
Hero Returns From Hades

Hades, the underworld realm of Doom, is a place filled with Chaos. Our Protagonist, Hiro is a blind human boy who suddenly gets transported there by something as he spent years in that realm, trapped. For years he worked hard and survived in order to escape the very realm, he defeated those who opposed him and became the 'Hero of Hades' after defeating the Current Ruler, the 'Herrscherin' of Doom, Veliona. But before he finally defeats her, Veliona retaliates, using a spell that resulted in both Hiro and herself getting teleported out of Hades and returned to where Hiro belongs, the Realm of Herta.

KJVZeanso · Fantasi
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3 Chs

Hero vs Herrscher Part 1

My name is Black Merchant.

I've been here for years as I try to help the citizens of this realm.

" *slurp*, the coffee is nice. "

I've been trying my best to support those who want to get out of this realm, many I've helped and failed as Veliona was too strong to deal with.

But what could I do, I'm restricted to directly intervening against her, only through those I chose I could at least make this Realm even better.

" *Sigh*, Hiro... " I said to myself while sitting in my chair.

" I hope you defeat Veliona, I'm counting on you. " I said to myself, I bet everything onto Hiro for he is the most successful person I've raised inside this Underworld Realm to become Veliona's rival.

" He is the perfect opposite of Veliona, that's why I believed him. "

" Veliona is a villainous queen, who will do anything to appease herself. "

" But Hiro, he is a kind hero, not that pure actually, just some boy who constantly tries to do good despite the odds and fails. "

" But that one is enough for me to bet on him, for him to end her rule. " I said myself, for I could witness it from afar that Hiro is currently fighting that bitch-of-a-queen.

" Good luck, Hiro. " I said to him, for I could only witness things from afar and continue my work in this realm.

" Onto the next work then. " I leave my chair and go out as I locked my hut.


( Meanwhile. )

Hiro and Veliona clash as their battle creates a great shockwave that could be felt from the entire realm of Hades.

" Such a fine sword you have. " Veliona says to Hiro, she praises the sword's looks as she holds it with her sharp nails.

" Of course, Dark Queen! "

" This sword is made by the 'Black Merchant', with this sword I will thank him for everything. "

" By using it to end you! " Hiro presses on, and his sword immediately cracks Veliona's sharp nails and slices her left hand clean.

" Kkhh, why you!? " Veliona sees this and gets pissed, she begins to use her powers as the Herrscher of Doom, using it for the first time against another person after many years.

[ Herrscher Power Output Release 20% ]

" I haven't released this much for some time, how long has it been? " Veliona asks as the aura of Darkness begins to surround her body and also changes the atmosphere around her during her gradual release.

" My Herrscherin, your power, akkh! " said her minions who can't withstand her released power, it kills them just by them being close to her.

As the Dark Queen's power slowly kills the minions, Hiro immediately leaps and saves the minion from her presence, bringing them out of her range while running so fast.

[ Skill: Overrun Marathon ]

Using this, Hiro runs so fast like the speed of light, he saved those minions as he puts them far away from the queen, all of them, one by one, before returning to face her.

" Wow! " said the minion whom he saved as he sees Hiro also help the others aside from him while setting aside the fight with Veliona for a while.

" Is this the 'Hero of Hades'? " he says to himself while witnessing all of it.

" When he saved me, I could feel his kindness that is so warm... " he says.

" Are you okay? " Hiro appears suddenly in front of him, he asked him about his condition and just went silent and leaves by giving him a Health Potion to make him recover.

" A note? " the demon says as he reads it, the note attached to the potion bottle.

[ " Please drink this potion, it will heal you. " -- Hiro ]

As he reads it, the demon's heart is moved as he looks at his savior who now continues fighting the Herrscherin.

" Saving people? Really? " she asks Hiro while attacking him.

" Such a stupid thing to do, especially when you're in this very realm! " Veliona scolds Hiro.

" This is the realm of Hades, the realm of Doom and Havoc. "

" This is the realm where only violence should exist and yet you still dare to be kind to others! here!? " Veliona asks him, for she immediately uses many of her abilities to wound Hiro, for he resembles everything she dislikes judging from his acts.

"( Such a disgrace for being one of the strongest being in Hades aside from me. )"

"( To think such a strong person like you could still have a weakness called 'good' inside you, out of all things. )"

"( The realm of Hades is a violence realm, no goodness should exist in this place, no! )" Veliona says for she then uses her skill.

[ Violent Dark Eclipse Veil ]

[ A Barrier Skill that creates a Dome of Darkness that will Violently Torture the opponent ]

" Be violated, you disgrace. " Veliona says as he puts the veil onto Hiro.

The Veil immediately covers Hiro up, imprisoning him tight as it activates its violent tortures inside it.

" I can't wait to hear the screams, O hero... " Veliona says while licking her lips, that lustful Herrscher.

But, as she waits for minutes, no scream can't be heard, but instead.

* Crack *

" Huh!? What the...- "

Before Veliona could react, Hiro had already cracked the Veil so hard that it destroys it completely while charging into Veliona's face, at full speed.

[ Full Speed Marathon, Reactionless Run ]

Hiro already run near Veliona's front, he moves so fast that Veliona can't even react for she is too slow at the moment.

" I will punish you for your every crime. "

" I hope this could bring justice to the realm of Hades. " Hiro says to Veliona, she still couldn't react as she still freezes in that split second.

" [ Justice Jab ] "

Hiro then jabs the Herrscher, in her stomach as the fist landed on her stomach in that split second, time begins to unfreeze itself as the reaction of that jab, happened.

" Kuokh! " Veliona vomits blood out of her mouth as Hiro punches her, he immediately holed her stomach while resulting in an incredible shockwave afterward.

When the shockwave happened, all of the beings in Hades get wiped out by the wave, the incredible pressuring waves that flew them from where they stand as they witness the peak of the very battle...

Between the Hero and the Herrscher of Hades.





Name: Hiro (Just Hiro, for now)

Age: Unknown

Origin Realm: Herta

Allegiance: Good

Power Rank: SS (Level 100)

Title: Hero of Hades, Savior


Name: Veliona

Age: Unknown

Origin Realm: Hades

Allegiance: Evil

Power Rank: SS (Level 100)

Title: Herrscher of Doom, Ruler of Hades, The Dark Queen, The Villainess.


Name: 'Black Merchant'

Age: '?'

Origin Realm: '?'

Allegiance: Good

Power Rank: '?' (Can't tell)

Title: 'Black Merchant'

Opening battle, Part 1.

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