
HexChain: Forgotten Support

WPC DEC 2023 Entry Hit me with powerstones. ---------------------------------- If one day you regains the memories of your past life and finds out that you are a character in a novel, what would you do? and what would you do if you found out that the author forgot to use your character ?? our mc was supposed to be a support character in a novel, but the author had forgotten that he had created such a character!!! ----===========---- WHAT?, YOU CREATED AI WITH RUNES? WHATT??, HOW ARE YOU FLYING?? WHAT ARE THOSE WEAPONS?? WHATTT???, YOU CREATED BLOCKCHAIN ON MAGIC???

InfiniteReviveCopy · Fantasi
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Falling Leaf Auction House

Today i gave my family a crash course on how to run this business, well my mother wasn't interested but she along with father and mia were astonished at the amount of money involved in the business. Father is a 5th circle mage but he dosen't have the talent in runes so he can only help by refines mana stones and other materials which can increase efficiency, but i just told him to take it easy and look after the counter.

I actually have an idea to build prosthetic legs for him, i just needs to find some suitable materials, thus if he takes on the refiner role he might feel conflicted when he could go back to the world of tomb raiders.

I spend the day making scrolls and working on enchantment jobs till evening, today is the day of auction.

Falling Leaf, one of the biggest auction houses in the kingdom is located in this city, the owner of the auction house is serena skylark is also the younger sister of crystal vale city lord. In the past i have sold some of my scrolls to the auction house and we have met at some other occassions as well.

Klein said his goodbye at evening and headed to the auction house on a carriage, he arrived infront of a giant building with the name falling leaf auction house, everything about this building exuded a wealthy and powerful atmosphere, the giant entrance at the front are wide open with strong looking people guarding it, as well as some attendants for welcoming guests.

Klein wore expensive clothing for this occassion as he clearly remembers denied entry when he came to sell scrolls looking like a begger, at that time klein was just starting and was only foccused on making as many scrolls as he can and hadn't even thought of dressing up or even taking a bath.

An attended invited him to a seat in the middle area, the inside was like an opera house with an elevated stage on the front and balconies on the sides, some are closed vip cabins. The attendant handed him an auction catalog that contains items up for todays auction excluding some mystery items and the main items. The main items are not revealed to increase the expectations of participants because of the fact that this is from a ninth circle mage.

The item on this catalog are quite interesting, there are various weapons, high grade mana stones and it even have a high grade empty magic crystal, since this magic crystall is appraised as empty, not many people would show an interest in it, people at this point in the story dosent know the full use of magic crystalls, they only see it as an expensive teaching material, it is only later in the story that our mc gets a magic crystal from an ancient puppet swordsman golem that he understands that it is used as a controlling unit like a brain for the puppet swordsman. There were no control circuits on any of the discovered magic crystalls because firstly it wasnt invented, well, actually the inventer got killed by the puppet swordsman that he created and since his facility was deep underground, the puppets he created were traped inside and hasn't discovered yet..

But since i know the true potential of these and posess the talent for utilizing that potential, i will be snatching those. Hmm, if they are showing all these as side dish then they definitely would have something pretty impresdive for the main items, i cant wait.

The auction house was filling up fast and at the designated time, the doors were closed and the curtain was parted away to reveal an elegant old man in a black suit butler outfit holding what seemed to be a mic that worked using runes. He was standing on the stage and spoke to the audiance.

"Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen, we at the falling leaf welcomes you all to this splendid auction."

The auctioneer continued, "We have prepared a variety of items for your bidding pleasure, ranging from rare artifacts, powerful weapons, and even some mysterious treasures. We hope you will find something that suits your taste and budget. And of course, we have saved the best for the last. The main items of this auction are from the personal collection of the legendary ninth circle mage, Lord Zephyr. These items are of unparalleled value and quality, and we are honored to present them to you today. But before we get to that, let us start with the first item on the list."

He gestured to the side, where a pair of attendants brought out a large wooden box. They opened it carefully, revealing a gleaming sword inside. The blade was silver, with intricate runes engraved on it. The hilt was wrapped in black leather, and the pommel had a red gem embedded in it.

"This is the Silver Flame Sword, a rare high grade weapon forged by the renowned smith, Master Ragnor. It is said that this sword can ignite with fire when activated by mana, and can cut through almost anything. It is a perfect weapon for adventurers and warriors who seek to challenge the unknown. The starting bid for this item is 100 gold coins. Do I hear any bids?"

The crowd erupted in whispers and murmurs, as some people raised their hands or shouted their bids. Klein watched with interest, but he did not intend to bid for this item. He had his own weapons, and he was more interested in the magic crystals and scrolls. He scanned the catalog, looking for the items he wanted. He noticed that some of the items were marked with a star, indicating that they were mystery items. He wondered what they could be, and if they were worth bidding for.

He also glanced at the vip cabins, wondering who was inside. He knew that some of the most influential and wealthy people in the city would be attending this auction, and he hoped to avoid any trouble with them. He had made some enemies in the past, and he did not want to attract their attention. He also hoped to see Serena Skylark, the owner of the auction house and the sister of the city lord. He had a good relationship with her, and he wanted to thank her for inviting him to this auction. He had received a special invitation card from her, which gave him access to the middle area seats. He wondered if she had any ulterior motives for inviting him, or if she was just being friendly.

He decided to wait until the auction was over, and then look for her. He hoped she would be in a good mood, and maybe give him some discounts or favors. He smiled to himself, thinking of the possibilities. He turned his attention back to the auction, as the auctioneer announced the next item. It was a high grade empty magic crystal, the one that Klein wanted. He prepared to bid, hoping to get it for a low price. He did not expect anyone else to be interested in it, since most people did not know its true potential.

He was wrong.

'I was wrong, i forgot to account for her.'

Usually high grade empty magic crystalls only go for 6 to 8 gold, but now a lady on the back rows bid for 8 gold straight away. That lady was someone klen knows, she, sera livingston was like him a background character, she was a classmate of the main characters, she was introduced as a typical bookworm and was the part time library assistant at the academy, she wasn't poor and she wasn't rich either, her family runs a business solely gocussed on rune based appliences and was somewhat succeasful.

she was talented in magic and is also talented in runic language, thus when the full potential of magic crystalls were revealed, she was one of the first to start utilizing it.

Since its like that, she must be experimenting with magic crystalls as well. But i have to get this, high grade magic crystalls were not that rare but one thats empty was rare but since its considered a defective item and it was only a tenth of the real one in value.

I immediately bid for 9 gold, i can't help it since the rule for bidding is to increase the bid in same currency i have to increase with gold.

she immediately bid for 10, i followed, she adden one more, i followed. Compared with the excitement of the previous auction, our bidding was like childsplay for some and some showed amusement. Finally i won with 16 gold regretably. But its worth it.

The auction continued and i also bought a few low grade magic crystalls and some high grade mana stones, my heart was bleeding with every bid i made but it is what it is. Apparently there was a lot of high grade runic weapons and some were interesting, and finally it was time for the main dish.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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