

Hailey Xander is a young and beautiful lady in her late 20s who lost her parents in a fatal accident. Before her parents died, they willed all their assets to her, being their only heir. After the death of her parents, heartbroken Hailey got married to Ezra Cyrus, her childhood crush. On their wedding night, Ezra tricked Hailey to transfer all her inheritance to him, Hailey genuinely loved and trusted Ezra, so she agreed and signed the papers without reading them. After Ezra gained full rights to the Xander's assets, Ezra and his mother began maltreating Hailey. Hailey was abused and maltreated by Mrs. Lydia, Ezra's mom, she did not receive any love from her husband, rather Ezra brought home his mistress, Hailey's best friend, Sasha Parker. Hailey was treated like a slave until they decided to throw her out on the street. After Hailey left, she found a job as a cleaner at “KING's ENTERPRISE”, the biggest and most powerful company in the country. Leonardo King, the CEO of the company, was persuaded by his Grandmother to marry Hailey. He approached her and offered her a deal,“ Marry me and I will help you get back everything you lost”.

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60 Chs

Our Mansion

Leonardo and Hailey stepped out of their car as they arrived at the entrance of Leonardo's Mansion, their honeymoon just coming to an end. They were met with a crowd of staff, all lined up and ready to greet them with smiles and bows. The head staff Mr Mark, a tall man with a stern expression, stepped forward and greeted the couple. "Welcome back, Mr King, and congratulations on your marriage. We have all been eagerly awaiting your return."

Leonardo nodded and smiled, then turned to Hailey. "This is my wife, Hailey. From now on, she will be known as Mrs. King."

The entire staff greeted Hailey with bows and courtesy, welcoming her to the mansion. Hailey felt a sense of gratitude towards the staff, who had welcomed her so warmly into the mansion. She wanted to express her appreciation and reassure them that she would be a responsible and grateful member of the household.

"Thank you all for welcoming me so warmly into the mansion. I know that I have a lot to learn and a lot of responsibilities as Mrs King. I want to assure you all that I will do my best to fulfil my duties and be a good wife to my husband. I also humbly ask that you all take good care of me, as I am still learning and adapting to this new role."

The staff smiled and nodded, pleased with Hailey's words. The head staff stepped forward and spoke, "Mrs King, it is our pleasure to serve you and Mr King. We will do our best to make sure that you are comfortable and that all of your needs are met. If there is anything you need, please do not hesitate to ask us." Hailey smiled and then nodded.

The head staff then turned to the other staff members and ordered. "Take Mrs King's luggage to her husband's room and arrange her clothes well in their wardrobe". The staff quickly sprung into action, taking Hailey's luggage and hurrying up to the couple's room.

Leonardo took Hailey by the hand and led her on a tour around his mansion. As they walked, Hailey couldn't help but marvel at the grandeur and beauty of the estate.

"Leonardo, your mansion is stunning. It's like a palace," she exclaimed. Leonardo smiled and Corrected Hailey "Our mansion".

She grinned and then continued to take in the sights, admiring the high ceilings, elegant furnishings, and ornate decorations. She couldn't believe how much attention to detail had gone into every aspect of the mansion's design.

"Everything is so perfect," she said, "from the paintings on the walls to the carpets on the floor. You have an eye for beauty."

Leonardo smiled, pleased with Hailey's compliments. "I have always believed that the surroundings we live in have a profound effect on our state of mind and well-being. That is why I have always taken great care in creating an environment that is both beautiful and functional." Hailey nodded in agreement, impressed by the thoughtfulness and care that had gone into every detail of the mansion.

They arrived at their room to find that their luggage had already been placed neatly. And Hailey's clothes had been carefully arranged in the wardrobe.

Hailey gasped at the sight of her newly arranged wardrobe, impressed by the level of detail and organization the staff had put into it. She turned to Leonardo with a smile, "This is amazing, they know how to take care of things here."

Leonardo grinned, "Yes, they do. And they'll take care of you too, my darling."