
Hidden Derelict

When the world of magic stands on the brink of an abyss, the gods intervene in a desperate act to avert the end of all things. "Hidden Derelict" follows the unexpected journey of Alex Rodriguez, a college student battling the constraints of a rare disease, who finds his fate rewritten in the mystical land of the Polehso Continent.

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3 Chs

Echoes of Another Self

Alex lay motionless, his eyes tracing the contours of the ceiling's grandeur, where intricate frescoes danced in the muted glow of morning light. The opulence that adorned his chamber was as suffocating as it was magnificent, a constant reminder of the life that had been thrust upon him. To the world, he was Finley Gratis of Trias Kingdom, but inside, the essence of Alex Rodriguez struggled beneath the weight of an identity that was not his own.

The analogy of poison lingered in his mind, a stark representation of his predicament. Was this new existence a toxin to be endured, one that would slowly fortify him with resilience? Or was it a lethal dose that would extinguish the spark of his soul, leaving him lost in an existence that felt like borrowed time?

The uncertainty of Finley's fate gnawed at him. His philosophical musings were overshadowed by a more pressing, haunting question—what becomes of a life interrupted? Did Finley's consciousness roam a spectral limbo, or had it been extinguished, leaving Alex as the sole inhabitant of a body that resembled a gilded cage?

Sighing deeply, he turned his attention from the baroque ceiling to the room around him. Each artifact and luxury seemed to mock his inner turmoil, whispering of a life of privilege he had not earned. The silence of the room was a heavy shroud, a canvas for the quiet despair that lurked within him.

As the sun climbed higher, his new family began to stir. Soft footsteps and hushed voices seeped through the walls, each sounds a reminder of the roles expected of him—the dutiful son, the promising young noble, the image of ducal legacy.

With a reluctant resolve, Alex forced himself from the comfort of the bed. His reflection in the looking glass was a stranger, the black hair and amber eyes of the Gratis lineage a disguise for the turmoil underneath. Yet, he began the rituals of dressing and grooming, each action a deliberate attempt to mold himself into the persona of Finley.

Breakfast was another performance. His siblings' concern was palpable, their attempts at conversation a delicate dance around his perceived fragility. Gretchen's commanding presence, Alfie's nurturing concern, Theodore's silent contemplation, and the twins' youthful exuberance all formed a constellation around him—a family he had to learn to orbit within.

As he picked at the rich foods before him, a servant entered, announcing a guest seeking an audience with the young master. The room tensed, the routine shattered by the unexpected visitation.

"The Baroness Elouise of the neighboring Calidian Region requests your presence, Master Finley," the servant spoke with a practiced bow.

A wave of anxiety washed over Alex. The Baroness—a figure of power and influence whose acquaintance he had never made on Earth, yet one with expectations of the rightful Finley. He was ill-prepared for such an encounter but knew instinctively that declining would not befit the son of Duke Gratis.

Gretchen offered a reassuring nod, her eyes reflecting the unspoken burden of nobility. "We shall accompany you, brother," she said with a diplomatic smile, and Alex felt a flash of gratitude for her support.

As they traversed the opulent hallways of the estate towards the grand meeting room, Alex felt the specter of Finley's life loom larger. The imminence of facing the Baroness was as daunting as the myriad mausoleum of unknowns that surrounded his new existence.

He steeled himself with every step, mustering a courage not born of this world but of necessity. In his mind, a silent plea for guidance went unanswered, his thoughts echoing through the corridors of his uncertainty.

Alex had rehearsed the image of a confident noble countless times in his head, pulling from the fragments of Finley's memories like an actor sifting through a script. As he approached the regal figure of Baroness Elouise, he mirrored the poise that he imagined the real Finley would have possessed. Standing tall, he brushed aside the uncertainty that clouded his eyes, replacing it with the clear, steady gaze of a young lord of the Trias Kingdom.

"Baroness Elouise," Alex greeted, his voice imbued with a strength he scarcely felt. "It is good to see you in health."

The Baroness, wrapped in silks and jewels that whispered of her station, regarded him with an expression of maternal warmth. "Lord Finley," she responded, her voice a gentle melody. "I am relieved to see you on your feet. The news of the... accident had us all deeply concerned."

Alex felt a flicker of curiosity—what accident? His mind raced, but he could not afford to show any hint of ignorance. The mention of a mishap was as much a mystery as it was a clue to the life he now occupied.

"Of what service can we provide you, Baroness?" Finley asked, his expression betraying a momentary flicker of confusion.

The baroness waved a delicate hand, dismissing his formality with the grace befitting her rank. "Not much, young lord," she replied, just as the doors to the chamber opened and the maids filed in. Each servant carried a gift, their arms laden with beautifully wrapped offerings—a visual testament to the baroness's generosity.

"This is but a small gesture from our family to yours," the baroness continued as the maids placed the gifts before him. "We are very sorry for what happened, and please, overlook my son's mishaps."

Another wave of confusion swept over Alex. Her son's mishaps? His mind spun with unanswered questions, but he recognized this as a moment requiring gratitude, not inquiry.

"We are grateful for your kindness, Baroness," he replied, managing to keep his tone even. "Your generosity is as boundless as your spirit is noble. Please, assure your son that there is no ill will between our houses."

The baroness inclined her head, a smile touching her lips, and just for a moment, Alex could almost believe he belonged in this intricate dance of nobility. Almost.

Gretchen stepped forward, nodding her acknowledgment of the gifts. "Baroness, your thoughtfulness touches us deeply. We shall treasure these gifts as a symbol of the friendship between our families."

The room hummed with the delicate niceties of high society, but beneath the veneer, Alex's mind raced. Each piece of information was a puzzle, each gesture a clue. He would need to learn quickly, to navigate the web of relationships and histories that Finley was a part of.

As the baroness took her leave, Alex felt the weight of the role he had been thrust into pressing down upon him. He must uncover the truth of Finley's 'accident' and the nature of her son's indiscretions—secrets that were now his to keep or unravel.

Turning to examine the gifts, Alex knew the day would come when he would no longer be the actor on the stage but truly become the master of this new existence. Until then, each word, each smile, would be a careful step along the path laid out for him by the three gods.

But Alex Rodriguez was not one to shrink from a challenge. With each passing day, he would forge his identity in this world, intertwining the essence of who he had been with the destiny of who he must become.