

I held the housekeeper hand and we walk far away a bit from the rest of the maid.

“Ma, please can you help me with Kunle’s number , I don’t have Kunle’s number” I said.

“I thought you are his fiancée, you should have his phone number” She says.

“ I know ma but I do not have his number,please ma, I know professionally , you shouln’t give me his number but we all need to know his whereabout, if something happens to him, God forbid something happens to him , how will all the staffs in the house get their salary at the end of the month” I said and I turn to take my leave and the housekeeper held my hand.

“ I will give you his telephone number” she says and she calls out his line for me and I quickly dial it on my cellphone and I saved his line on my phone and I realized he had his line saved on my phone already and I return to my room in a haste because I do not want his mom to taunt me again, thank God when I pass through the sitting room back to the stairs , they were so busy dialing their son’s number and I entered my room and lock up the door and I began to dial his line but he wasn’t picking up his call.

Many things began to run through my mind and I became so scared that something bad might have happened to him.


I checked my time and it was past seven and it didn’t even look like it was passed seven already because it is a longer day and shorter night.

I walk to my car and I see my phone still ringing and I angrily pick the phone to switch it off and Shade’s call came in, I bought the sim card and I know the phone number and I muttered.

“ Shade, she must be worried about me” I said and I quickly dial her line and she pick on the first ring.

“ Hello, where are you? Everyone is worried about you, you need to come home at least for your worried parents. They have been waiting for you for You , please come back home” I said.

“ Okay I will” I said and I hang the call and I entered into my car and drove off.I don’t even know why I feel like she would be worried for me and that I should get home faster to let her know that I am fine.



I felt so relieve when he picked the call and speak to me because I thought he would not reply me but he did and I stood at the window looking out to see when he would come in, I just feel like I would just rush down to him if he arrives and ask lot of questions but his mom is down there and I am not his wife why am I trying to play the role of a wife” I asked myself


I drove in and my parents rushes towards me and I just walk away from them because and my mom and dad followed me .

“Kunle you scare me, are you alright? Are you okay? My mom asks while I entered into my living room and Inturn to them with my hands on my waist in a cold demeanor.

“ Mom, Dad please stop following me, I am back and I am fine “ I said and climb the stairs to my room.

“ Son listen we are sorry” My Dad said standing on the last stair while my mom was following me and I stopped and look back.

“ Mom, don’t come along with me, I need my space “ I said and she pauses starting at me as I climb the stairs.

“ Darling, I am so sorry” she says coldly and I heard my father said..

“ Honey let’s go home” and my Dad repeats himself and my mom climbs down the stairs slowing and I looked back and I could see my mom was sorry as our eyes met and I just continue to my office.

As I was going to sit in my office chair I heard my parents car zoomed off and someone knock on my office door and it was Bassey.

“ Sir.......I cut him off.

“Whatever it is tomorrow we would continue from there close for the day” I said.

“ Good night “ Bassey says and reply and I just nod my head.

I stood up and walk to my window staring into the sky and a knock came on my door.

“ Bassey just go” I said without looking back because he had something he still wanted to say even when I said he his good night and I heard her soft voice.

“ Hi” she says and I look back and she was standing at my doorpost.

“ I just came to check on you since I have never seen you stay out this late since I came into this house, I just came to see if you are fine” she says and she turns back and it looks funny to me the way she left after saying what she said and I followed her and I call out her name.

“ Shade! I Called and she look back looking down at her feet as usual.

“ Thank you.......for.......the care” I said and she just mods her head and left in a haste.

I stood and watch her leave with a chuckle escaping my lips.

Because her whole scenario looks funny to me, she made me laugh after a whole day being crazy at my parents.

I really wanted to say some sweet words to her for caring this much for me and observing that I do not come home late.

I was standing when the housekeeper came to me.

“ The dinner is ready” she says.

“ Alright” I said and she turned back and I remember to ask if Shade has eaten.

“Has Shade eaten? I asked.

“ No, she hasn’t she was so worried about you that you don't stay out late, so she didn't eat. She is such a caring girl” she says and she takes her leave.

“ Thank you ma” I said as she walks away and I walk to her room and I knock on her door and she opens the door and as she sees me she quickly look down to her toes and I shake my head seeing her look down to her toes.

“ Don’t you ever get tired of starting at the toes when I talk to you? I asked and she slowly look up at me and she looked down again stealing a look at me.

“ Let’s go and have out dinner” I said.

“I will join you later sir” she closed the door and I walk away.


I  waited watching out of my window after speaking to him on phone, I heard his car drove in and I rush towards my window but I couldn't even see his car but I knew he must have been the one who drove in and I slowly open my door like a thief to catch a glimpse and I heard him speak to his parent and I return to my room.

I feel happy that he was back but wait, am I acting like some housewife.

I walk into my room.and close the door and I open the door slowly and peep again and he was the one, he was cold and I was like...

“ Only God knew what issue he had with his parents” and I thought again. “ Rich people and their kids, I trust we that we come from a very poor home like this, you dear not even behave that way except you have your money that some things will be overlooked when I saw money, I don't mean some thousandnaire that would begin to feel big because of small money, I mean real money like millions or you dare not even get angry because by the time two hot slaps had sounded on your face then you will learn to respect your parents again like you have always respected them but the rich people they would beg their children and the children would still feel big.

I didn't mean Kunle is rude though. I let him walked into his office and after some minutes I felt I should check on him and I close my door but I  couldn't even relax myself, I sat down and I stood up again and I walk to the door and I stop again, I was contemplating to go to his office or not, I summoned courage to go and see him, I missed him somehow for that whole day .

I walk to his office door and I knock on the door one by one and he didn't even look back and he said “Bassey just go” and I spoke and he quickly turn back and I quickly look down at my feet and I was like what do I say and Finally I said I came to check on him, bla bla bla and I do not know what to say again and I quickly walk out of his office in a fast motion and after walking almost to my door.

“I heard him called my name and I turn back and he said “ Thank you”.

I walk to my room and not long there was a knock on my door and he said I should come down for dinner. 

I wore my sleepers and walk down the stairs, he was sitting at the dining already but not eating and I walk towards the dinning and he already stood up and pulled out a chair for me and I sit and I said a very low “ Thank you” I replied and a smile just spread across his lips and I was about to dish some food for myself when he mounted some food in my plate.

It was potatoes cooked with seafood.

He even help me peel off the the cooked shrimp and help me place it beside my food.

I was surprised and I stare at him and he smile at me and I quickly look into my food.

I  didn't know what to do and I stood up, but quickly pour some water into the glass cup although the maids or waiter are always around to do that before but today I didn't see any of them, I guess he ask them to leave that he will handle it.

We began to eat, I had so many questions to ask him like why did he left the house and return late but it's none of my business, it's a family issue that will be solved amongst themselves.

We ate quitely and when we finished eating the maidens came to clear the table and I was about to climb the stairs and he asked me...

“ Did you watch the interview today? He asked.

“Yes, I did, it was really nice being on the show” I replied.

“ yeah” he said. “ And you did a great job, thank you” he said.

“ Thank you for what? I asked.

“For the replies on the show, for seizing the opportunity to campaign for me on the show” he says and I just smile.

“ Have you call your parent and tell them that we will be coming tomorrow? He asked.

“ No but I will now” I said and done, I climb my stairs up to my room.

I pick my phone and dial my mom’s number and it began to ring.

“ Hello” my mom said faintly on the phone.

“Hello” I said and my mom quickly called out my name.

“ Hello mom” I said and tears rolled down my cheek and my mom sob.

“ Are you sure you are fine because your aunt told me that you have become a prostitute that you now put your video on the internet and your brother also read the news to me that you have your nude on internet, is it true? My mom said and I sob.

“ Shade why? We trained you well? And tears flows down my face.

“ Mom I and my fiancee will be visiting for you to bless us and give us date for our wedding introduction” I said.

“ What did you says? My mom asks.

“My fiancee, I and my fiancee will be visiting tomorrow, he is a governor aspirant” I said.

“ You mean he is a governor to be? She asks.

“ Yes, we will come tomorrow “ I said and she began to sing praises on the phone.

“ What time will you people arrive? She asks.

“Maybe by 2:00pm” I said.

“ My daughter you have made us proud and put our enemies to shame, do you know your aunty came to the village shouting that you have now become a prostitute that you now display nakednesss on internet, we have become a laughing stalk in the village and we find it hard to even step out of our house, hearing this just put joy to my heart and I can’t wait to welcome my son in law and show him off” my mom said.

We had some other discussion about gist that I have missed about village and that was when I knew my aunt hasn’t been taking care of my family with my salary.

After all the discussion, I hanged my call.

I  couldn’t sleep, I miss my family so much, I haven’t been home for year's and finally I would be going home and what my aunt said about me in the village crossed my mind and tears flows down my face.

I know my mom and Dad’s relatives are not good people but I see my aunt that brought me to work in the city as one of the best in the family but I never knew she was just like every other member of the family and to top it all, she hasn’t been taking care of my family.

I feel hurt and I now dislike my aunt and I can’t wait to go and show off Kunle in the Village and change the narrative about me that I am a prostitute.

How I wish I had some change to get somethings for my parents but I have nothing, the must have gone through lot of things since I came to the city ,maybe I should ask Kunle for some loans that I will pay the loans back but won’t I be trespassing by doing that? We should get to my village first then I would know what to do, I can sell this phone to raise some money, I can’t be using a phone of one million naira and plus and my family will be suffering.

Tomorrow I will make sure to look geogeous when I go to the village, I know by now my Dad’s family are expecting me to walk to the village in shame but no, I will walk into my village in glory.