

Hailey Xander is a young and beautiful lady in her late 20s who lost her parents in a fatal accident. Before her parents died, they willed all their assets to her, being their only heir. After the death of her parents, heartbroken Hailey got married to Ezra Cyrus, her childhood crush. On their wedding night, Ezra tricked Hailey to transfer all her inheritance to him, Hailey genuinely loved and trusted Ezra, so she agreed and signed the papers without reading them. After Ezra gained full rights to the Xander's assets, Ezra and his mother began maltreating Hailey. Hailey was abused and maltreated by Mrs. Lydia, Ezra's mom, she did not receive any love from her husband, rather Ezra brought home his mistress, Hailey's best friend, Sasha Parker. Hailey was treated like a slave until they decided to throw her out on the street. After Hailey left, she found a job as a cleaner at “KING's ENTERPRISE”, the biggest and most powerful company in the country. Leonardo King, the CEO of the company, was persuaded by his Grandmother to marry Hailey. He approached her and offered her a deal,“ Marry me and I will help you get back everything you lost”.

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60 Chs

Selling Her Properties

Shasa, Ezra, and Lydia sat in the living room of Hailey's empty house, surrounded by boxes and furniture that would soon be sold. Ezra had arranged for buyers to buy the properties and now they were discussing how to sell the properties.

"So, we need to come up with a plan to sell all of these properties quickly," Ezra said, his eyes scanning the room. "I want to get the most money possible so that we can buy the mansion we've been looking at."

Lydia nodded in agreement. "Yes, we need to move fast. The longer we wait, the more the properties will depreciate."

"I've already contacted a few real estate agents," Ezra said, "and I've got a meeting set up with them later today. We should have offers coming in soon."

Lydia leaned forward in her chair. "And what are you planning on doing with the money once we sell all of the properties?"

Ezra grinned. "I'm going to invest it in my company. We're expanding rapidly, and we need the extra capital to keep growing. Plus, I want to buy that mansion I mentioned earlier". Shasa looked at Ezra and then asked "What about us, when are we getting married?". Ezra went closer to her and held her hands, "Shasa, you worry too much. But Sweetheart, I promise that once everything is settled we would get married. He leaned in and kissed her. I can't wait to make you my wife. He looked around and then continued. You allowed me to acquire all of these from Hailey and I promise never to let you down". Ezra said.

"It's okay Sweetheart I believe you and I know you would never betray me", Shasa said and then kissed Ezra. "You both can continue your little adventure in your room later, but for now, we need to concentrate on the issue at hand", Lydia interrupted them. They both grinned at each other. Then went on to discuss how to sell Hailey's Mansion and her Company. They were still discussing when Ezra's phone rang, he then stepped out to answer his call.

After 10 minutes Ezra came back and informed them, that the buyers had offered a significant amount of money, and they were willing to close the deal quickly.

The three were thrilled at the prospect of making a significant profit. Then Shasa and Lydia accompanied Ezra to the lawyer's office, where the buyers had arranged to meet them. The lawyers had drawn up the necessary paperwork, and all that was left was for Ezra to sign the contracts.

Finally, the buyers arrived, and they began the process of signing the paperwork. Ezra was in a good mood, chatting with the buyers and making small talk. Once the contracts were signed, Ezra turned to Shasa and Lydia with a big smile on his face. "We did it," he said triumphantly. "We sold all of the properties, and we made a significant profit, We are rich."

Shasa, Ezra, and his mother Lydia went to a fancy restaurant to celebrate the successful sale of the properties. The restaurant was buzzing with people, and the air was filled with the aroma of delicious food.

As they sat down at the table, Ezra ordered champagne for everyone. He raised his glass and toasted their success. "To the future," he said, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "With this money, we can build a better life for ourselves. We can invest in my company and make it even more successful than it already is. The sky's the limit!"

As they ate their food, the conversation turned to the future. Ezra talked excitedly about his plans for the money.