
Hidden Boss: The Author Become Mob

What do you want to do If you really reincarnated in your own novel? Become a Hero? A villian? A Side Character? Let's accompany Kenn to his Adventure as a New persona in his Novel.. Let's watch him if he becomes a hero or a villain..

LuciFirst_05 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
62 Chs

The Calm Before the Storm: Preparing for the Ultimate Battle

Within the realm of Celine's slumber, a captivating vision unfolded, offering respite from the trials of waking life. In this dreamlike state, she found herself encountering a man, bearing an aura of profound healing and compassion.

As Celine's dream weaved its enchanting tapestry, the man extended his hand, his touch gentle yet filled with an extraordinary power. With a flick of his finger, a wondrous transformation unfolded before her eyes.

From his fingertip, a radiant fire materialized, casting a gentle glow that permeated the surroundings. However, this fire held a remarkable quality—it possessed the inherent ability to heal, to mend, and to soothe. Its warmth, akin to a radiant sun, cascaded over Celine's body, bathing her in a comforting embrace.

Unlike the destructive forces often associated with fire, this ethereal flame exhibited remarkable ductility and tenderness. It gracefully danced, its movements fluid and serene, imbuing Celine's weary form with a renewed vitality. With each flickering flame, the fire acted as a conduit of restoration, infusing her being with revitalizing energy.

Within this transformative flame, Celine sensed a profound connection—a deep resonance between the healing fire and her own being. It whispered secrets of rejuvenation and renewal, infusing her with a sense of inner strength and resilience. As the fire's luminous glow permeated every fiber of her being, it brought solace to her tired spirit, eradicating any traces of ailment or fatigue.

The man, the guardian of this healing fire, held it with utmost care and precision. With each movement, he guided the gentle flames, allowing them to work their magic, as if performing a delicate operation upon a patient. The fire acted as an instrument of restoration, mending the fragmented pieces of Celine's well-being with its gentle warmth and luminosity.

And then, with a profound sense of accomplishment, the man gently withdrew his hand, and the fire gradually dissipated, leaving behind a lasting sense of tranquility and restoration. Celine stirred from her dream, a profound sense of gratitude lingering within her, as the memory of the healing fire continued to echo in her consciousness.

In her dream, Celine yearned to glimpse the man's face, but it remained hidden behind a veil. She longed to express her gratitude, but as she reached out, the man vanished, leaving her with a deep sense of sadness and loss.


As Celine's lovely eyes fluttered open, her delicate fingers instinctively sought the source of her pain. To her astonishment, her wounds had vanished, leaving behind only traces of fading memories. She cast her gaze upon her comrades, previously battered and broken, now peacefully resting with healed bodies. A wave of joy washed over her, for she knew in her heart that the man who had come to her aid was more than just a figment of her dream. With a sigh of profound relief, Celine embraced the belief that a benevolent force had indeed graced their presence, bringing solace and restoration to their bodies.

Celine approached her teammates, gently rousing them from their slumber, their eyes filled with bewilderment as they tried to make sense of the miraculous healing that had taken place while they were unconscious. Perplexed, they exchanged puzzled glances, searching for answers that seemed elusive.

Confusion deepened as they turned to John, their designated healer, who promptly denied any involvement. His mana had been depleted, and he had succumbed to unconsciousness even before Leo. The trio stood in collective disbelief, grappling with the mystery that lay before them. Who, then, could have intervened and mended their wounds?

Intrigued and with a sense of wonder, they embarked on a quest to unravel the enigma that surrounded their inexplicable healing. The unanswered question hung in the air, fueling their determination to uncover the truth and discover the identity of the mysterious benefactor who had intervened when all hope seemed lost.

In the aftermath of their revival, the trio huddled together, their minds buzzing with inquiries and the desire for understanding. Their collective gaze naturally gravitated towards Leo, whose peaceful slumber remained undisturbed amidst the commotion.

Joanne broke the silence, her voice laced with speculation, "Perhaps Leo holds the answers we seek." Her words hung in the air, capturing the group's shared intrigue. With eyes fixed upon their slumbering companion, they pondered the possibility that he held the key to unraveling the mysteries of their unconscious state.

Filled with anticipation, they engaged in a rapid exchange of questions, each seeking to piece together the puzzle of their shared experience. Yet, Leo's slumber remained unbroken, withholding the revelations they yearned to uncover.

The trio exchanged knowing glances, a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty mirrored in their eyes. In a silent agreement, they decided to patiently await Leo's awakening, trusting that when he did, he would shed light on the enigma that had enveloped them. The answers, they believed, lay dormant within their sleeping comrade, waiting to be unveiled as the mysteries unfurled.


Raven's trial has been ongoing for 14 hours, and there are only 10 hours left until its conclusion. So far, Leo's team successfully defeated the formidable Sabertooth Tiger. Other students managed to vanquish the [Three-eyed Giant Frog], the [Wind Demon Eagle], and the [Earth Golem]. These victories left only the powerful [Vanshee General], whom Frostine's team is currently facing in their final challenge.

As the golden sun emerged from its slumber in the eastern sky, its radiant beams spilled into the depths of the dungeon, casting a warm, comforting glow upon the weary student. A sigh of relief escaped their lips, for they knew that daylight brought with it a sense of safety, a respite from the lurking perils of the night. In the diurnal embrace of the sun, the monstrous denizens of the dungeon seemed to lose some of their untamed ferocity, their once daunting forms tempered by the gentle touch of daylight's grace.


[The special dungeon is a perplexing enigma, defined by a peculiar set of rules. It boasts a fully formed natural world, complete with a shining Sun, twinkling stars, and a serene Moon. However, one crucial aspect eludes understanding—touching any of these celestial wonders is not achievable. This riddle leaves all who encounter it in a state of bewilderment. How can such a self-contained and vibrant realm exist, yet remain tantalizingly out of reach? It is a mystery that lingers, begging the question: What secrets lie hidden within the mystifying depths of this inexplicable dungeon?]


In the aftermath of relentless battles, Raven's students seek respite, their weary bodies recuperating and mana replenishing. Amongst the trees, some drift into a deep slumber, while others perch on rocks, finding solace in focused meditation. Yet, unbowed by weariness, a few persist in their hunt, their kill counts rising with each victorious strike.

Meanwhile, the Frostine team battles on, their energy waning but their determination unyielding. Against the relentless might of the [Vanshee General], they summon their fading reserves of power, their struggle illuminated by flickering sparks of resilience.

Amidst it all, Lawrence's computing prowess stretches to its very limits. His mind races, calculations whirling in a desperate bid to unlock the dungeon's boss weakness.

As the students brace themselves for what lies ahead. The chapter draws to a close, and the shadows of their fate deepen, hinting at a thrilling climax yet to come.

End of Chapter.