
Herscherr in the Multiverse

Herscherrs. God-like beings who can completely manipulate a single aspect of reality. From creation and Spacetime manipulation to Molecular acceleration and deceleration. Even a single one has the power to completely erase whole Continents from the face of the Earth. But what if someone recieved the powers of the strongest among the Herscherrs?

Laplaces_dream · Derivasi dari game
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24 Chs

Status Plate

Slowly everyone seemed to understand the reality of the situation. But suddenly, Ms Aiko started shouting about how she can't send her students to fight the war. She starts arguing with the Pope about this and tells the Pope to fight the war of this world with their own people.

But the guy who had asked the Pope to explain about this world interrupts Ms. Aiko and tells that he will help the people of this world. His friends also followed his lead and told the Pope that they will be fighting too. Slowly the whole class followed their lead and started joining the cause. I think that guys name is Amanogawa Kouki. He looks like to be the leader of the class along with his three friends.


The Pope told that they will be participating in a war. A WAR. Places where death is everywhere. Even the concentration of death in this world is extremely high. Something in me can calculate the amount of Death in this world. When I ask myself what is calculating it, my mind replied Gem of Serenity.

Though I couldn't find out what it does but I know it has something to do with death and life, though the former more than the latter.

I look towards all the morons who were present in my class. They are all looking towards me.

"What?" I ask a little annoyed by their stupidity.

"Who are you?"One of the girls who is friends with Kouki asked me, I think her name was Yaegashi Shizuku.


What? You are back Sirin?


Then who are you?

'Answer her question first.'

I was about to answer her question but suddenly Ms. Aiko appeared right in front of me and started introducing me.

"His name is Welt König, he was supposed to start from today in our class! But... but..." After that the started crying a little but she quickly fixed herself and continued speaking, "... as we are here right now. Please be friendly with him and help him if he needs anything!"

Shizuku nodded a little and then asked another question, "So what do you want to do?"

"Are there any kind of options moron?"(AN: This might seem extremely rude to her, but this way of talking is justified. From the memories he received from Sirin, there were also all the memories of wars and battles from the HonkaiVerse, so when people like Kouki become all excited and optimistic about wars it can really piss of people like him.

Next is just my own personal experience. When I first read this scene in the manga, I was like "Dude What the fuck?! You all really want to fight in a war?! And the classmates would even go to war under peer pressure?!")

She seemed a little suprised with my blunt way of talking and meekly answered, "...no."

After I went towards their group I see Ms. Aiko following me in an extremely depressed manner.

The Pope satisfied with our desicion asked us to rest for today and meet up tomorrow for determining our class.



During the evening, I was lying down on my bed and thinking about what I should do. Should I even return to my old universe? I mean, I have no kind of connection with my old World. And also this power that I have is not made for that world. I have a feeling that if I were to use my power in my old world right now then the effects experienced by the world will be a lot.

While I was thinking about all of this, suddenly I hear a knock on the door of my room. I open the door and see Ms. Aiko standing outside wearing the dress given to us by the Church.

"Can I come in König-Kun?"

I nod to her question and move aside to let her enter my room. She enters my room and I close the door, then I sit down on the bed. Ms. Aiko takes the chair present in the room and sits infront of me.

"König-Kun, I don't even know what should I say. You were an extremely great student starting in the new school for scholarship, but suddenly... Suddenly... This happened! I don't know how to apologise for this, but please forgive me!" She said with a few tears in her eyes.

"What are you apologising for Ms. Aiko?"

"I know how you tried to escape from the room the moment that huge thing appeared in the classroom. But because of me, you couldn't get out of the class."

Looks like she saw my attempt at escaping the room.

"It's okay, I don't think I could have got out quickly enough to escape from that circle. Anyways, thanks for caring about me."

She rubs her eyes a little and starts speaking a cheerfully. "It's my job, so of course I would care about my students!"

After talking about some random things a little she then got out from my room.

I looked towards her small back which was carrying the huge responsibility of all of her students. I found her interesting and respectable.



The next day we were all standing outside on a large field. Infront of us was a man wearing a very large and bulky armour.

He handed all of us a small metal plate and called it a "Status Plate." The Status Plate apparently shows us our abilities in numeric form. This thing is also used as an identification card in this world. The man then asked us to make a small cut on our fingers and spill a drop of blood onto the Status Plate to make it register us as the owner. I follow his instructions and after a few seconds some text appears on the card.

Welt König

17 years old, male

Level: 1

Class: Void Manipulator

STR: 30. VIT: 1500. DEF: 25. AGI: 80. MAG: 500 RES: 1000.


Void Manipulation


Mind magic immunity

Corruption Resistance

External Energy Resistance

Language Comprehension

(AN: It is cannon that everyones age is 17. Dude, do they look like fucking 17 in the manga or even in the anime?!)

Interesting. They didn't even display half of all the abilities that I have, but they identified the ability of Herscherr of the Void as Void Manipulation. I think they also considered Honkai Energy as Magic Energy. The man said that the average status of the civilians in this world is 10 in all of them. I am more than the average in all of the parameters. And I have exceptional magic and resistance and extremely high vitality, is it because of my long lifespan? Most probably.

The man whose is Geld or something asked us to announce our classes and statuses.

'Meld Rogins, Commander of the Knights.'

Thanks Sirin.

Oh right, I talked with her yesterday. Apparently, this personality is kind of like a power saving mode of Sirin, well rather than Sirin, I am talking with a small personality copy of Sirin that she made using the Herscherr of Reason, so that she can conserve her energy. She can only give direct answers to my questions but she can't describe anything or have an actual proper conversation with me.

The first one to speak up was Amanogawa, "Sir! Amanogawa Kouki, Class:Hero, my stats are all 100 and my skills are... many!"

Everyone was suprised hearing that and Meld personally checked his Status Plate. Suddenly someone started laughing loudly, I look towards the source of the laughter and saw a reddish brown haired guy laughing while seeing the Status Plate of the black haired guy beside him.

"Meld-San what is a Synergist?" asked the brown haired guy.

"Synergist... it's a crafting class. It's good but not great for combat."

The brown haired guy, I think his name was Daisuke Hiyama, and his friends started laughing at this.

Ms. Aiko tried to comfort him by showing the black haired guy, Nagumo, her own Class which was a farmer.

But Meld-San got excited hearing that telling that there has never been a farmer class before and this class can revolutionise the food production of this era.

Following that everyone started saying their own class and statuses. When everyone was done, they looked towards me.

"Oh! It is my turn. Class is Void Manipulator. My defence is 25, strength is 30, agility is 80. Then, my magic is 500, resistance is 1000 and vitality is 1500. My skills include Void Manipulation, Creation, Mind Magic Immunity followed by two resistance skills."

I look up and see everyone is silent. Meld-San immediately appeared infront of me and snatched my Status Plate away. He looked over my Status Plate again and again and finally gave the Plate to me. He then asked me and Aiko to follow him.

He was silent the entire time. After entering an empty room he started speaking to us, "You both have Classes that we didn't even know existed and so I have to report this to the Kingdom. And I need to take you both with me to meet the Pope now and you should return before tomorrow. And before that meeting happens please don't use your powers."

We both nod to that and Meld orders some of his knights to take care of the students.

Meld-san then leads us towards the Church.

Time to meet those weirdos again...