

On that very day I was stuck in the traffic, when I got to the hotel, I didn’t find any of the people I was supposed to meet with that will help me enter into Kunle’s hotel room and I was told they had to make use of someone else because  I was late and that they have to execute their plan when they had the opportunity.

 I cried and pleaded with them that they should throw whoever is inside the hotel room out and replace me with the person, it was so impossible.

 I had to return home , I was sad through out that day only for me to wake up the next day to the news of the girl being Shade.

I walked up to my mom who was sitted on a bench at the hallway looking angry, her slaps still hurt on my face but I just had to say what I had in my mind.

” Didn’t you say Sade can never be Kunle and his families choice? I said raising my voice.

” I thought you even know how to handle everything like you use to say but look it today we lost to that uneducated girl, it could have been me and we will be happy that we will be in money” I said and my mom became more upset, I could see the way she glare at me, I had to move back because I wasn’t ready to recieve any of her slaps again. I walked into the grandma’s room angrily.


I began to think on the bench I was sitted on inside the hallway. I had my hand folded across my chest.

How did that girl managed to do it? Now the money that is supposed to keep coming to me as stop, if Racheal had gotten that chance that day if it is just to be a baby mama at least it would have been like a sort of compensation for loosing lots of money that I would have been getting if Shade continue to be their housemaid in that family.

I had that money that day, I even have more than that transport money that Racheal asked for that day but I was thinking of the aso ebi, I wanted to buy and show off, Rachel was right that I was greedy, this call penny wise pounds foolish” I said to myself.

Thee is no way I can stop this introduction from holding tomorrow because it came as a shock and her uncle’s has already agreed to the introduction due to their greediness because they all want to get money from Kunle.

If I can’t stop the introduction then I will stop the marriage, my daughter must be in that position, if Rachel cannot have Kunle, she should be a mistress to him, if she is just a mistress to him, she will still bring money to me. If Shade a drop out can play her game and win , then my daughter an undergraduate can do better”


 I walk back into the house and my mom embraces me with tears on her face.

”You have make me proud, you have shamed those people who says nothing good can come from me,Your father left us thinking now that I do not have one arm that we will suffer but God has fought my battle by making you bring luck to us.

she breaks the embrace and looks into my eyes holding my hands.

Look at the way your in laws to be were saying good about you, look at how their son was all over you, I am proud of you my daughter” she says and embraces me again 

I began to feel guilty of lying to mom. Mom feels so happy for everything that is happening now, she thinks her daughter is having a real marriage. Tears dripped down my face , my mom didn’t know why I was crying , but I know why I was crying , I am playing trick on everyone including my mom but I am doing this for a better life for all of us.

“Thank you mom” I said to her and walk away.

My siblings came back from school and my mom broke the news to them , they were very happy for me , they jumped at me. We talked about how the introduction would go, the food and other stuffs.

Kunle called me and I told him everything is finalized for tomorrow.

“Hey babe, I just transferred three million naira to your account for the food and every other thing, I already spoke with the costumier that she should come over , You can pick the style you think will suit us , so I am thinking of sending the driver to pick you down here to the hotel room, do you agree to that arrangement? He asked me.

“It’s fine” I replied.

“ The driver should be there anytime soon” he says.

“I will be waiting” I replied.



“Wow, everything worked in our favour” I said ass my husband pours wine for both of us in the suit we lodged in and my husband come behind me and kisses me on my cheek.

‘Queen planner” He said.

“That is me” I said.

“I Haven’t even seen the news today, I know we must trending for the right reasons , foolish people, they don’t know all wedding introduction thing is just a trick to getting the power.

“My dear, in politics a wise woman like you is needed” my husband says.

“If not for power , what will I be doing in such dirty environment, the chair and the atmosphere is just to dirty, I can never wear any cloth I wear into that house again, infact I have to call Kunle and tell him that there is a hall here that it would be well decorated because we cannot have that wedding introduction in that house, I can’t see myself go back to that environment” I said.

“Whatever arrangement you make is fine by me” my husband says, he gives me a glass of wine.

“Thank you” I said and he kissed me on the lips.

I dialled my son’s number and told him that I will pay for a hall that the wedding introduction should be done in a hall, at first he argued with me that we have no say in where the ceremony to take place that it should be the decision of the bride’s family, we argued this for a long time and he said he would talk to Shade.

“Listen son, all of this is a planned thing and we own the plan and it should be our decision and not theirs’ I said raising my voice because he is really frustrating me with this Shade this , Sade that, I have never considered that girl my daughter in law because both Shade and Peju can never be my daughter in law.

My son’s are really frustrating the hell out of my life, Just last night and this morning was Peju and Simi and now it is Shade and Kunle, oh what kind of sons do I have that won’t listen to me.

“Fine Kunle! The hall I am about to rent is the final decision I have taken because I will not sit in that God forsaken house and be talking, do you want me to get infected.

“Mom, please they are only poor , they don’t have disease and we can make their life better , they are part of that people we want to go into power, taking over the power is because we want to change lifs’s right, isn’t that what we claim to the people then why are you talking ill of Shade’s family because they are not as rich as us.

“Son don’t talk to me like that because of some wretched girl who wanted to ruin your life and I am trying to shape it for you but you said you want to be on the loosing side, Kunle don’t let this family down because of one wretched girl because because if you loose this election because of this girl,I won’t forgive you because I can see you are no more on the track” I said and hang the phone.

I rub my temples and my husband come behind me to massage me.

“ Hey , Honey calm down, I speak to him like man to man” Kunle’s Dad said.

“ Not just him even Simi” he needs to stop seeing Peju and should know that Annabel would be back soon from Finland once she is done with studies.

“Yeah, I will talk to both of them just calm down, in my opinion let them do whatever they want to do with this wedding introduction, what matters to us is the power and just because of this girl, we have a lot of people on our side , let’s sacrifice all this moment to both he and Shade , Let them enjoy this moment until the election and when he wins the election, Jennifer would take her place while she gets divorced.

“ What you said now is not as easy as you think, our son is into this girl and all I am doing now is creating fear into the mind of both of them so that they will know there will be nothing like forever” I said.

“Hey, do you need me to help you calm your nerves? He asks and moves closer to me.

“ No” I said smiling.

“ You need me to calm your nerves for you baby” he says and collects the wine glass from me and he comes to stand in front of me bends his head and he kissed me on my lips , he breaks the kiss and kiss me again and he deepened the kiss.


The driver came to pick me up to the hotel where Kunle lodged.

Within fifteen minutes we were at the hotel, I followed the driver to his room, I knocked and he came out to me, he kissed me.

I wanted to sit and he held my hand, he sits and pulls me to sit on his laps and I blush, soon the receptionist called that someone is here to meet Kunle.

He dropped and he told me the costumier is here, not long there was a knock on the door.

She embrace us and said .

“Congratulations, I am so happy for you both”she says.

“ Thank you” I and Kunle chorused.

We sat down and she brought out catalogs of menswear and women wear which I picked the designs I feel looks okay for us including color.

I picked the type of Aso oke that we want, the type of shoe and clutch purse that I want.

Soon we were done

After making our selection , The costumier took her leave and left us and I stood up to leave and he pull me to sit on his laps.

“We promise not to go beyond kissing” I said.

“I know , I just want you to spend some time with me.

“Temptation” I replied.

“Temptation? What do you mean by temptation? Am I tempting you ? he asked staring at me.

“Now stop sounding like a pervert” I said. He kissed me on the head.

“when the costumier arrived, please tell the driver to bring it to me” I said

“Mom called before you arrived” he said. I turn back to listen to him.

“Why did she called?

“She said she has arranged for a hall for us to use for the wedding introduction” he said looking into my eyes and I look a bit sad.

“You don’t have to agree if you are not good with the plan? He says.

“It’s fine, whatever plan she has for this wedding introduction is fine” I said and I turn away and he held my hand.

“Hey, you are not looking happy, I can tell her that we should have it at your father’s house , if that is what you want? He says.

“No, we should have it where ever she wants after all it’s her thing , a fake wedding introduction thing” I said.

“Why do you keep saying the wedding introduction is all fake? This isn’t fake to me , it’s real to me” he said.

“I wish I can just accept that in my heart? I said . “I have to go, so that my mom and siblings can prepare for the wedding introduction , the food and anything and other  things, I have to go to my uncle and give them some money to get some dresses for themselves” I said.

“Is that money okay for everything you want to get? He asked .

“Yes” I replied.

“I have to go and start the preparation, let me know the address and name of the hall we would use for the wedding introduction” I said.

“Okay” he replied and we look into each other’s face and each other’s lips and we kiss, I took my leave and he see’s me off.

I got home , I and my mom and siblings went for shopping , we bought a ready made native wear while when we return , I went to give my uncle Fifty thousand naira each to prepared for the wedding introduction, they were so excited and they even told me to help their children and I did not argue with them , I told them I have heard them but inside of me , I know that I am struggling only for myself and my family because I know that whatever I get at the end of all of this fake relationship things , I will travel out with my family.

I went to my Aunt to give her some money.

“Oh, because you are getting married to Kunle , you now think we are beggers, we do no need your money, how much is fifty Thousand naira? She asked and he mother came to stand in front of her.

“My dear, please bring that money, that money will go a long way to prepare for your wedding” her mom said and I chuckle while she frowns her face and hissed. She goes in angrily.

“Thank you my dear” I didn’t say a word, I just took my leave.

Throughout the night , I and my family discussed , Kunle called and gave me the address of the hotel that the wedding introduction will take place and he also tell me the food and drink will be taken care by the hotel.

The following day , I was woken up with my mom placing her hand on my head and praying for me to have a happy home , I couldn’t say Amen to all her prayers because I don’t even know the fate of my love in all of this .

After the prayer we all greeted, my uncles wives came to my mom to ask of what to help us with but were disappointed that we are not cooking , that everything has been taking care of .

My uncles wives has this habit of stealing food and meet at party under the pretense of helping you but today was a bad day for them from my side.