
Hidden Boss: The Author Become Mob

What do you want to do If you really reincarnated in your own novel? Become a Hero? A villian? A Side Character? Let's accompany Kenn to his Adventure as a New persona in his Novel.. Let's watch him if he becomes a hero or a villain..

LuciFirst_05 · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Emergence of the Enigmatic Depths

Deep within the cavernous labyrinth, the bone-chilling wail of the [Vanshee General] reverberated, its echoes resonating with the ominous whispers of impending doom. Frostine, a master of ice magic, stood at the forefront, her vibrant blue eyes shimmering with a combination of determination and arctic power.

Frostine's crew, a diverse group of skilled warriors, fought alongside her, their weapons clashing with the relentless horde that encircled them. But amidst the chaos, Lawrence, a strategic genius, observed the unfolding battle, analyzing the movements of the enemy with calculated precision.

As the team fought relentlessly, news reached their ears of another team's triumphant victory over a fearsome boss in a distant region. This revelation ignited a fire within Frostine's soul, fuelling her aggression and driving her to strike down every foe in her path with unparalleled ferocity.

With each swing of her shimmering ice blade, Frostine sent icy tendrils surging towards her adversaries, encasing them in frozen tombs. Her crew, inspired by her tenacity, fought with newfound vigor, their combined efforts creating a symphony of destruction. Lawrence's strategic guidance proved invaluable, his mind calculating each move and directing the team to exploit the enemy's weaknesses.

As the battle raged on, Frostine's ice magic became a tempestuous force, freezing the very air around her. She conjured blizzards that engulfed the cave, freezing the enemies' movements and rendering them vulnerable to the onslaught of her team's attacks.

In the midst of the chaos, Lawrence's voice rose above the clamor, offering vital insights and orchestrating the team's maneuvers. His tactical brilliance allowed Frostine and her crew to anticipate the Vanshee General's every move, effectively neutralizing its attempts to rally the surrounding monsters.

With relentless determination, Frostine and her crew pressed forward, their coordination honed to perfection. They fought as one, exploiting the [Vanshee General's] vulnerabilities and striking with lethal precision. Frostine's icy onslaught became more potent, each spell and strike freezing the very essence of their monstrous foes.

Finally, Frostine's moment arrived. With Lawrence's guidance, she unleashed her most formidable ice spell yet, conjuring a swirling vortex of frost that consumed the [Vanshee General]. The creature's scream of anguish reverberated throughout the cave, only to be abruptly silenced as it succumbed to the freezing grip of Frostine's magic.

As the [Vanshee General] crumbled into icy shards, the cave fell into an eerie stillness. Frostine and her crew stood amidst the aftermath, their chests heaving with exhaustion and triumph. They had vanquished the formidable foe, thanks to Frostine's mastery of ice magic and Lawrence's strategic brilliance.

With a nod of mutual respect, Frostine and Lawrence acknowledged each other's pivotal roles in the victory. As the remnants of the enemy forces scattered, the team took a well-deserved respite, basking in the glory of their triumph.

The cave, once filled with the [Vanshee General's] chilling screams, now echoed with the sounds of relieved breaths and the soft crackle of melting ice. Frostine and her crew had emerged victorious, their bond forged in the crucible of battle. And as they regrouped and tended to their wounds, they knew that together, they would face any challenge that awaited them in the special dungeon.

After one hour,

As Barnett emerged from the dark cave, his eyes squinting against the bright sunlight, Lawrence tapped his shoulder with a playful smirk. "Hey Fatty, let's go, I think the trial is over."

Barnett chuckled good-naturedly, his jovial demeanor undeterred. "Ah, Lawrence, my sharp-tongued friend," he replied, patting his belly with a mischievous grin. "I may be overweight, but that doesn't dampen my spirit. Besides, I think this cave adventure gave me a great workout!"

Lawrence chuckled, admiring Barnett's unyielding positivity. "You always manage to find the silver lining, my friend. Your zest for life is truly inspiring."

Frostine, the cold girl with an air of mystery, joined the conversation, her icy gaze fixed on Barnett. "Indeed, Barnett. Your ability to find joy in any situation is commendable. It's a rare trait that sets you apart."

Barnett beamed at Frostine's acknowledgment, his eyes twinkling with genuine gratitude. "Thank you, Frostine. Life is too short to dwell on the negatives, you know? Every day is a blessing, and I intend to make the most of it."

A soft smile graced Lawrence's face as he nodded in agreement. "You're absolutely right, Barnett. We've been through countless trials together, and yet you always manage to remind us of what truly matters. It's a gift."

The other female, of average attractiveness, who had been listening silently, spoke up. "Barnett, your positivity is infectious. It's refreshing to have you around, especially in times like these."

Barnett's smile widened, his warmth radiating through his every word. "Thank you, my dear. Life's trials may be tough, but with a positive mindset and good company, we can conquer anything."

As they prepared to leave the cave, a sudden and powerful tremor shook the entire dungeon.Fear gripped their hearts as they turned their attention towards the center, where a mysterious door materialized.

The air surrounding it crackled with an ominous aura, causing all students in other areas to halt their movements. A mix of excitement and confusion washed over them, unsure of what lay beyond the door. However, a single word echoed in their minds, whispered by the enigmatic Raven, "This is the finale, wish you luck."

At that moment, the danger that emanated from the door became undeniable. The students could feel the weight of the impending challenge, their hearts pounding with a combination of fear and determination. It was as if the universe had conspired to test their courage and resilience. Yet, rather than succumbing to the overwhelming sense of danger, the students steeled themselves. They knew that their journey had led them to this pivotal point, and they were resolved to face whatever awaited them with unwavering determination.

With each passing second, the aura grew more potent, creating an electric atmosphere of uncertainty and anticipation. The students glanced at one another, finding solace in their shared determination. They understood that this was not a time to retreat or doubt their abilities; it was a time to embrace the challenges ahead and demonstrate the true extent of their strength. With newfound resolve, they took a collective breath and stepped forward, ready to confront the dangers beyond the special door. For in the face of adversity, they were united, and they knew that together, they could overcome any obstacle that lay in their path.

End of Chapter.