woah bro! Slow down, what is hypnosis?

Asher sighed. Hypnosis is a trance-like state of mind where one experiences heightened concentration, attention and suggestibility. Once in this state, it becomes very easy for one to be manipulated.

Quin shin cut in again. Now you can continue, Asher-Chan.

Julius shot him a glance of disdain. Don't bother with Japanese Honorifics you Chinese Dimwit.

Asher used his hands to draw imaginary objects and lines on the table.

Firstly, I would invite the sons of powerful kings. Through this, I would also unite them and also make them merge their kingdoms.

That is where the first type of hypnosis kicks in.

This is called Hypnotherapy.

Through this, I would create a very calm and relaxed state of mind in these princes. Then I would create a mental image and vivid fantasies of "Almighty" calling out to them.

Of course this is only after I have briefed them on who Almighty is. This way, the future kings of powerful dynasties and kingdoms would become ardent worshippers of Almighty.

Moving into the second phase, I would teach these princes Hypnosis and make them believe it was a gift was from Almighty.

I would teach them the second type of hypnosis which is known as stage Hypnosis.

These princes would perform hypnosis which is a treatment technique on mentally unstable people. These Hypnosis would be known to the public as miracles and they would be performed in an open space so they would garner the attention of Multitudes. As they garner more followers Later on, a worship center would be built. It would be known as the house of almighty.

Asher stretched a bit. Moving into the last phase, I would use the last type of hypnosis.

Self hypnosis.

I would also teach this to the princes and make them teach others too. But for the princes and everyone they teach, self hypnosis can only be achieved when they read the Almighty's book.

Self Hypnosis helps one to change one's bad habits and the likes, it is very similar to meditation.

It would be used to create small "miracles" like stopping one from urinating on the bed.

These princes would be doing the self Hypnosis subconsciously. Mostly whenever they pray to Almighty or read the Almighty's book.

There would also be a natural feature where the Hypnosis in the air automatically starts to spread to the members of the Redeemer's Religion and they start to behave awkwardly as if in a trance. They would also begin to speak weird languages which would be known as Almighty's tongue.

But this would be very temporary, lasting for about two minutes.

This would cause the people to believe that Almighty is in their midst and so they would concentrate on feeling his utmost presence.

Unknown to them, this would make them further susceptible to the hypnosis in the air.

This would make the people further believe in Almighty because they wouldn't be able to lay their hands on the cause of their erratic actions.