

Hailey Xander is a young and beautiful lady in her late 20s who lost her parents in a fatal accident. Before her parents died, they willed all their assets to her, being their only heir. After the death of her parents, heartbroken Hailey got married to Ezra Cyrus, her childhood crush. On their wedding night, Ezra tricked Hailey to transfer all her inheritance to him, Hailey genuinely loved and trusted Ezra, so she agreed and signed the papers without reading them. After Ezra gained full rights to the Xander's assets, Ezra and his mother began maltreating Hailey. Hailey was abused and maltreated by Mrs. Lydia, Ezra's mom, she did not receive any love from her husband, rather Ezra brought home his mistress, Hailey's best friend, Sasha Parker. Hailey was treated like a slave until they decided to throw her out on the street. After Hailey left, she found a job as a cleaner at “KING's ENTERPRISE”, the biggest and most powerful company in the country. Leonardo King, the CEO of the company, was persuaded by his Grandmother to marry Hailey. He approached her and offered her a deal,“ Marry me and I will help you get back everything you lost”.

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Am Nothing Like Your Ex

Hailey and Leonardo sat across from each other in Leonardo's luxurious office, surrounded by high-end art and furnishings. After their last discussion, Hailey stopped working as a cleaner at King's. Enterprise. Hailey's eyes wandered over the grandeur, but her focus was on the discussion at hand.

"I think we should just register our marriage," Hailey said, trying to keep her voice steady. "It'll be simple and straightforward, and we won't have to worry about planning a big wedding."

Leonardo frowned, clearly not happy with the suggestion. "But Hailey, I'm the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company. I can't just register my marriage like some commoner."

Hailey bristled at the dismissive tone, but she knew she couldn't let it rile her up. She had to stay focused. "I understand that, Leonardo. But this isn't about your status or your company. This is about us and our future together."

Leonardo leaned back in his chair, studying Hailey's face. "Why are you so against having a wedding? Don't you want to celebrate our love with our friends and family?"

Hailey's eyes flickered for a moment, but she quickly regained her composure. "Honestly, I don't love you, and I know you don't love me. We're doing this for our reasons. And I don't want to go through another wedding process, I did once and it didn't end well for me".

Leonardo's expression softened. "I know," he said softly. "But I want to make my grandmother happy. She's been pushing me to get married to you, and I think she'll be thrilled if we have a proper wedding."

Hailey nodded, understanding the weight of family expectations. "I know, I don't know love you now. But Leonardo I'm willing to make this marriage work. After our marriage, I would devote myself fully as your wife but you must keep your promise. I have been betrayed once and it would break me if you do the same." Hailey clarified.

Leonardo studied her for a long moment before nodding slowly. "Okay," he said. "I'll help you. But we're going to have a proper wedding. And we're going to learn to love each other, Hailey. We owe ourselves that much. And am nothing like your Ex-husband".

Hailey swallowed hard, feeling a strange mix of apprehension and hope. She didn't know if she could ever love Leonardo, but she was willing to try. For her own sake, and the sake of their unusual arrangement. And hopefully, he doesn't betray her as Ezra did. "Thank you, Leonardo," she said, offering him a small smile. "I appreciate your help."

Leonardo smiled back at her, his expression softening. "Of course, Hailey. I may not love you yet, but I do care about you. You saved my Grandma and I would do anything to make sure you are comfortable and happy. At least for my Grandma's happiness."

Hailey nodded, feeling a warm flush rise to her cheeks. She couldn't deny that there was something comforting about Leonardo's words, even if they didn't come from a place of love.

They spent the next few weeks planning their wedding, with Leonardo taking the reins on most of the decisions. Hailey felt a little overwhelmed by the extravagance of it all, but she tried to remind herself that this was for his grandmother and her gain.