
High school dreams:The Rule of the Elite

it’s a sensation to read, I can assure you. An elite is reincarnated as a low class with dissociative identity disorder and is forced to live under the class and social stratifications he and the other past elites created. his second identity faces a hard time in school as he passes through love and friendships. this innocent boy would find that he would keep reincarnating until he can bring the world to order and stop the rule of the elite. how else to do this than to become an elite again? he later has an encounter with the current elites and he falls into another conspiracy. the new elites are even more cruel than their predecessors. they plan to unite the world under one dangerous religion; THE ELITE RELIGION

Krystal_george · History
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21 Chs


Asher wasn't sure which emotion to feel. He was happier now that he knew that he was going to return back to his normal consciousness.

But Asher still didn't know where he was or why he was even here, And that was still a major headache. He only hoped it would become clear to him.

Asher felt very uneasy, knowing he was going to see that kid again. That kid who sent chills down his spine, That kid who bore his name.

Asher wasn't sure if this was the nex meeting of the elite or...

Damn! How could those little kids be the infamous elite?

Or did they just end up goin by the name 'elite?'

Asher was puzzled once again as crescent colored light slowly illuminaed the room.

Wait! It's night!?

Asher couldn't compound his shock.

If Asher had learned anyhing during his last visit to this place, It was that these kids were still very much dependent dependent on their parents.

Their being dependent on their parents makes it very difficult for them to leave at night, so how did they pull it off?

According to what Asher had calculated and estmated, This tower was very far away from life and humans. That makes it hard for them to even meet in day time not to talk of night.

So how? Just how did these kids pull this shit off?

Quin Shin Huang's voice knocked Asher out of his thought train.

Asher was a bit startled by the sudden voice, So his mind didn;t quite register what Quin Shin said.

How did it go, Bearer? Julius spoke to Quin Shin. Did you bear fruits?

Quin Shin smiled fulfilledly. Of course! The bearer always bears fruits. The very moment the bearer stops to bear fruits then He ceizes to be a bearer.

Alexander stood up and walked to the window which was the only source of light. His frame blocking out the crescent light that drowned the room.

Quin Shin looked at him, Obviously annoyed. Dude! You're blocking out the light.

Alexander was quiet and unmoving as he stared at the full moon that shone so brightly.

This silence ad no action from Alxander irritated Quin Shin to the core.


The sudden shout from Quin Sin threw Alex out of his trance.

Alexander stared at the sky after moving a little. Sorry man, It's just...I can't believe that this is noon.

This information threw Asher into a hurricane of confusion.

Afternoon? What is he talking about?

Quin Shin seemed to suddenly share in Alex's curiosity.

That's right. Hammurabi-kun, How did you know there was going to be an....Eto...Ec.l.ip..

Eclipse? Hammurabi guessed what Quin Shin was trying to say.

Yes! Quin Shin nodded frantically. An Eclipse!

Asher immediately caught on. Oh! I see! There's An eclipse taking place right now.

Hammurabi sighed. I'm from a lineage of astronomers.

the look of confusion on everyone's face did not go unnoticed by hammurabi.

My Ancestors was one of the few people that perceived that there might be more to the universe than we actually know. So he took to studying the skies.

It was known as constellation writing.

Over the years, he discovered that the earth was not flat as we thinl but it was spherical.

To be precise, It has a shape that can be described as a geiod.

Unfortunately, The ignorance of that time was too much and he was stoned to death. He was killed by the very people he was trying to educate.

Quin Shin stared at him. The earth isn't flat?

Hammurabi shook his head. No, It isn't.

The doubt on Quin Shin's face was as clear as day. Prove it.

Hammurabi spread his hands. and how am I suppossed to do that? However, Since I told you that there was going to be darkness this afternoon and there was darkness, Doesn't that mean I know what am saying?

Cyrus looked refletive. Umm...I dunno, Bro. Am not quite sure it's enough.

Hammurabi's eyes lit up as he caught something with his eye.

Hammurabi walked over to the window. Look at the Horizon, Even though it's not very visible due to the darkness but you can still see it right?

The other kids who had gathered there nodded their heads.

Hammurabi followed the horizon with his finger. look at it closely, you can see the curve. It curves like a circle.

A flat surface definitely wouldn't curve right?

Yeah, I guess?

Hammurabi now stared at each of them's faces.

If the moon and the sun is round, why would the earth be an exception?