
HexChain: Forgotten Support

WPC DEC 2023 Entry Hit me with powerstones. ---------------------------------- If one day you regains the memories of your past life and finds out that you are a character in a novel, what would you do? and what would you do if you found out that the author forgot to use your character ?? our mc was supposed to be a support character in a novel, but the author had forgotten that he had created such a character!!! ----===========---- WHAT?, YOU CREATED AI WITH RUNES? WHATT??, HOW ARE YOU FLYING?? WHAT ARE THOSE WEAPONS?? WHATTT???, YOU CREATED BLOCKCHAIN ON MAGIC???

InfiniteReviveCopy · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Testing Destruptor

"These are your weapons. I call them Disruptor Gloves. They can perform five different skills: fire blast, ice blast, shockwave, shock absorption and body strengthening. They are powered by mana stones, which are on the back of the gloves. They have trigger runes, which are on the thumb fingers and the palm of the gloves. You can activate the skills by gestures, or sending mana to the gloves with the intent to use the skills. Do you want to try them out?"

'What, WHAT, five skills, different triggers and i heard he only came back yesterday, is he for real, in one day!!.'

I stopped my mouth from opening wide and noded eagerly, then I put on the gloves. I could feel a slight tingling sensation, as if the gloves are syncing with me. I looked at Klein, and he noded back.

"Follow me. I have a testing area behind the shop. You can use the skills there without worrying about damaging anything."

He leads us to the back of the shop, where there is a door that leads to a large open space. There are several targets and dummies set up, as well as some obstacles and barriers. It looks like a training ground for rune warriors.

"Welcome to my testing area. This is where I test my products and practice my skills. You can use any of the targets or dummies to test your skills. Just be careful not to hit yourself or me. And don't worry about the noise, the area is soundproofed. Now, let me show you how to use the skills."

He stands next to me, and he points to a target that is about ten meters away.

"Let's start with the fire blast. To use it, you need to point your right arm at the target, and send mana to the glove with the intent to create a fire blast or make a fist then clench tightly. You will feel a slight recoil, and a red beam of energy will shoot out from the glove. It will hit the target and cause an explosion. Try it."

I did as he says, and I point my right arm at the target. I send mana to the glove, and I think of creating a fire blast. I feel a slight recoil, and a red beam of energy shoots out from the glove. It hits the target, and causes an explosion. The target is engulfed in flames, and I hear a loud boom.

"Wow, that was amazing!, It is do destructive."

I exclaim, and I look at Klein. He smiles, and nods.

"Good job. That was the fire blast. It can ignite or melt anything it hits. It is very effective against flammable or metal objects. Now, let's try the ice blast. To use it, you need to point your left arm at the target, and send mana to the glove with the intent to create an ice blast or do the gesture. You will feel a slight recoil, and a blue beam of energy will shoot out from your gloves. It will hit the target and cause a freezing effect. Try it."

I did as he says, and I point my left arm at the target. I send mana to the glove, and I think of creating an ice blast. I feel a slight recoil, and a blue beam of energy shoots out from my finger. It hits the target, and causes a freezing effect. The target is covered in ice, and I hear a cracking sound.

"So cool!"

"Good job. That was the ice blast. It can freeze or slow down anything it hits. It is very effective against water or organic objects.

"Now, let's try the shockwave skill. To use it, you need to stretch your palm, and send mana to the glove with the intent to create a shockwave. You will feel a slight pressure, and a powerful wave of energy will emanate from your palm. It can push back or knock down anything in close range. Try it."

I did as he says, and I stretch my palm. I send mana to the glove, and I think of creating a shockwave. I feel a slight pressure, and a powerful wave of energy emanates from my palm. It hits a group of dummies, and they fly back and fall to the ground.

"Wow, that was incredible!"

I couldn't stop exclaiming at the performance of these gloves.

"Good job. That was the shockwave. It can push back or knock down anything in close range. It is very effective against multiple or large enemies also if you place both palms side by side, you can increase the damage output.

And it fits perfectly with your martial arts which uses palm strikes for offensive and defensive moves."

'He's indeed right, if each of my palm strikes could have that much destructive power, i could be invincible at close range, and those blastets deals damage at mid to long range, this is perfect for me.'

"Now, let me show you the last two skills, As you have asked i put a body strengthening rune on both of these, it can enhance your speed, strength and agility, but be mindful that activating for longer duration will easily eat out the mana stones.

The last one is Shock Abdorption, it is a passive ability that can absorb the impact of every strike and will convert the impact energy and use it to recharge the mana stone, thus if you could find a rhythm, then theoretically you would not need to replace the mana stone."

Hearing the last part both me and my bodyguard couldn't close our mouths, such a method of recharging the mana stone, i have never heared of it, to this something like this could be made in a single day, mr. klein is indeed very talented.

"T,That is incredible. C,Can i really take this?"

"Offcourse, its made specifically for you."

"Thank you."


[Klein's Pov]

'What, why are you asking if you could take it?, you are buying it, BUYYIIIINNNGG IT."

After the testing we returned back inside the shop, and i gave the gloves to aiden for packing. Ugh, she not asking how much it costs is making me nervous.

"Young miss, here are the gloves and the invoice."

'Nicely done aiden, i will give you a bonus.'

I gave aiden an invisible thumbs up and wsited for aria to pay the gold.

She read the invoice and looked at me in surprise.

'Dont look at me like that kid, i am just taking back the tax i paid to your father.

"This, this is so cheap?, Mr. Klein is this correct, i can't have you take a loss."


I took at the invoice and it says 100 gold, well, its the right amount, but i can understant where she is coming from, in other shops even a simple rune like windblade could cost about 50 gold, so my prizing may seem cheap to her.

'But i just created it under an hour, how can i ask for more than this amount?'

"Miss aria, this is the right amount, you dont have to worry."

Miss aria looked at me and gave a knowing smile, i too smiled back.

"Ah!, mr.klein, i heared your family is here."

"Uhm, well, yes, they just settled in yesterday. My sister is of similar age to you, do you want to meet her?"

'Having them aquinted would be good for her future.'

"Sure, there aren't many girls my age here, its good if she and i could become friends, may be we could even become sparring partners."

"Haha, i dont know about that, she hasn't received any professional training, and she isn't as matured as you are."

Klein and Aria went upstairs to meet his family. He introduced her to his parents and sister, who welcomed her warmly. Aria and his sister hit it off right away. They chatted for a while, then Aria said goodbye and left with her bodyguard.

"Brother, she invited me to train with her, should I go? she said the dojo is greatand she will help me train."

"Well, you do lack in mana manipulation, and you dont like to study runes. Since you will be going to the academy with her, i guess it wont be too bad to train your body."

"Academy?, b,but..."

"Hoho, yes yes, i already applied for you. Hehe"

i could see the disbelieving and horrified look on her face, but it seems cute to me. Ha Ha.

'This will cause a ripple on the story, but i had already made many ripples and will continues to make many stronger rippled in the future as well.'

Now that i am a few hundred gold's richer, i shoud attend that auction tomorrow. I have this feeling that something extremely good might show up since it was the tomb of a 9th circle mage. But it will also invite a lot of competition and i can't afford competition.

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