
Hi, Stranger

Jenny is Brooklyn High's new and most popular student and she is your 'dumb blonde' archetype, transferred from twelve different types of school. Then, Jimmy, your straight a student went to her life and things became messy.

Aria_1837 · Teen
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5 Chs

Prologue: Jenny

I was at Brooklyn High, the place that churns out Ivy-league scholars. I have been transferred by twelve different others schools because of my horrible grades. I was with Principal Martin, the principal of this school. She said, "Because of your horrible grades, I found the finest tutor in the school." A tall, lean boy came in and said, "Hi, Principal Martin, you called me."

 She beckoned him to sit next to me and said, "So James, I came here to talk about Miss Stranger's grades, her grade point average otherwise known as G.P.A is at 2.5 and I was thinking of my wonderful son to help me tutor this girl." He looked at me and then at her and breathed a sigh and said, "I hope I'm getting paid." 

 She smiled and said, "Oh, you are and I want you to start on her calculus, look at how hopeless she is at it." He looked at her and just carried his bag and stormed off. I nodded and left. As I was looking for my class, I saw a group of brunettes and redheads and asked the leader, a strawberry blond, "Hi, um, do you know where class 203 is?"

 She stared down at me in disgust until she smirked and said, "I could tell you or you could join our group, The Royals, all you have to do is skip some periods of class and join in our fun?" I nodded and I drove us to the mall. We hung out and then we went to the bar and got some drinks.

 The brunette whom I asked, Sharon, handed the fake id and said, "Five margaritas." He handed the drinks and we partied nonstop. Afterwards, we went to a clothing store and got expensive clothes for me.

 As I walked home, my mother said to me, "Honey, how was school?" I smiled and said, "School was great." As I was walking, I saw my twin brother, August, looked at me and said, "You're at Brooklyn High, right?" I nodded and he said, "Today was our first day and I never saw you, did you skip?"

 I laughed and said, "Well what do you think?" He nodded. I rolled my eyes and said, "Pass me the cash." We went to his room and he gave me his homework. I did his homework and said, "It's child's play."

 He grinned and I went to my room. Before I left his room, he said, "Do you know a guy named James Martin?" I nodded and he said, "He's nice, probably because I am dating Harmony."

 I laughed and said, "Mr. Principal Son was too upset to be tutoring the dumb blonde here." He laughed and said, "Honestly speaking, James seems pretty nice, he is in basketball like me." I laughed and went to my room.