

Hailey Xander is a young and beautiful lady in her late 20s who lost her parents in a fatal accident. Before her parents died, they willed all their assets to her, being their only heir. After the death of her parents, heartbroken Hailey got married to Ezra Cyrus, her childhood crush. On their wedding night, Ezra tricked Hailey to transfer all her inheritance to him, Hailey genuinely loved and trusted Ezra, so she agreed and signed the papers without reading them. After Ezra gained full rights to the Xander's assets, Ezra and his mother began maltreating Hailey. Hailey was abused and maltreated by Mrs. Lydia, Ezra's mom, she did not receive any love from her husband, rather Ezra brought home his mistress, Hailey's best friend, Sasha Parker. Hailey was treated like a slave until they decided to throw her out on the street. After Hailey left, she found a job as a cleaner at “KING's ENTERPRISE”, the biggest and most powerful company in the country. Leonardo King, the CEO of the company, was persuaded by his Grandmother to marry Hailey. He approached her and offered her a deal,“ Marry me and I will help you get back everything you lost”.

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Spent The Day Together

Hailey woke up early in the morning, feeling content and happy as she looked over at her husband, Leonardo, who was still asleep beside her. She couldn't resist the urge to kiss him, as she leaned over to give him a gentle kiss on the forehead.

Leonardo stirred, slowly opening his eyes and looking up at her. "Good morning, love," Hailey said, a smile spreading across her face.

"Good morning," Leonardo replied, his voice still soft and sleepy.

Hailey rolled over in bed and looked at Leonardo, who was still half asleep beside her. "Hey," she said, gently nudging him. "Can we spend the entire day together?"

Leonardo opened one eye and pretended to think about it. "Hmm, let me think about it," he said, feigning seriousness.

Hailey giggled. "Come on, Leo. I just want to spend the day with you, doing nothing."

Leonardo's expression softened as he looked at her. "You know I would love nothing more than to spend the whole day with you," he said, giving her a warm smile.

He pulled Hailey closer to him and started to kiss her, his hands caressing her body gently. They spent the entire morning in bed, kissing and caressing each other, enjoying the warmth of their bodies and the softness of the sheets.

It was a lazy, indulgent morning, with no rush or hurry. They simply enjoyed each other's presence, talking about anything and everything that came to their minds.

As the morning turned into afternoon, they finally got out of bed, then decided to go take their bath and head down for lunch. Hailey went into the bathroom, intending to take a long, hot bath to ease her tired muscles. As she filled the tub with water and poured in some bubbles, she heard Leonardo come into the bathroom.

"Hey, love," he said, walking over to her. "I heard the water running and I thought I'd come keep you company."

Hailey smiled at him, feeling grateful for his presence. "That sounds lovely," she said, sitting on the edge of the tub and letting her feet soak in the warm water. Leonardo sat down beside her, taking her hand in his. "Actually," he said, hesitating for a moment. "Would you like me to help you with your bath?"

Hailey looked at him in surprise. "What do you mean?" she asked, wondering what he was getting at.

"I mean, would you like me to bathe you?" Leonardo said, his eyes meeting hers. "I could massage your shoulders and back, and help you relax."

Hailey felt a rush of warmth spread through her body at the thought of Leonardo washing her and massaging her tired muscles. "That sounds amazing," she said, nodding eagerly.

Leonardo stood up and started to undress. Hailey couldn't help but admire his toned body as he moved around the bathroom, getting everything ready. He poured some bath salts into the water, adding a soothing scent to the bubbles.

"Are you ready?" he asked, turning to her with a gentle smile.

Hailey nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. Leonardo helped her stand up and helped her undress, carefully lowering her into the warm water. As she settled into the tub, he got to work, massaging her shoulders and back, working out the knots and tension in her muscles.

Hailey closed her eyes, surrendering to the sensation of his strong hands on her skin. She felt the stress and worries of the day start to melt away, replaced by a deep sense of relaxation and contentment.

As their bath came to an end, Leonardo helped her out of the tub and wrapped a warm towel around her body. She leaned into him, feeling grateful for his love and care.

"Thank you," she whispered, looking up at him with love in her eyes.

"Anytime, my love," Leonardo replied, his eyes shining with tenderness. "I'll always be here for you."

After the luxurious bath, Hailey and Leonardo made their way down to the dining room to enjoy a delicious lunch prepared by their talented kitchen staff. The room was filled with the aroma of mouth-watering dishes that tantalized their senses.

After their lunch, Leonardo and Hailey retired back to their room. As they lay on the bed cuddled up together, Leonardo brought up the topic of his upcoming charity event.

"Hailey, are you sure you're not ready to make your first public appearance as my wife?" he asked, his fingers tracing circles on her back.

Hailey sighed, feeling conflicted. "I'm not sure, Leo. I mean, I want to support you and the cause, but I'm not used to being in the public eye. What if I mess up or embarrass you?"

Leonardo lifted her chin, looking her in the eyes. "Hailey, you could never embarrass me. I'm so proud to have you as my wife, and I want to show you off to the world. You're beautiful, intelligent, and kind-hearted. The world needs to know who you are and what you stand for."

Hailey smiled, feeling touched by his words. "Thank you, Leo. That means a lot to me."

"Good, because I was hoping you'd be my date for the event," Leonardo said, grinning. "I want to introduce you to the world as my wife."

Hailey's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? You want me to come with you?" she asked, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.

"Of course, I do. I want to share this experience with you," Leonardo said, his tone sincere. "And who knows, maybe this will be the start of a new adventure for us."

Hailey nodded, feeling a sense of purpose. "Okay, I'll do it. Let's make it happen," she said, determination in her voice.

Leonardo beamed, feeling grateful for his wife's support. "I knew I could count on you. Now, let's get you ready for the event," Leonardo said as he grabbed his phone and booked an appointment with the make-up artist and the fashion designer.