

Hailey Xander is a young and beautiful lady in her late 20s who lost her parents in a fatal accident. Before her parents died, they willed all their assets to her, being their only heir. After the death of her parents, heartbroken Hailey got married to Ezra Cyrus, her childhood crush. On their wedding night, Ezra tricked Hailey to transfer all her inheritance to him, Hailey genuinely loved and trusted Ezra, so she agreed and signed the papers without reading them. After Ezra gained full rights to the Xander's assets, Ezra and his mother began maltreating Hailey. Hailey was abused and maltreated by Mrs. Lydia, Ezra's mom, she did not receive any love from her husband, rather Ezra brought home his mistress, Hailey's best friend, Sasha Parker. Hailey was treated like a slave until they decided to throw her out on the street. After Hailey left, she found a job as a cleaner at “KING's ENTERPRISE”, the biggest and most powerful company in the country. Leonardo King, the CEO of the company, was persuaded by his Grandmother to marry Hailey. He approached her and offered her a deal,“ Marry me and I will help you get back everything you lost”.

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It's My Turn To Save Her.

Hailey was busy wiping down the conference room table when she suddenly felt a jolt against her shoulder. She turned around to see who had bumped into her and found herself face-to-face with the CEO, Leonardo.

"Sorry," he said, his expression apologetic as he took a step back.

Hailey could feel her cheeks turning pink with embarrassment." I'm sorry sir," Hailey said with her voice shaking.

Leonardo gave her a small smile before walking past her and into the conference room. Hailey watched him go, feeling a mix of awe and self-consciousness.

As she continued with her cleaning duties, Hailey couldn't help but replay the encounter in her head. She wondered if Leonardo thought she was clumsy or unprofessional for getting in his way like that. But then again, she reminded herself, she was just doing her job as a cleaner.

Hailey shook off her self-doubt and focused on finishing her work. She knew that her job wasn't glamorous or high-paying, but it was an honest living, and it was better than living on the street or depending on Grandma Mary for financial favor. Hailey knew she owed everything to Grandma Mary, who had sacrificed so much to provide for her. She had always wanted to find a way to show her gratitude, but with her low-paying job as a cleaner, it seemed impossible.

Still, Hailey refused to give up on the idea. She continued to ponder it as she moved from room to room, scrubbing and cleaning with care. It was a small way to show her appreciation, but it was something.

As she finished the last room, Hailey was struck with an idea. She decided to surprise Grandma Mary with a homemade meal, something she had always loved to do.

Hailey quickly finished her cleaning duties and headed to the grocery store. She picked out all of Grandma Mary's favorite ingredients and rushed home to get started on the meal.

For the next few hours, Hailey worked tirelessly in the kitchen, chopping, sautéing, and simmering until the meal was ready. When Grandma Mary arrived home, she was greeted with the delicious smell of her favorite dish and a beaming smile from Hailey.

The two of them sat down to enjoy the meal together, chatting and laughing as they ate. As they finished up, Hailey took a deep breath and told Grandma Mary how grateful she was for everything she had done for her.

Tears welled up in Grandma Mary's eyes as she hugged Hailey tightly. "I'm just happy to have you here with me," she said, her voice choked with emotion.

At that moment, Hailey knew that showing gratitude didn't always require grand gestures. Occasionally, it was the small acts of kindness that could mean the most.

After Leonardo's business meeting, he said to his Assistant Peter," Where is the info I asked for?". "It's on your desk, sir, Peter replied. Leonardo went to his office and picked up the file on his desk. After reading Hailey's details, he was filled with anger, he threw the file on the floor and stood up. Is that lady stupid or what? Why did she transfer all her inheritance to a petty thief?" he asked. "Sir, according to the investigation, she was tricked, the said man tricked her to transfer all her inheritance to him and even sign their divorce paper that same Night after their wedding", Peter explained.

Leonardo was filled with rage even as a billionaire and the most powerful man in the country, one thing Leonardo hated was injustice. I feel like crushing those bastards, but it's not my fight. I will have to marry her, as Grandma said, that is the only way I can handle those fools. "But sir, will she agree to marry you?" Peter asked. Leonardo looked at Peter and then said," I will give her an offer, she can't resist. Besides, she saved Grandma's life, and now it's my turn to save hers".

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