
Hi, Stranger

Jenny is Brooklyn High's new and most popular student and she is your 'dumb blonde' archetype, transferred from twelve different types of school. Then, Jimmy, your straight a student went to her life and things became messy.

Aria_1837 · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapter 1: James

 I can't believe I am tutoring a fucking tart. Like I can understand if the student does not understand the subject, that girl, Jenny does not care about her education. I then took out my Calculus textbook when I heard someone pipe up, "Jimmy." I looked up to see Harmony looking good natured as always.

 Harmony Clark, the yin to Sharon Clark, the queen bee's Yang. She was the unpopular artist and a very nice person compared to Sharon. Which brings me to Jenny spending way too much time with her.

 A brunette guy came up. It was Arthur, our best friend and the more popular one out of all of us. As we were walking to the Calculus classroom, Arthur saw something and said, "She's gorgeous." I followed his gaze at the tart and then his voice fell. He groaned and said, "She's with that vapid whore." I chuckled.

 I saw a note sticking out of Harmony's textbook and said, "Is that your boyfriend?" She covered her eyes with the book and smiled.

 Last summer, Harmony met this guy from an art camp and they fell in love apparently. Enough to make him her muse. As we went to class, I saw August, that guy who came to basketball snogging with Sharon Clark. Sharon was unbuttoning her shirt. Harmony dropped her books and said, "Auggie." 

 I looked away pained and Arthur came to comfort Harmony as I said, "That's fucked up." Sharon looked away, lipstick smudged, and said, "Aw, little Harmony, was that your imaginary boyfriend? Remember this, anything that is yours will be mine."

 Harmony got up and slapped August and with a pain-stricken face said, "Fuck you." August stood there uncomfortably with a notable lipstick smudge then looked at Jenny and said, "Did you know this?" She looked down and he said, "I can't believe you, Jenifer, my fucking girlfriend had to see me kiss your friend, why, cause you kept on egging me on to do this, kept on begging me to do this to keep your popularity."

 She looked down and he went after Harmony. Arthur said, "Well, that destroys all my chances of dating her." I chuckled more and Jenny came up to me as she took a piece of paper and wrote something on it and said, "Here, come to this address to tutor me at 3p.m." I took this and raised my hands like finally.

 On Saturday, at three in the afternoon, I rang the doorbell and saw August open the door. He gave me a weary smile and said, his voice dripping with contempt, "Jenifer's not here." I sighed and said, "How are you?" 

 He looked and said, "Horrible, my fucking girlfriend thinks I kiss her sister because I was playing with her." I looked away and took out my phone and pressed a recording. I said, "I recorded down your argument with Jenifer, I have Harmony's number as her childhood friend and could send it to her if you tell me the truth."

 He brightened up and said, "Thanks a bunch, but I wasn't lying, Jenifer's not at home." I looked shock and said, "Where is she?" He looked at me and said, "Community classes in calculus" 

 I blinked in shock and said, "Isn't she dumb?" He looked and said defensively,"Even though she has done things I don't like, she's not just a dumb blonde, she actually has a job that requires her to do a lot of calculus." I looked at him and said, "But Jenny failed her Calculus." He laughed and said, "Jenny mixes with the wrong crowd, they were pressuring her to give them answers last year and she got caught, failing her Calculus and many other subjects."

 I looked at August and said, "What should I do?" He said, "I suggest you find the nearest cab to New York and convince her that she is in a vicious cycle." I went to find a taxi and hailed it and I said, "Cornell University." When I reached there, I thought, 'The campus is huge, how am I gonna find her?" Then I saw a familiar shock of blonde hair and saw her. I went up to her. 

 I followed her until I got slammed into a door. I rubbed my poor nose as the professor recited, "Now class, let's being with the coursework for differential calculus on page 19." I heard the rustling of pages and thought, 'This was going on forever." I then saw a professor and she said, "Excuse me, are you new here?"

 I looked around and said, "No, I am a student here." She looked me up and down and said, "Aren't you a bit young?" I said, "I am waiting for the psychology professor to come." The professor looked me up coldly and said, "I am the psychology professor and I have never had an adjunct who looked like you, so either you are lying to me or I mistakenly never saw your resume." I then decided to scram out and at least a few meters away from the community centre..

 I wonder in my little bubble how long the lecture will be and I was thinking until I decided to call Harmony. I called Harmony and she picked up with a croaked reply, "Hello." I said, "Hi, how are you doing?"

 She bawled and said, "My boyfriend cheated on me, how do you think I'm doing? Oh and my best friend is with that group of bitches, makes it ten times worse." I answered, "Wait, Jenny is your best friend?"

 She laughed and said, "I met her in art camp. She went for coding class next to my art class, she's smart, why is she with my bitchy sister? I can't draw, I wish I can unsee that kiss. Losing all motivation to draw." 

 I then heard someone ask, "What are you doing here?" I looked up to see Jenifer.