
Hex-The lies you were told

You were told that there are only six infinity stones and that they each existed when the universe first made its appearance as The Big Bang, but what if I told you that these were all lies. Lies told to protect you from the truth, to protect you from the weapon and definition of death and destruction? Hex, the name given to the mortal that was so unfairly forced and chosen to become the pain and misery of this power. The 'mother' of all six infinity stones. The original stone that overpowers them all.

Marnika_Stander · Filem
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20 Chs

A Reconciliation

-Present day-

"But Hela is dead. I saw how Surtur destroyed Asgard with her on it and Loki killed Laufey years ago." Thor said to Hex who has yet again returned to look out of the window and search. When Hex informed everyone of the situation she mentioned Laufey allying his army with Hela.

Hex no longer searched for Hela or Laufey, but instead started looking and trying to find someone else. Someone who she knows they will need and would most definitely play a big part in this upcoming war.

"You did not see her die Thor. She escaped before the fall of Asgard and you and I both know Loki is the god of mischief. He was under Thano's control during that time and therefore only killed the mirror image of Laufey and not the real king himself. Thanos made Loki believe that he killed Laufey so that he can be seen as the man who caused war between Frost Giants and Asgardians. Laufey was still in Jotenheim during the time Thanos decided to play puppet." Hex spat that last part about Loki being a puppet in the little game Thanos played.

"How do you know this? You were in the chamber this whole time." Maria said.

"True, but I can see everything when I am awake. I can see the different plausible futures and I can see the past. Every detail of every person, every day of their lives. For centuries I've had do deal with the pain and misery the universe holds. I sometimes block it off, refusing to know what awaits. But this, this is something I had to see. Something I know how to handle." Hex said.

She could feel the tension in the air and she hated it. She can hear the crying of a woman from across the country and a child laughing across the globe. She can even hear the cheering from a different planet. She did not care which one. She accidentally made her mind vulnerable, making her hear everything. She quickly shut them all out, not finding who she was looking for when she searched. He is hiding and he is doing a really good job at keeping his mind from her. She taught him what he knows and she still regrets teaching him those skills.

"So you can see the future? What like Strange did with the time stone?" Banner asked curiously.

Hex knew Steven Strange had the stone and she knew he was the perfect man for protecting it. So the mention of him using the stone for when Thanos came to collect it was no new information for her.

Hex turned around, giving up on her search and walked towards the group. She sat on a surprisingly comfortable armchair that faced everyone.

"Yes more or less. It works differently but yes that's probably the easiest way to explain it." Hex said. The group was quiet, thinking about how they are going to have to deal with another threat towards the planet within a span of just 2 days. The universe hasn't even healed from the 5 year gap most of them missed.

"We should call everyone. They would want to know what is happening. Besides from the sound of it we don't really have much of a choice to get everyone involved." Maria sighed. Both her and Fury moved from their standing positions and took out their cell phones, calling everyone they can.

"Well, I'm not going to bed after all that information. Anyone want a drink?" Bucky said standing up, heading towards the kitchen.

"Make it 5 for me." Thor said and walked over towards where Bucky was.

"I'll have something." Carol said also headed for the kitchen.

"Me too." Wanda and Sam said in almost unison, both staying in their current positions.

"I'll skip tonight. I think I'm going to the lab. Try and figure stuff out I guess." Banner said standing up and walking out of the lounge. He wasn't heading towards the lab, everyone knew that. He was heading towards the dam where he sat on the deck every night. He was still hoping in a way. Hoping that his best friend and the woman he once loved would return. It gave him some sort of peace to sit in the silence. He enjoyed it and on this night he valued it the most. He did not know when he will have such peace and quiet again.

"What do you have?" Hex said and walked towards the kitchen. She went to sit on one of the bar stools and looked curiously at what Bucky was making for them.

"A bit of everything. We need it." Bucky said and continued making cocktails out of what ever he could find. It was going to be an interesting night, but at least they would momentarily forget about the war they had coming their way.

Everyone was making jokes and laughing during the time they waited for Bucky to finish their drinks. Hex tuned in on the conversations, but felt distracted at the same time. Only laughing occasionally.

"Here you go doll. I hope you aren't that easily affected cause I have a feeling that this is not going to be an early night for any of us." Bucky said smiling, sliding a drink towards Hex.

"Not to worry. I know I can out drink all of you here. Even the god of thunder himself." Hex said and patted Thor on the back while she referred to him. She stood up smiling and took her drink, heading for the lounge.

"Oh please. You could never beat me. I am the best at this and you know it." Thor said grinning and pointed to Hex. He managed to make it to the lounge with all five of his drinks without spilling.

The group all enjoyed each others company and laughed at a few jokes Thor made while he downed his third drink. It wasn't long until Fury and Maria came back. The group was suddenly silent again, reminded of the real situation at hand.

"Strange will be here tomorrow morning first thing and the rest will try to be here at some point during the day." Maria said looking at the group.

"Parker will not be joining us. The kid already went through enough. I will be leaving as soon as possible. I have some matters to deal with somewhere else. " Fury stated. Everyone was a bit confused but understood why he did not want to be involved. There was not much he could do. He did offer assistance if they needed it but for now he and Maria will be heading overseas. Peter had a school trip and it was the perfect opportunity to get the new recruit they had, Mysterio, involved in the missions.

Fury and Maria left soon after and the group was yet again on their own. Clint left not long after them and headed straight for home. He needed to be with his family. Nobody wanted him to fight this war with them. He already fought his and he had a family waiting for him while none of the others did anymore.

After most of the group had finished their first round and started on their seconds, while Thor was busy with his 7th and 8th, they decided to get their minds truly away from their troubles.

"Alright, alright now lets see who is truly the strongest here. I want Thor and Bucky to arm wrestle and then I want Carol and Hex. The winner from each round must battle together in the final." Sam said smiling enjoying the moment.

Thor never backing away from a challenge liked this already and sat at the ready. Bucky knew he had little chance against the god of thunder, but he also knew that against Thor who already had down his 10th drink is a different story. True, he wasn't drunk but he got distracted easily and Bucky used that towards his advantage. Bucky sat at the ready and as soon as Sam said go, Bucky quickly made it look like he was grabbing Thor's drink. With that, Thor completely forgot about the competition he was supposed to win and instead focused on his drink that he thought will get stolen. Bucky, seeing that Thor is distracted, pulled their intertwined hands towards him making Thor's head hit the table. After realising what happened, Thor tried moving as quick as he can to gain control of the situation, but Bucky was too fast and already prepared himself for the defence Thor would give.

Thor pushed himself up and pulled their hands towards him again and aimed to end the foolish game, but Bucky instead jumped and landed on Thor's back pinning him to the ground. It was a game of who was smarter not stronger in this situation. Thor groaned as Bucky got off of him smiling, happy at what he accomplished.

"I guess we have a winner then." Sam smiled while the others shook their heads in amusement.

"That's not how the game works." Thor said bitterly and got up from where he laid on the floor.

"Nobody said anything about there being any rules." Buck said surrendering and giving a small laugh. "Now for the ladies." He said pointing towards the women staring at him.

"Oh this should be good." Wanda said sipping from her drink.

'No no no. All three of you against each other." Thor said.

Wanda's smile vanished as quickly as it arrived. "You can't arm wrestle with three people."

"You call that arm wrestling?" Sam said pointing towards Bucky and Thor. "We wanna see the powers. You all claim to be very powerful, but I want to know how powerful you are against each other."

"Oh no. That is not happening. I do not need to prove myself to anyone like you boys do." Hex said.

"Yeah I think I'm going to stick with her for this one. I don't think it should be fair if we took the glory. It seems like you guys are enjoying yourselves." Wanda said, taking a drink from her glass.

"Yeah me neither. I'd rather not waste my energy on meaningless games." Carol said.

"You guys are probably just scared and neither one of you wants to face me." Bucky said, clearly joking.

The girls all looked towards one another and Hex sent an idea towards their thoughts. Both Carol and Wanda smiled and nodded at the plan. All three girls stood up from their seats and headed for the door. Just as the boys thought they were on their way outside, they each turned around and smiled mischievously at the three men in front of them. Hex waved her hand and all three girls disappeared into thin air. Stunned at what just happened, the boys stared in confusion and waited. Just as they were about to call out they were each tackled from behind and pinned on the ground. Hex had Thor's head and arm locked between her legs, Carol had Bucky's legs and arms pinned behind his back and Wanda had Sam's arms pinned behind his. None of the three men could find a way to get out and they all eventually gave up.

"We are certainly not scared of facing any of you." Hex laughed. "We didn't even have to use our powers to get you pinned." The three women let the men go and stood up with proud and satisfied expressions on their faces. Thor was done being humiliated and grabbed his axe.

"Well I guess this is my time to leave then. I'll be heading towards my chambers." Thor stood, taking Stormbreaker with him. He did not want to take part in more games. He no longer felt the need to.

"Yeah I think I'm also going to head on out." Sam said, slightly stretching his arms from where he was pinned.

"Me too." Bucky said, avoiding eye contact and leaving without another word.

Still laughing and smiling Carol and Wanda both also decided to call it a night and left. Hex cannot sleep, she never needed to. And she also couldn't shake the feeling of that someone she cannot hear. She can feel him, but she cannot pinpoint where.

Hex walked towards the windows and looked up at the sky once again. She loved seeing the stars and planets. She sometimes dove far enough to see the people doing their routines and schedules. Each of them in their own small globe. She was always fascinated by the different cultures and creatures she finds when she looked. She wanted to dove in even deeper when a familiar tug came for her thoughts. With it the familiar sensation of magic in the atmosphere. She thought it was odd at first, since no one here would be trying to enter her thoughts and no one here was skilled in the use of magic. That was until she smelled the familiar firewood and ink with a hint of cologne coming from behind her. She removed her eyes from the sky and stared at the reflection of the silhouette behind her from the window.

"Loki" She said.

"Hello darling. Did you miss me?"