
High school dreams:The Rule of the Elite

it’s a sensation to read, I can assure you. An elite is reincarnated as a low class with dissociative identity disorder and is forced to live under the class and social stratifications he and the other past elites created. his second identity faces a hard time in school as he passes through love and friendships. this innocent boy would find that he would keep reincarnating until he can bring the world to order and stop the rule of the elite. how else to do this than to become an elite again? he later has an encounter with the current elites and he falls into another conspiracy. the new elites are even more cruel than their predecessors. they plan to unite the world under one dangerous religion; THE ELITE RELIGION

Krystal_george · Sejarah
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs


After a week of boring school activities, transfer students were introduced.

First, was a a boy named Jackson Joel and second was his sister; Jackson Evelyn.

Joel was short and dark. He resembled David in those features.

But Joel was considerably much more handsome than David. Joel also cared a lot about his looks and he was much neater than David.

Joel wasn't ugly but the same couldn't be said about his sister.

Evelyn was slightly than Joel. A difference you'd barely notice.

Evelyn's lips were a little two wide. When she smiled they got even wider.

By the time the Jacksons arrived at the pilgrims school, Asher had already settled in properly.

Apart from the school, Asher didn't really have a life.

Once out of school, Asher slept and waited patiently for the next school day to begin.

Why are you staring at me, guy?

Asher noticed the intent stare that Joel focused on him so he had to stop what he was saying to ask the short boy.

Lend me your literature note. Joel said simply.

On the assembly ground the following day, Asher felt very uneasy. That type of uneasiness that came with a gut feeling.

Asher didn't what took his eyes there, but he just knew that he glanced at the Junior section and he saw her.

There, the same girl, who was short and pretty was staring at him.

Her stare was so intentional that it seemed she was oblivious about her surrounding and her focus was completely on him.

Asher smiled at her, looking to captivate her more.

Asher was used to this. Having girls stare at him like there was no tomorrow.

The junior girl suddenly jerked and possessed a more calm disposition.

Asher genuinely smiled at her childish affection.

Unknown to him, he was blushing slightly.

The assembly ended shortly after.

Hey bro, where's my note?

Asher asked Joel.

It's at home. Joel answered nonchalantly. His voice resembling the squealing of a rat.

His answer surprised Asher a bit.

Asher couldn't describe the emotions that passed through him at that moment.

My note? In his house? And he could only say it that way? Not even bothering to apologize?

Asher tucked those thoughts away as he walked off.

Today was Wednesday anyway, so they weren't having any literature classes.

Soon, it was club time.

Asher strolled over to arts and drama club.

The main reason Asher loved this club was because of it's large numbers. This made it very hard to control and as a result, most of the time was spent on idle plays.

Asher played and laughed merrily. He was not yet ready to leave his childish antics.

What's your name?

Asher turned to see a girl that was slightly taller than him.

She was on a pinafore and that meant she was his junior.

Probably in her junior final year.

My name is Asher.

Asher replied, flashing his most gentle manly smile.

In Asher's mind, he was the ultimate girl slayer.

But soon, the girl slayer was going to be slayed by a girl.

You know what they say, he who kills with the sword shall die by the sword.

Asher had received lots of love letters before. But surprisingly, he had never dated anyone before.

He was friends with everyone, yet, he was friends with no one in particular.

On the assembly ground the following day, Asher saw the short dark girl again.

He noticed that the only place he ever saw her was on the assembly ground.

How was she so quiet?

Slowly, even without realizing it, Asher started to feel an urge to see her more often.


Asher was starting to get irritated by this new dwarf kid in his class.

Where is my literature note!?

The same notebook that was given without much talk is the one that is now being fought about.

It is at home! Joel shouted back at him and walked away.

Asher stood rooted to a spot.

Did that dwarf just shout at him and walk away?

As Asher took a step forward to go give the beating of his life he was stopped by a hand that tugged on his shirt.

Asher turned around to see Chloe, the tall dark girl who sat at the second column.

Here's your note. I saw it at the trash can yesterday.

Asher took the note from her outstretched hands. Thanks a lot.

Asher was very much surprised. It was the same note he gave Joel. The same note that Joel said was in his house.

After school, the senior boys stayed behind to play soccer.

While they did this, the juniors took extra lessons and classes.


Asher who was playing soccer was surprised to hear someone shout his name in that manner.

Asher looked upstairs only to see the same girl he had told his name.

Asher had totally forgotten about her, only for her to barge into his memories on such a manner.

Come upstairs! I want to talk to you

The girl shouted in a very bold manner.

All the senior boys erupted as they heard the girl's bold invitation.

Everyone was laughing and making jokes. All but the center of attention.

Asher wasn't finding it funny.

Had this girl lost her shame?

All the girls had gathered on the window and some other girls were also making passes at him.

Asher looked up and he saw one girl. One lone girl.

It's her!

Asher's eyes lit up. He had found out from Chloe that the girl's name was Lily.

Asher was happy to see the dar girl.

He had noticed that she was a shy and very calm person. Because of this, she rarely left the Junior's block and this made it very hard for Asher to see her.

Asher saw her standing quietly by the window. Their eyes met and Lily quicky ducked.

Asher picked his bag and went home. He was no longer in the mood to play any games.

Asher lay on his bed quietly. He was thinking of something.

Suddenly, a high pitched sound pierced his consciousness.

What's that sound!?

Asher clutched hs head as he shut his eyes tightly.

Then it all returned to him.

Asher no longer looked like the happy boy he seemed to be earlier. He now looked like an unhappy, unsmiling young boy.

He also looked a lot more matured than he did few seconds earlier.

Asher sat up on his bed. After a moment, Asher climbed out of bed.

As Asher's feet touched down, That familiar space returned to him.

Crap! I'm here again!?