
High School and Love!

Shikai live is normal till one summer, after that summer his life is not the same anymore, but when school starts his life is truly not the same anymore. He experiences a near death experience and meets a girl that will teach him how to survive in this new world that he is about to see for himself.

KaiJaxith · Realistis
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: Shikai's Awakening!

<p>Shikai: "Hey what's your name?"<br/>?: …<br/><br/><strong><em>Silence occurs for the 20 seconds or so, both Shikai and the unknown girl face off until she finally looks down</em></strong><br/><br/>?: My name huh?<br/><strong>She looks off into the neon sea</strong><br/>?: Well…i'll tell you one day.<br/><strong><em>Her body illuminates, and fades into the midnight sky</em></strong><br/><br/>Shikai: So beautiful…<br/><strong>He looks off into the sky and admires it</strong><br/>Shikai: This whole realm…whatever it is Is all beautiful.<br/><strong>He falls into the sand</strong><br/>Shikai: I wanna stay here forever <br/><strong>He than falls asleep on top of the glittery sand</strong><br/><br/><em>*Ring Ring Ring*</em><br/>Shikai:…<br/><em>*Ring Ring Ring*</em><br/>Shikai:…<br/><em>*Ring Ring Ring*</em><br/><strong>Shikai finally awakes</strong><br/>Shikai: Who is it…<br/><br/><strong>He than picks up the phone only to get yelled at and rushed by Max because he overslept by a whole 2 hours</strong><br/> <br/>— <em>Lunch Time Comes Around —</em><br/><br/>Max: Man Shikai just what happened for you to miss almost all of your morning classes?<br/><strong>Shikai looks over to Kirisaki</strong><br/>Shikai: *She didn't tell them?*<br/><strong>He thinks to himself but quickly brushes</strong><br/><strong>off the thought</strong><br/>Shikai: You know I'm a deep sleeper, things just happen you know?<br/><br/><strong>The whole table just laughs it off but something stays on Shikai's mind, why didn't Kirisaki alert anyone? This question lingered on his mind all the way until school ended.</strong><br/><br/>— <em>Bell Rings —</em><br/>Max: Finally, Freedom!<br/>Shikai: About time.<br/>Max: Woah Shikai, you good?<br/>Shikai: Yeah, just not feeling it today.<br/>Max: That's not normal of you at all bro, but if you're in the mood enough you should come bowling with us<br/>Shikai: Bowling?<br/><strong>Shikai thinks about it</strong><br/>Shikai: Sure, I'll go.<br/>Max: Perfect bro! I gotta make a run though, but I'll make sure to see you there!<br/><strong>Max than leaves the classroom leaving Shikai to a empty room of desks</strong><br/>Shikai: Man…I need to pause these thoughts<br/><strong>Shikai than notices from the corner of his eye a figure standing in the doorway</strong><br/><br/>?: So you're the new guy<br/><strong>He walks up face to face with Shikai</strong><br/>Shikai: Didn't know newcomers could be a thing first week <br/><strong><em>The odd male chuckles</em></strong><br/>Jey: Jokester are you? My name is Jey. It would be disrespectful to fight you without giving you my name.<br/>Shikai: *Is this guy serious?*<br/><strong>Jey than proceeds to stretch his muscles out before coming to a pause.</strong><br/>Jey: Go.<br/><br/><strong>Shikai is than grabbed by his collar and thrown across 4 desks</strong><br/><br/>Shikai: <em>*Huff, Huff* </em><br/>Shikai: Not gonna give me any time to react big guy?<br/>Jey: I still don't think you could hang if I did.<br/><br/><strong>He than runs towards Shikai initating in hand to hand combat </strong><br/>Shikai: <em>*Shit, Shit, What do I do!?*</em><br/>?¿ - *<em>wħāt yøu wērē māde tø dø, FIGHT*</em><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/></p>