Song Meixiu is a loyal wife to her 4 years wife, Zheng Xiaohui. Zheng Xiaohui is a young lady from a middle-class family, the Zheng Clan. - This is a work of fiction. Everything said is made up by the author so please, don't take it seriously.
"I'll do it," Xiaohui said, standing up, suddenly feeling a wave of confidence flow in her body. Qiang smirks as he imagines Xiaohui being embarrassed.
Good, I wanna see how embarrassing would it be waiting in the lobby.
"... Just do what you promise. I will be the director of the company" Grandpa Zheng nodded and stands up.
"I will expect things from you, Xiaohui. Meeting dismissed" Grandpa Zheng said as he steps out of the conference hall.
"Good luck, Xiaohui."
"Good luck, I hope you'll get embarrassed."
"The Sapphire Group won't cooperate if it's you but still good luck."
"They'll probably ignore you. Being married to a useless woman is a shame."
"Ready your face! I will see you being embarrassed tomorrow, Xiaohui!" Qiang said before he exits the conference hall.
Xiaohui scoffs before collecting her things.
"I'll embarrass you tomorrow, Qiang. Just wait" Xiaohui mumbles as she left to go to her space in the company.
RD, I'm here to fetch you.
"What's happening now?" Meixiu walks out of their house as the man from yesterday night walked out of the car.
"RD, Mr. Gunner's lawyer is at the mansion. She said she wanted to give you something that Mr. Gunner meant to give you" the man said.
"Ok, let's go then."
The man opens the backseat door as Meixiu hop in. He walks around to the driver's seat and drove off.
"Where is she going? And who is that?" Xiaowen asks herself as she saw Meixiu going with the unknown man.
"Xiaowen, what are you doing?"
"Mama, do you know where Meixiu has gone to?"
"Market, of course," Grandma Peng said, placing plates on the table.
"But, I just saw her entering an expensive car! It even has a gold statue in front!" Xiaowen said, looking at Grandma Peng.
"Maybe that's not Meixiu, come on and eat. Meixiu said she'll do something important" Grandma Peng said.
Xiaowen furrows her eyebrows before looking back at the window.
I am sure that's Meixiu. If she is not, then that person only wears the same clothing as her?
"Ms. Song, welcome back" the maids and guards greeted as they saw their young master again.
Meixiu's face stays stoic as she nodded her head and walks toward her late father's office.
"Meixiu! Long time no see!" Chen Weimin, Meixiu's childhood friend greeted her.
"Weimin, how are you? Let's catch up later" Meixiu said as she continue to walk toward her father's office.
"Ms. Song."
"Sit down, what is it that my father wants to give me?" Meixiu asks, sitting down on the swivel chair as she looks at the young lawyer.
"Mr. Song wanted to give you the contract, that Mr. Shen signed up for" the young lawyer grabbed something from her suitcase.
Meixiu takes a look at the said contract.
"Mr. Song wanted you to know that this is the contract for Ms. Zheng and Ms. Song's marriage. It is stated that the married should only last for 5 years."
"We have to divorce after?"
"Unfortunately, yes. Since your marriage with Ms. Zheng will only last for a year now, you shouldn't treat her right. It won't be hard for her to divorce you" the young lawyer said.
"What if I don't?"
"Excuse me?"
"I don't wanna divorce Xiaohui, she's already a family for me," Meixiu said, putting the paper down on the table.
"Mr. Song did think that you might say that..." The young lawyer sucks a breath.
"Mr. Song ordered someone that if you don't divorce Ms. Zheng, she will get killed. As you stay in their house, Mr. Song investigated you and learned that you might catch feelings for Ms. Zheng..."
"Because of that, he decided to not tell you until he has forgotten about it" the young lawyer broke out in a nervous smile.
"So, who knows that someone? I'll kill them first" Meixiu said, lifting one of her eyebrows.
"That's the problem. No one knows until he told me about it 5 days ago."
"I'll find them myself then, anything else?" Meixiu stands up as the lawyer nods.
"Mr. Song wanted to give you this."
She presented a red card with a dragon invisibly drawn in the middle of the card.
"Mr. Song said he wanted this to give to your wife on you two's third wedding anniversary, it's your hidden name, Red Dragon" Meixiu nodded her head.
"I'll give her this when the time comes. We will be having our 5th wedding anniversary, which means that someone might be on the move already" the lawyer nodded.
"I'll take my leave now. Good luck with your findings" the lawyer walked out of the office.
Meixiu stands up and looks out of the window. She sighs as she remembers her memories at the mansion.
She remembers back when she was 7, she was asking why can't she leave the mansion just like Weimin can. He can even go to school and be a student while she is homeschooled.
The said girl look at her back and saw Weimin with the door opened widely. She smiles before motioning for the guy to come in.
"How are you? How's your life being married?" Weimin ask as he sat down on a chair in front of the desk.
"It's fine and I can go outside whenever I want" Weimin sighs before he relaxes on the chair.
"Good for you because I can't easily walk out of the mansion. You know, I became part of the mafia as soon as I turn 18" Weimin said.
"Yeah, I heard that."
"How are you when you left the mansion?"
"Well, Papa left me at the orphanage which he said is a safe place but I just got bullied..."
"Why? You didn't fight them?" Weimin asks, looking at Meixiu in confusion.
"Papa said I should stay lowkey, his enemies will get me if I get myself known" Weimin nodded in understanding.
"And then as I grew old and became 18, I was thrown out of the orphanage and landed a job at a restaurant as a waitress," Meixiu said.
"Then, where did you get married? I heard that it's a contract marriage" Weimin furrowed his eyebrows.
Meixiu smiles, remembering the moment she saw and met Shen Xiaoli.
"This old man just approaches me and asks if I know someone named Song Changpu, I thought at first he was an enemy but turns out he will be my future father-in-law," Meixiu said with admiration.
"By the way, do you see Papa talking to someone unknown last 4 years ago?" Meixiu suddenly asks.
"I never saw Mr. Gunner talking to someone, why?" Weimin ask as Meixiu nodded and sucked a breath.
"The lawyer just said that Papa ordered someone to kill my wife if we didn't divorce after the contract..."
The contract will expire 4 months after Xiaohui and Meixiu's 5th wedding anniversary.
"Maybe they are already preparing, when's your wedding anniversary anyway?"
"It's getting nearer, I was planning on surprising Xiaohui..."
Xiaohui looks at her back and saw Tingfeng with a bouquet in hand. The man stands tall with a charming smile, making the girls around blush and mumble at each other.
Xiaohui frowned upon seeing him.
"What are you doing here?" Xiaohui asks as soon as Tingfeng is in front of her.
"This is for you," Tingfeng said, ignoring Xiaohui's question. The girl only looks at the bouquet and Tingfeng's eyes.
"Come on, get it" Tingfeng forcefully give the bouquet to Xiaohui.
"You can give this to someone else, I don't need a flower," Xiaohui said, giving back the flower to the guy.
"No, I want to say sorry."
"And can I treat you to dinner?"