


I walk into my office to do some few things 

I don't even know why I feel so anxious about tomorrow , is it because I will be meeting Shade's family fo the very first time

I walk into my office to do some few things and I walk towards Shade’s room and as I was about to knock on the door, I could hear the sound of music coming from the room and I return into my room, I took my shower and go to bed but I couldn’t even sleep because I kept thinking back to her response on the interview and I feel proud of her. 

I don't even know why I feel so anxious about tomorrow, is it because I will be meeting Shade's family for the very first time or is it because I would be surprising her tomorrow though it’s according to the party plan but I feel like I am not doing this for the party but for myself, I have already planner to makes sure it look really beautiful, I can’t wait for tomorrow to come and I decided to go to my phone and check the cam on it and she was checking herself in an outfit she turn around and I could see her looking at the shoes and she tried the higher heels and she fell to the ground and I almost jumped out of my bed like I can rescue her from where I was and she picked the lower heel and she wore it and she was able to lift it and that was when I realized she can’t wear the nine or six, I could see her pick the two point five heels and she wore it and she change it and decided to wear wedge and it feels so beautiful on her leg and it was really matching the outfit she wore, she turn around and smile and she picked a jewelry and she place it on her neck and a message came into my phone it was a message from the party chairman and I forgot all about watching her and concentrated on the message.


I stood up and go to my wardrobe change into some dresses because I really want to look so classy and beautiful when I get to the village tomorrow. After changing back to my night wear, I still couldn’t sleep because I can’t wait to meet with my family after so many years and I want all those family members that already believed my aunt to go back and give her feedbacks that I came back from the city with my husband to be.


The following day.

I woke up  very early, brush my teeaath  and took my bath and I quickly dress up in a casual wear because I would be dress up by my costumier and make up artist.

I was checking for some celebrity news on the internet and I heard a knock on my door

I stood up in a rush thinking it was the costumier and her crew but when I open the door it was the maid.

“ Ma’am Mr Kunle tell you the breakfast is ready” She says.

“ Ok, thank you, I’ll be there soon” I reply.

I close the door and feel disappointed, it’s the first time I am not feeling hungry and waiting for the costumer and makeup to come and dress me up.

On every normal day, the normal me will never even remember I have some make up or costumer coming , I only remember when I am done eating.

I wore my slippers and I step out of my room and I saw my rose petals on the ground, I paused and look back and imI could see that the rose petals began from my door step as I came out and I lift my face up Bassey was covering the scene with a phone in his hand.

I was in surprise and I look at Bassey and I couldn't even keep the questions playing in my head to myself and I turn to Bassey and ask...

“ What ‘s going on? What's all this rose petals for? I ask.

“ You will found out when you get down to the living room.

I then walk in a haste toward the stairs and everywhere and I could see everywhere decorated.

I stood on the top of the stairs and kept looking around because I could see rose petals on the stairs and rose flowers on the rail of the staircase and I look back at Bassey who flashes his teeth at me and I look back to the stairs and climb down slowly and when I got to the mid of the stairs , I saw Kunle’s personal PR team, camera’s up with everywhere decorated and I stood looking at everyone because I was lost in what was going on  and someone came to give me flowersand I look at the words on it, the words were so Romantic.

“For our first ever stupid one night” I flash back to that morning that all the drama that lead to why I am here started and I smile and I place the flower on my nose and the smell of the flower was just too beautiful.

“Then I walk a bit down the stairs and someone brought a wrapped chocolate decorated with ribbon to me  and it has another words.

“To every moments we have spent together” And I smile and climb down the stairs and I finally climb down the last stairs and I saw him well dressed , looking dapper and he comes to me and he hold my hand and goes down on one knee and he looked straight into my eyes  and he say .

“ Baby I know our meeting is such a funny one but I didn’t regret is meeting you and I have wanted to tell you how much I loved you and will always love you and I want us to take it to the next level by asking you today.

“Will you marry me? He asked that question and I stood staring at him, God it looked so real that I forgot it wasn’t real but I had it in my head that I didn’t know when I said “Yes, I will and he slipped the diamond ring into my finger and I smile , I looked at my finger and it feels so beautiful even though I don’t know if this is part of the plan or not , I like the feeling of the diamond ring on my finger and I like it.

He stood up and embraces me and he looked into my face and I couldn’t even take off my eyes from his and slowly he moves his lips closer to mine and he kissed me at first I didn’t reciprocate at first but before I know it I kissed him bag and our kiss was so passionate and we kissed for sometime and he pulled away his lips slowly and I look at him and he held my hand and we both walk to the table , he pulled out a chair for me and I sat down and he pile dish some food for me , I looked back and the PR was talking to her team , the camera was down from the air and the PR began to check the videos and pictures and it was at that moment I realized it was part of the plan.

Kunle helped to pile up some food into my plate and I look at the engagement ring on my finger and flash back to the kiss and I held my spoon and smileand I drop my spoon and I look at the ring and I turn to Kunle and that was when I realized he wasn’t eating, he also held his spoon staring at me and I quickly look back to my food and I open my mouth to talk and I close my mouth, I opened my mouth to talk and I couldn’t and after few minutes of opening and closing my mouth, I finally had the courage to talk and I asked Kunle…

“The proposal was part of the plan right? I asked .

“Yeah” he replied. “ We have to make Everything look real in the presence of everyone” he replied.

“ OH, I see” I replied, I was a little bit disappointed that all the proposal thing was never real.

“ Have you inform your family that we would be coming around today?He asked .

“ Yes and they are expecting us” I said.

“ The costumier and make up should be here soon” he says .

“ Alright” I said.



I woke up so early this morning and Bassey knocks on my door and I open the door, I keep changing different clothes until Bassey told me that the dress I have just wore was looking great on me, I look into the mirror and I find it really looking great in my three pieces suit and after dressing up , I walked out of my room and walk to the living room and I could see the planner doing a great job and I return into my room and I began to to write the romantic words I was going to use for the proposal, I kept writing down and throwing it into the bin and finally I settled for the words I want to use to propose to her , I know this is all for the party and pity votes from the poor people but for me it is not a fake proposal, whatever I did or said during the peoposal was something that come from my mind, it’s something I did out of love.

I purposely choose that ring for her because I felt she deserves such ring from me and another thing when I kissed her she kissed me back, I didn’t want that kiss to stop but I had to stop the kiss because it was beginning to take another turn because I knew if I didn’t break the kiss it could lead to something else and I do not want anything with her this way , I want a relationship with her with her permission if at all we would have a relationship it should with her permission.

Finally we finished eating and her costumier and my PR came to me , he showed me so many pictures and Videos and I gave them permission to publish it on blogs and on our own personal social media handle.


I was disappointed but when he said the so call proposal was just part of the party thing but when he asked me if I have spoken to my parents about us coming, I forgot all about the proposal and I became happy that I am meeting with my parents after a long time.

I quickly rush my food and rush back to the room, inside the room I kissed the ring and I the kiss reminds me of I and Kunle’s kissing and how I couldn’t resist the way he was kissing me passionately and I kissed him back, I smiled to myself and I touch my lips, I kept touching my lips until I heard a knock on my door and I thought of I and Kunle going to my village and I think it could be that te costumier and the make up artist is here , I opened the door and it was the maid with the makeup artist and costumier and I quickly told the m to come in.

The stylist styled my hair , the make up artist gave me one of the best make up ever and the costumer helped to pick my dress and she picked the exact one I checked that night and she matches it with a six inches shoe which I told her to return it that I would prefer the wedge, finally I was dressed and I kept looking at myself, I kept smiling at myself each time I stare at myself in the mirror.

My costumer, make up artist and stylist took their leave and I didn’t stop looking at myself in the mirror, I have to show them that I am none of what my aunt said to everyone in the village.

I picked my phine to take a selfie and I and Kunle has started trending and I forgot all about the selfie I was about to take and I began to check all the pictures and I played the video and I smile happily and our passionate kisses became the talk of the town, people talking about us that we both have chemistry, some talking of how expensive the ring I got was and some prayed to be as lucky as me.



I also took my time to dress, I want to look nice meeting my in laws, after dressing up I step out of the room and I was going to tell Bassey to send the maids to call Shade for me and my phone ring and it was my mom.

I picked the call.

“Hello” I said coldly.

“I am so sorry for yesterday.

“ It’s fine and how is Dad” I asked.

“Your Dad is fine , he has gone to the some party meeting” she replied.

“ Okay” I muttered.

“Son, I just saw the pictures and Videos of the proposal, it looks real and I have been seeing positives reviews online but I have a problem with one thing, you kissing that girl, you can do all of this without kissing her publicly, I mean she is not your wife and you even did it so passionately that  se even kissed you back, you see those lowlife people are smarter than tyou think they are , don’t let that girl trick you into falling in love for her” my mom says.

“Please mom, she can’t trick me to loving her don’t worry mom, I don’t know why you are so worried about petty things like this” I said.

“ You called kissing that girl petty things ? it’s not petty thing, you need to caution yourself from that girl stop kissing her” she says and I laughed.

“You just spoke about people’s reaction about the fake proposal that we are getting a massive positive feedbacks and it look so real, if I didn’t kiss her passionately to make it looks so real , do you think people would have believed us?  I asked.

" Okay you are right son but don't fall for that girl, that girl is a gold digger by the time the result of the investigation is out and you will see what I am saying" my mom said.

"Okay, mom, I have lot of things to do because we would be visiting Shade's village today" I said and my mom hissed.

"Make sure you don't eat anything in that village before they cast a spell on you" my mom says.

"Spell on me for what? I asked.

" To marry their daughter" she says