
Her Knight in White Shirt and Blue Jeans

Two different souls, from two different worlds...yet, so similar like the same poles of a magnet... He lived the life of carnage - filled with danger and blood. She lived the life of a bird in a cage - safe and sheltered. His life was fucked up. He was a mess made of shackles of betrayal and pain, on his way to become next ruler of the Knight Crime Empire, one of the most dangerous Mafia empires in the world. She had a secret she couldn't bring herself to spill, being silenced by the man she had once trusted, that ultimately made her chose solitude and loneliness to feel safer. Other than this, her life was as simple as it could get, with her in her last year of highschool, on her way to become a valedictorian. Their worlds were like light and dark, like the two sides of a coin. And yet, they weren't so different at all. It was as if the two sides of the coin had been engraved with the same number and symbol., only being separated by the thin wall of metal in between. People were afraid to even look him in the eye and she scared half the school population with her chilling glare and unapproachable look. She knew pain, how it felt to be completely helpless and alone, barely keeping herself from drowning in the shallows of broken promises and truths. He was drowning too, the weight of his past pulling him down. Their actions were carefully calculated yet impulsive, with their anger an armour on their hearts. A reflection. That's what they were. Of each other. See, it's like this - If she is a star, her light brilliant and dazzling, hot anger bubbling on the surface, then he's an exact replica of her with the exact same bright and dazzling light, his anger at the world like the scorching fire and heat. What happens when these two clash? Their equally cold and distant gazes meet? Let me tell you - Fire burns. Gravity draws them close and for once, they can't bear to resist it until their worlds collide, secrets are unleashed and they're forced to chose what they don't want to. Because what good comes out when stars collide?

IFRAH_SYEDA · perkotaan
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19 Chs

9. Your eyes tell

You could cut the tension here with a knife. The awkward silence in the dining room, followed by the occasional sound of cutlery made Cole stop dead in his tracks at the door.

Immediately, he gave Alexandra a questioning look that was unnoticed by George and Sophia who were busy preparing food and reading a newspaper.

Alexandra shrugged helplessly. Even she didn't know why their parents were mad at each other again.

"Cereal or sandwich?" She asked Cole.

He trudged in, taking the seat beside Alexandra. "Anything's fine. I'm starving."

She placed a plate of his favourite sandwiches in front of him, pouring some cereal in a bowl for herself.

"So why are you fighting again?" Cole asked bluntly, as if he was so done with their parents.

Alexandra gave him a sharp look telling him to shut up.

George put down the newspaper, the article about the bombing catching Cole's interest. "There was a bombing?!" He asked, excitement lacing his tone.

Alexandr slowly mixed the cereal, her thoughts on the masked strangers who saved her and took her to her mom. They felt really familiar, especially the one who wore the Adam Taurus mask.

Why did she think his voice sounded just like Xander's? Was she right or was she merely wishing it was him who saved her? Maybe she was thinking about him a little too much these days. He never left her thoughts.

But that tattoo in his forearm. She couldn't see it properly but it definitely the tip of an arrow. And who else had the tattoo of an arrow? Xander...and Liam and Blake.

Could it be them? But that didn't make sense. Why would they wear masks and carry guns? It was probably someone else. But her mom knew them. How?

Cole kicked her leg when she didn't respond to his call. "Yo Lexi! Are you sleeping with your eyes open?"

Alexandra noticed her mom and dad also looking at her in question. Then she glanced down at her untouched bowl of cereal.

"Are you feeling okay Alexandra?" Her dad asked.

She ate a spoonful. "I'm fine, just thinking about something."

"Well anyway, I was saying," Cole said munching on his sandwich. "I have a game today evening. Don't forget it."

Sophia ruffled his hair making him duck while whining about ruining his hair. "Don't worry, we won't. Although, I'm not sure Alexandra can make it."

Cole gave her a stinkeye. "Missing one class to watch your brother ace his game won't hinder your perfect gpa."

"You know, if you asked that nicely maybe I would think of coming."

He stuck his tongue out at her. "I would if you stop nagging at me."

"You wouldn't even remember where your fricking school bag is if I didn't nag." Alexandra sai coolly.

Sophia gave a nod of agreement. "I agree with Alexandra on this one."

Cole gave her a look of disbelief, as if Sophia had just betrayed him. "Betrayal!" He gasped, "I never expected this from you mom!"

Alexandra kicked his leg. "Save that for theatre class, finish your breakfast first. It's almost time for school."

Cole grumbled, finishing up his last sandwich. "See what I said about nagging."

George, who was watching the whole conversation in silence got up. "Coming Cole?"

"Bye mom. Bye Lexandra." Cole ran out the dining room after George. Then he poked his head in, narrowing his eyes at Alexandra. "You better be there."

After finishing up her breakfast, Alexandra waited outside for Xander. Her mom had just left for her college, telling her it's okay if she skipped the last two classes after lunch so she could go see Cole's game with them.

As she was about to text Xander, someone pulled up by the gate. To her surprise, it was Liam.

He waved at her as she walked to him.

"I'm dropping you to school today." He said with a grin as he placed the helmet on her head.

Alexandra furrowed her eyebrows. "Why? Is Xander okay?"

Liam's smile was gone for a moment, a lost expression on his face. Then he covered it up with a cheerful smile. "He's fine, just...hurt himself a littlem but don't worry, he'll probably show up by lunch or something." The last part was said with a grimace.

"Okay." She climbed behind him.

Students turned their heads at them curiously when Liam cheerfully waved at her like he was dropping off his little sister. "Bye! Have fun!"

She couldn't help but give him a smile. His cheerful persona was getting to her.

Walking to the lockers ignoring the looks and questions thrown at her, especially from Julia who was practically oozing with sweetness today, Alexandra texted Cole.

'Might make it. Keep your fingers crossed.'

She got a reply not a second later.


She rolled her eyes, her lips forming a small smile. She began putting her books in the locker and was about to close it when she heard her name being called among the loud clatter of the students.

They seemed to pause too, curious as to see what would happen.


She immediately turned in his direction, only to find him weaving his way through the students in a hurry, his face full of relief. There was something in that intent gaze of his, making her freeze in her place, while her heart told a completely different story.

His palm were wrapped in White bandages. Alexandra felt worry prickle her chest. The thought of him being in pain stirred something inside her, something that made her feel like she was the one in pain.

He covered the distance between them in a few long strides, as if he couldn't bear the distance between, as if she was something he was needed but was deprived of.

The next instant, she was being engulfed by his warmth, his hands wrapping around her shoulders and his face buried in her hair. As if it had happened a million times, she found herself raising her arms, hugging him back.

"You're safe." He murmured, letting out a piff of breath as if he'd been panting. His arms tightened around her.

Alexandra really liked this even if his statement confused her. She moved back just a little, still in his arms. "Of course?"

Xander blinked down at her, not even moving an inch. "How's your knee?"

"My knee?"

He finally moved back, nodding. Then he crouched in front of her, his hand hovering over her injured knee. "Does it hurt?"

"Hurt?" Alexandra asked in disbelief. "I should be asking you that! How did you get hurt?!"

He stared at her as she continued to fuss over his hand, gently holding it as if applying any more pressure would break it. Her eyebrows were scrunched up, her brown eyes scanning his hand. He couldn't stop staring at her lips, which were pressed in a frown.

He really liked it.

After class started, she wouldn't let him touch a single pen. "I know it's hurting. You can't write with your hand like that!"

He opened his mouth to protest but one look from her had him surrendering in defeat. He sighed, a playful smile on his face. "Fine. If you insist."

Giving him a small victorious smile, she took his notebook and began scribbling down the equations.

"Although there's something I want in exchange for that."

She raised her eyebrow in response, her eyes focusing on the board. Trying to hide his smile, Xander took her free hand in his, entwining their fingers.

He put their hands down in the space between them as she glanced at him in curiousity. Then he flashed her an innocent smile. "I don't know what to do with it."

She chuckled, the should of her laughter slowly becoming his favourite melody. "Okay."

He squeezed his injured hand that was holding hers. Thanks to it, he got to see her fuss over him, the concern and care in her gaze giving oxygen to his flickering spark.

Fuck. It wasn't merely a spark anymore. It would soon be a fucking wild fire.

He slumped his shoulders, tilting his head back. And he had no intention of putting it out.

As they sat with their lunch together, Alexandra asked, "Are you sure you're okay? You look really tired."

Xander smiled at her concern. How different was it from his mom's. "Yeah. I couldn't sleep last night."

Alexandra watched as he tried to pick up his spoon again after failing the first time. Before he could just grab it tightly or rip out his bandages, she held his hand gently.

At his questioning look, she took the spoon from his hand. The look on his face when she brought it close to his mouth made her remember the warmth she had felt in his arms. It left her wanting for more. To be completely engulfed by his fire that was slowly wrapping around her like an embrace.

It was then her phone buzzed with a text from Cole.

'Pleeeeeese come to my game! There! Happy now?'

It completely slipped her mind. "Shiiii-"

"What game?" Xander asked curiously.

Alexandra gulped down her water in one go. "Soccer. He's been preparing for it even before school started. I have to go or else he'll kill me." She chuckled, as a dark look passed his eyes. He grasped her hand a little too tightly.

"Can I come?"

"You're okay with skipping the rest of the classes?" Alexandra asked skeptically.

Xander nodded seriously. "What's the point of me staying if you're not even here?"

She stared at him, completely speechless. Her cheeks were pink again, which was lately becoming his favourite colour on her. "Don't joke around like that."

He raised his eyebrow, completely nonchalant. "Who says I am?" He stood up, taking a step closer to her. "Believe me," he whispered, a euphoric grin on his face, as if he couldn't believe he was doing this. "The only reason I'm even staying at this godforsaken place is you."

And there it was. The flush in her cheeks, that damn pink on her white, like the hue of a rose, driving him insane.

He stepped back, entwining their fingers. "Let's go?"


George looked extremely surprised when Alexandra and Xander showed up together, their hands locked in each other's.

Alexandra herself was pretty confused as he just grabbed her hand after they reached Cole's school and she didn't want to remove it from his grasp.

Sophia, on the other hand, smiled contently, as if it was bound to happen.

"Where's Cole?" Alexandra asked, taking a seat beside her mom as she roamed her eyes over the field, searching for her brother.

"There." Sophia pointed towards a group of boys huddled together at one side of the field, probably discussing strategy.

After the boys cheered once and began running on the field, taking their positions, Cole turned his head towards the bleachers, a hopeful expression on his face. When he saw Alexandra, a grin broke out on his face. "Watch me win!" He yelled at her.

Alexandra chuckled, taking out her phone to snap his pictures. "Go for it!" She cheered.

Xander couldn't pay attention to the game. Not when she was sitting right beside him, with that soft smile on her face as she watched her brother play. He wanted to be the one on the recieving end of that damn smile, to hear her laughter and be the reason for it.

He had originally planned to leave school after checking up on her. But seeing that worry for him in her eyes didn't let him leave. He liked the attention she showed to him, the utmost care she took as if she couldn't bear to see him in pain...and the pain that filled her eyes when she saw his hurt hand.

He wanted to hurt himself just to see that expression again. It was so different from what he was used to. If it was Liam, he would be panicked the first thing and Xander couldn't bear to see the pain in his eyes, especially if he was the reason for it.

If it was his mom, it was a complete different story. He couldn't even bear to look at her face, much less see the pain in her eyes.

But with Alexandra...it was just different. And he wanted to be the only one who could bring out such an expression on her face. It should be only reserved for him.

He ran his hand through his hair. He was getting weirdly possessive of her when he wasn't even sure she liked him back.

He watched her as she raised her eyebrow at the boy who pushed Cole, as if she was questioning his audacity to even go near her brother. Xander bit his lip to keep himself from smirking as the boy, who turned to look at Alexandra immediately turned away when a death glare was directed at him.

He tilted his head back with his arms crossed on his chest, the smirk etched on his face as a thought crossed his mind.

How would it look if that glare was directed at him? But not for the reason like Cole's. No, it should be for something else. He closed his eyes, biting his lower lip, the action the first thing Alexandra noticed when she glanced at him.

Somehow, she felt like she knew what he was thinking about. Especially when he suddenly looked at her, the intensity in his eyes the only thing she could see, the rest of the world forgotten.

"Do you want a chocky?" She whispered with a completely serious face, save for the mirth shining in her eyes.

He couldn't stop the laugh that rumbled his chest, one of his hands pushing back the hair fallen over his forehead. He looked at her, his eyes showing an ocean of adoration and mischief. "Yes." He said, "Very badly."

Before she could reply, a loud cheer sounded out from the field. Cole and his team had won.

Alexandra stood up. "Guess you'll have to wait a little longer." She winked, chuckling at his widened eyes. Then she ran down the bleachers, her smirk the last thing he saw before she turned away.

A little laugh left his throat as he shook his head, her words echoing in his mind. He watched with a small smile as Cole practically ran at Alexandra, almost knocking her down.

Her loud laughter made him feel things, things he was coming to like.

George, who had been watching him silently spoke up. "You seem to have grown closer." His tone was neutral, giving away nothing yet his eyes were skeptical, as if he couldn't quite bring himself to believe what he just said.

Xander briefly met George's eyes and fixed them on Alexandra, as if he couldn't bear to waste another second of watching her. "Is that a bad thing?"

George was taken aback by his question. He narrowed his eyes at Xander, who didn't seem to want to move his eyes away from his daughter. "...it could be."

"Why? Because of the enemity between our families?" He asked the question so casually, his eyes drinking in how she talked animatedly with her brother and how that smile never slipped off her face.

"You know?"

Xander finally moved his eyes away from her. "I'm the heir of the Knight Empire. I know everything that goes on in my soon to be city." And the rest of the world. Soon.

"If you weren't Ethan's son, I would have thought that you're using my daughter to get to my family."

Xander raised his eyebrow. "Your family? I thought you left."

George remained silent, casting his eyes away from Xander and onto the field where Sophia was speaking something with Cole and Alexandra cheerfully. "You can't really leave the Mafia."

Before Xander could word his questions, his phone rang. The familiar ringtone of the song shoot the arrow brought a smile to his face.

"Uncle Jer-"

"Where the hell are you?!"

Xander furrowed his brows, searching for the name of Cole's middle school. "A middle school, why?"

"The hell are you doing there?" His voice was bewildered.

"I was watching a... nevermind." He shook his head. "Why did you call? Is everything okay?"

"Text me the address and don't go anywhere." His uncle demanded and disconnected the call.

Frowning, Xander did as he told. When he didn't get another reply, he put his phone back. Maybe his uncle had sent him something. Xander couldn't hope for him to be here in person as he was really busy.

George and Xander went to the field together, the silence between them rising like an invisible wall.

"Congratulations Cole." George ruffled Cole's hair with a proud smile. "You did great."

"Thanks dad." Cole said with a grin. Then he looked curiously at Xander. "Hi."

Xander was amused. "Hey."

Cole beckoned him closer, standing up on his toes to whisper in Xander's ear. "Thank you."

Xander furrowed his brows in confusion. Cole just flashed him a grin as he pulled Alexandra along with him to the parking lot.

"He cares about Alexandra a lot." Sophia said softly as they all began walking to the parking lot. "It's actually been a really long time since she's smiled like that. It's all thanks to you."

His cold heart warmed at that comment. "She's doing the same to me."

When he was about to get on his motorcycle, he heard a familiar voice. A voice that had been his own when he couldn't stand up to his parents, a voice that always made him feel confident and safe.

"I thought I told you to wait."

Xander froze, too scared that he would disappear if he turned around.

"What? Are you ignoring your favourite uncl-" Xander almost crashed at him, wrapping his arms around his shoulder. He heard him cluckle fondly as he wrapped his arms around Xander's back.

They were oblivious to the world around them, completely unaware of how George had a steel gaze at them, particularly Xander's uncle and how the bag in Sophia's hand fell on the ground, her eyes showing so many emotions.

Alexandra, however smiled softly, noticing how Xander tightly clutched his uncle's shirt and how he shut his eyes tightly, as if he was holding back his tears.

"You're here." He said as if he was trying to convince himself. "You're really here." Xander laughed as if his deepest wish had come true.

Then he broke the hug. "Why are you here?" He asked, completely confused. "Didn't you say you were really busy when I called?"

"I was busy." His uncle said with a proud smirk. "But not anymore. And besides your birthday's coming up, isn't it? How can I miss that?"

Xander rolled his eyes. "I would've just come to London. I was planning to anyway." He gave his uncle an accusing glare. "I was planning to surprise you and together we could've surprised Zh- I mean yeah. You ruined my surprise."

His uncle smacked Xander's back a little too hard with a grin on his face. "Aww my Xan-Xan wanted to surprise me. I'm touched."

Xander had a disgusted expression on his face as he took a step back. "Don't you dare pinch my cheeks now. I'll ghost you."

"You won't." His uncle scoffed and raised his hands threateningly.

George opened the door of his car and cleared his throat loudly. "Sophia, Alexandra come on."

Alexandra gave him a short nod. "Just a second dad."

Xander, who was now watching Alexandra softly as she stepped towards them, said, "It's her."

"Your cru-" Xander silenced him with a panicked glare, highly amusing him.

He extended her his hand, his eyes showing a unique fondness. "Hello. Alexandra right?"

She shook his hand with a smile. "Yup. And you are?"

His eyes briefly lingered at the ring in her finger, the one her mom hurriedly put it on before flickering up at her eyes.

He then gave her a brilliant smile. Alexandra wondered if he was used to ladies falling head over heels for him because even if he was old, probably her dad's age, he was really good looking. He had pale blonde hair that looked almost white in the sun. It was styled messily, kind of like Xander's, a few strands falling over his eyebrows. His eyes were dark blue, like crystals. She could see the resemblance between him and Xander.

"I'm Jeremy. This idiot's uncle. But you can call me uncle or Jer or whatever you want as long as it's not old man."

"You are old though." Xander pointed out. That earned him a jab in his ribs.

Alexandra was about to reply when her dad called her again. Sighing, she gave Jeremy a small smile. Then she said to Xander. "See you on Monday?"

He smirked as if he knew something she didn't. "Not Monday."

She was about to ask what he meant when her dad called yet again making Jeremy laugh. "You should go before he snaps."

Saying her goodbye, Alexandra walked back to her dad's car and got in the back.

"Race you to Red Wolf." Jeremy said suddenly, getting on Xander's bike.

"The key-" Xander patted his pockets only to find it in his uncle's hands. He rolled his eyes. "You're such a kid."

Jeremy stuck his tongue out at him. "Who cares? Here." He threw his car keys and winked. "You have another surprise waiting for you."

Xander ran to his uncle's sleek black Range Rover, cursing when his uncle turned the motorcycle around like he'd been doing it all his life. There was an unconcealable grin on Xander's face nonetheless as he started the car.

It was good to have his uncle back.