
Chapter 56

A couple more days passed by and before she knew it, Jayde had been in Theo’s captivity for a whole week. She was almost fully recovered from the torture chamber thanks to Dr. Huntr, and had managed to figure out how to utterly annoy Theo.

The man hated being called Theo.

The day after she had woken up - which was actually three days after the torture - Theo had come to visit again. He’d been spouting some more nonsense about her marrying him, and the fact that she should be honored he chose her as his bride.

Honestly, she’d been completely disgusted and told Theo that point blank.

“I have absolutely no interest in marrying you, Theo,” Jayde told him, voice still a bit hoarse. “I haven’t even thought about marriage. Find someone else.”

Theo had frozen with a spoon full of pudding halfway to his mouth. He’d slowly lowered the spoon and scowled at Jayde. “Do not ever call me Theo.”