
Heir Of The Sun.

The roar of wyverns echoes across a land of forgotten gods. Beasts like Fenrir dominate the land, and survival hinges on magic and weapon techniques. I am Aether, reborn into this brutal existence, a slave with a painful past and a future seemingly carved in stone. But fate, it seems, has a twisted sense of humour. When hope dwindled to a flicker, I stumbled upon an ethereal cave. Inside, bathed in an alien glow, lay a magnificent beast - a dragon, scales shimmering pink and red. Fear threatened to consume me, but a defiant roar erupted from within. "I will never bend to your will, FATE!" The echo of that challenge hangs heavy in the air, a spark igniting in the darkness. This is where my story begins.

Rene_Tokiori · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
50 Chs


A gentle breeze, a novelty in the humid cave Aether resided, caressed his fur as he wandered Elyria. The marketplace pulsed with life, a kaleidoscope of beings unlike anything he'd ever seen. Bull-like creatures with emerald fur rumbled greetings, while camel-legged humanoids ambled past. Lizard shamans, their scales shimmering with otherworldly hues, hawked their wares with captivating voices. Aether couldn't stifle a gasp, the word "amazing" tumbling out in a breathless whisper.He navigated the throng of merchants and curious shoppers, a thrill buzzing through his circuits. What challenge awaited him in this vibrant chaos? As if sensing his bewilderment, Lumi's voice echoed in his mind, clear as day: "[Host is required to make his way to the Sol gate].""Sol gate, huh?" Aether repeated, the confusion deepening. Elyria's landscape had morphed into something entirely alien. How was he supposed to find the gate in a land unrecognizable from its previous dead state?Aether jolted. A whirlwind of motion materialized out of thin air, strong arms wrapping around his chest. An intoxicating scent, like blooming night jasmine, wafted into his nostrils. Instinctively, his fists clenched, channelling energy to form a protective wind dome. But before the dome could fully materialize, a melody of a voice, angelic and calming, washed over him."Easy there, traveller. You seem out of place," the voice cooed gently, its sweetness disarming Aether's defensive stance. How did she know? He stammered, "It's alright, no need to be startled, dear." The woman, sensing his unease, offered a soothing reassurance. "Your hair... it's different from those touched by the Goddess." Her voice trailed off, still holding him close."Uh, excuse me, miss, could you please let me go?" Aether stammered, his heart hammering a frantic rhythm against his ribs from her touch. The woman chuckled, a sound like wind chimes dancing in a summer breeze. "Ah, I see. You must be from afar, unfamiliar with our ways."Turning to face his captor, Aether's breath hitched. Breathtaking beauty radiated from the woman. Cascading chestnut hair framed eyes that mirrored the rich brown of earth, yet held a spark that mirrored his reflection and draped in an ember transparent dress. Regaining his composure slightly, he managed, "Is my hair that different?"The woman's smile, as radiant as a sunrise, was his answer. "Only the chosen of the Goddess are said to possess hair like spun moonlight, shimmering with the essence of the ocean," she explained. "That would explain the strange looks I've been getting," he thought, self-consciously running a hand through his slightly messy twilight hair. He'd tried his best to tame them with the cave's natural pool, but clearly, it wasn't enough."You mentioned customs," Aether ventured, curiosity piqued. "Do you hug strangers here whenever you please?"The woman's melodic laughter echoed through the marketplace. "Silly traveller," she teased, sensing his apprehension. "Here, follow me to my shop, just over there," she gestured with a playful wink. "There, I can answer all your questions."Aether, still a touch skeptical, weighed the situation. A guide, especially one so seemingly knowledgeable, was a rare opportunity. With a resigned sigh, he acknowledged the chance. "Alright," he conceded, "lead the way."Without missing a beat, the woman turned, her figure swaying enticingly as she headed towards a quaint shop nestled amongst the bustling marketplace. Aether trailed close behind, his senses on high alert. A subtle tap on his left side confirmed the familiar prickle of the Moonlight Hornbristle's horn, a comforting reminder of his concealed weapon should things turn south.Aether followed the woman through the throng of the marketplace, his focus a wall against the curious stares she elicited. Finally, she stopped, a triumphant smile gracing her lips. "Voila!" she declared, gesturing towards a humble establishment. "My very own saffron taverna, where the finest teas flow freely for all who seek them."With a flourish, she ushered Aether inside. Sunlight, filtered through a tapestry of stained glass, fractured into a kaleidoscope of colours that danced across the room. Lush greenery spilled from ornately carved planters, basking in the dappled light. Arched windows, framed in intricate detail, offered stolen glimpses of the bustling marketplace, yet somehow, the noise remained muted, a distant hum. The air hummed with a different kind of energy here – a serenity that seemed to seep from the very stones.Plush, cushioned benches adorned with vibrantly patterned fabrics beckoned like an invitation to unwind. A magnificent red and gold rug, reminiscent of a Persian masterpiece, anchored the space, its rich warmth contrasting the cool stone floor. It was a haven of tranquillity, a masterful blend of light, colour, and nature that offered a welcome escape from the frenetic energy outside. Aether stepped across the threshold, the gentle hum washing over him, a promise of solace amidst the vibrant chaos.The woman's hand, surprisingly cool against his skin, gently guided Aether towards a nearby bench. It wasn't just any bench – oh no, this one boasted pillows like miniature rainbows, each a different shade of plush comfort. The air hung heavy with the warm embrace of exotic spices, a comforting medley that tickled Aether's senses.Before he could fully register his surroundings, the woman was beside him, surprisingly bold. With a swift movement, she nestled his head in her lap. Aether, on the verge of protest, found himself melting into the pillowy softness of her thighs. The tension that had coiled in his muscles like a serpent seemed to drain away with each passing second.A servant materialized, a mirror image of the woman in a similarly provocative dress. She balanced a tray laden with plump grapes and exotic nuts, placing it on a low table before Aether before disappearing as silently as she arrived."Now, where were we, traveller?" the woman purred, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Ah yes, the curious customs of my people," she recalled, picking up a nut and playfully popping it into Aether's relaxed mouth.He savoured the unexpected offering, the sweetness a welcome contrast to the spicy air. "Women here are quite sensitive to mana," she began to explain, her voice dropping to a hushed whisper. "Especially…" she trailed off, her eyes flickering to something unseen behind him, "…especially the unique kind you possess."Aether's blood ran cold. He knew his golden mana was unlike any he'd ever encountered, a constant thrumming energy within him. Now, she confirmed it, its uniqueness a beacon in this strange land."And to be frank," the woman continued, her voice barely above a breath, "it turns some of us on. Especially me."Aether's mind reeled. He was speechless, caught off guard by her brazen honesty. But before he could stammer a response, she dropped another bombshell, a revelation that sent a jolt through him, leaving him utterly bewildered."However," she continued, a hint of struggle in her voice, "as much as I'm fighting to control myself, that's not the real reason I approached you, traveller from future."