
Hero Returns From Hades

Hades, the underworld realm of Doom, is a place filled with Chaos. Our Protagonist, Hiro is a blind human boy who suddenly gets transported there by something as he spent years in that realm, trapped. For years he worked hard and survived in order to escape the very realm, he defeated those who opposed him and became the 'Hero of Hades' after defeating the Current Ruler, the 'Herrscherin' of Doom, Veliona. But before he finally defeats her, Veliona retaliates, using a spell that resulted in both Hiro and herself getting teleported out of Hades and returned to where Hiro belongs, the Realm of Herta.

KJVZeanso · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Hero vs Herrscher Part 2

"( My name is Deoris, a Demon that existed in Hades. )"

"( Everyone must be wondering, what am I doing here, in this midst of battle? )"

"( Well..., what can I say...? )" said the demon.

" It is such a great fight, I couldn't imagine that this fight will exist in Hades. " Deoris says as another shockwave comes to him, making him fly away as the scene returns to both Hiro and Veliona.

[ Tenebris Tentacles ]

[ Dark Doom Blast ]

Using her abilities, Veliona summons many tentacles out of darkness and summons many bolts of blast using Dark Energy to attack Hiro in the barrage, rapidly, she musters out at least 34.50% of her full power could offer, using her skills that she releases, she decided to not hesitate on fighting Hiro.

" Oh, is that what you got, 'Hero of Hades'!? " Veliona says while attacking Hiro who blocks and dodges her very attacks.

Hiro uses his very sword to parry her attacks, using it so fluently for this is the first fighting technique he mastered during his first time in Hades.

"( Veliona's attacks are powerful and repetitive, but also too brash and not precise, probably because of its size and scale. )" Hiro says for he could sense it, despite him not having an eye, he could sense and visualize in his mind what Veliona's attack looks like.

[ Wide-Scale Attack Sense ]

"( Too many gaps. )" Hiro says while parrying it all and slicing the rest of the attacking Tentacles.

[ 1.000 Repetitive Parry ]

[ 1.000 Repetitive Slice ]

Hiro uses it all, destroying what Veliona could offer as he makes her attack go obliterated, cutting them into pisses.

" Is that all? " Hiro asks Veliona, pointing his sword at her while she looks at his power in disbelief, for half a minute.

" Child, you...- "

" You really know how to disrespect people, do you? " Veliona says as her fingers were moved up, and from the very ground, comes out many spears of Darkness that she muster, they all came out from the ground like a set trap, already planted by her in the first place.

" Kukuku, bet your 'instincts' and 'senses' didn't manage to know this below you...? " Veliona tells Hiro.

" I heard from my 'informants' that you somehow managed to 'see' things around you despite the lack of eyes... "

" But since I have lived for ages, I've seen people like you before, those blind people that could perceive things around them as their other senses are heightened by nature to cover their loss of sight. "

" And that's why I set this trap for you, now die. " Veliona says as the spears begin to attack Hiro so horrendously.

" Are you sure, Herrscher? " Hiro asks as the spears from the ground, were broken, immediately after hitting his body.

" What the- "

" Herrscher, I've been faced many things sharper than this, I really hate to break this to you, but... "

" Yours are more shallow. " Hiro breaks the incoming attacks, his body glows gold for it can be seen some golden tattoos cover him up.

[ Simple Body Enhancement, Golden Forged Physique ]

" This is a magic that 'Black Merchant' taught me, he said I need to learn some. " Hiro says as he decides to move forward.

" Dammit! " Veliona tries to attack him, but despite her overload of skills, she is too slow compared to Hiro's overtrained body, despite his lack of some overpowered skills using his power, his body is still sufficient to bring victory for him.

" Your body is weak, Herrscher. " Hiro says as he moves at full speed.

" Even without eyes, I can see that after years of being an unrivaled ruler had made you lazy there. " Hiro says as he evades another attack.

" Shut up, who do you think you are!? " Veliona gets angry for she then summons scythes made out of darkness.

" I am the Herrscher of Doom, the Ruler of the realm of Hades! "

" You, an outsider, dare to insult me in my own domain! " Veliona uses [ Dark Doom Blast ], but this time he creates one big singular blast to obliterate him.

" I am a god here, you are simply some random worm who was dumped into my domain and becoming my realm's very parasite ever since! " Veliona says to Hiro, believing that the things he's done had been such a hassle for her lately.

" Yes, that was my fault. " Shiro parried the blasts and sliced them.

" But wasn't that you, who started this? "

" Enough! " Veliona burst out shouting at Hiro, she had enough of his comments about her, which was true since Hiro is such an honest guy aside from her muscular killer body, forged from every battle he fought and every training he received from Black Merchant.

" Let's see if you could hold this! " Veliona gets impatient, her impulse to kill Hiro is so high, making to be in her serious mode for she finally understands that this battle is no longer a battle for her to just simply enjoy, like a ruler watching a joker, but instead, this battle is a 'must' for her to win.

She releases more of her power output, she knows that she must put aside her arrogance for victory, greater victory.

"( Set the ego aside first, for I must win in order to maintain my pride. )"

"( And since it has come to this. )" Veliona says as she then uses her Herrscher ability.

" What the...? " Shiro asks as he could sense the overflowing and ominous power coming from the Herrscher.

" Kukuku... "

" Does it scare you, boy? " Veliona asks as she uses her Herrscher Ability.

[ Herrscher Ability: The Vile Voracity, Vigorax ]

[ A Herrscher of Hades' ability, used to devour everything in its way. ]

" Be devoured by Darkness, Child. "

" Feed me. " Veliona says as the Voracity Teeths of Darkness approaches Hiro.

" Hmph! " Hiro says as he prepares for the blow, he then clenched his fist.

"( It's now or never, even the Black Merchant told me to never use this until I finally go face to face with the Herrscher herself. )"

"( But since this is the time. )" Hiro says as his hand is filled with the golden light, it luminizes it.

" Luminize, my golden fist. " Hiro says as he prepares to launch the attack.

" Bring me victory as I end this Dark Creature! "

Light engulfs the whole realm, for Hiro released the very skill taught to him that could cost him his life, but it doesn't matter.

For as long as he is freed.

All things must be used.

For freedom.



The Hero is unleashing his final blow, he engulfs the darkest of realms with his light.

Ah yes, our typical protagonist finisher.

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