
Heir Of The Sun.

The roar of wyverns echoes across a land of forgotten gods. Beasts like Fenrir dominate the land, and survival hinges on magic and weapon techniques. I am Aether, reborn into this brutal existence, a slave with a painful past and a future seemingly carved in stone. But fate, it seems, has a twisted sense of humour. When hope dwindled to a flicker, I stumbled upon an ethereal cave. Inside, bathed in an alien glow, lay a magnificent beast - a dragon, scales shimmering pink and red. Fear threatened to consume me, but a defiant roar erupted from within. "I will never bend to your will, FATE!" The echo of that challenge hangs heavy in the air, a spark igniting in the darkness. This is where my story begins.

Rene_Tokiori · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 50: DARK DESCENT

A primal urge flickered within Aether, a desire to rise and face this enigmatic woman. But she held him down, her touch surprisingly gentle despite the boldness of her actions. "Easy there, traveller," she chuckled, a melody that soothed the rising panic in his chest. "I mean you no harm, alright?"She held a plump grape before him, a peace offering glistening with dew. As if in a daze, Aether found himself accepting the fruit, the sweetness a stark contrast to the spicy air that hung heavy in the taverna. He chewed the grape, the simple act grounding him in the moment."How did you know?" he finally managed to ask, voice raspy with confusion.Dalia, her eyes sparkling with amusement, began, "Where do I even start?" Her touch lingered on his arm as she continued, her voice a soft purr, "My name is Dalia," she introduced, "and what some would call an Elarion Speaker."Aether, his apprehension slowly melting away, listened closely, captivated by her words."Speakers," she continued, tracing a delicate pattern on his palm, "are the keepers of stories. We weave tapestries of legends, folklore, and the very essence of different cultures across the sun-drenched lands. But there are a chosen few, the Elarion Speakers," her voice dipped to a reverent whisper, "who glimpse beyond the veil. We are seers, you could say."Aether absorbed this new information, a knot of curiosity forming in his gut. "And you saw me?""Indeed," she confirmed, her gaze turning distant. "In a vision… shrouded in an endless dance of darkness and light. Pain and suffering etched upon your face."Aether's breath hitched. Darkness and light? Pain and suffering? The implications sent a shiver down his spine.Dalia, reading the turmoil in his eyes, continued, "Visions can be cryptic riddles at times, but yours was clear as day. Our meeting, traveller… a mere coincidence, it was not."Aether couldn't help but doubt her explanation. Coincidence? Or something far more profound? The tendrils of unease began to wrap around him once more.A steely glint hardened Aether's voice. "What is it you truly want from me, Dalia?" he demanded, his gaze locking with hers.Dalia leaned closer, her breath warm against his cheek, a cascade of chestnut hair brushing his face with an intoxicating scent. Her eyes, the colour of rich earth, burned with an intensity that both captivated and unnerved him. "So much, and yet so little," she murmured, her voice a husky whisper. "I want to help you, traveller."Aether scoffed, a hint of cynicism tinging his reply. "Help me how?" "Aren't you looking for something" she questioned a hint of playfulness in her eyes, "The people of Elyria call them rifts – etchings left by the goddess herself." Her voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper before Aether could interject. "They bear strange markings, symbols with the sun at their core." A flicker of recognition sparked in Aether's eyes."You know where the Sol Gate is, don't you?" Aether pressed, his voice gaining a new edge of urgency.Dalia smirked, a hint of satisfaction playing on her lips. "Ah, so 'Sol Gate' is your term for them. Indeed, there's one within the city limits.""Do you have any idea what these rifts are?" she countered, curiosity blooming in her gaze.Aether hesitated, his mind flashing back to the other rift he'd encountered. The only thing he could decipher was a connection to these so-called "Sunborn" challengers. "Honestly," he admitted, "this is only the second time I've encountered one. From what I could gather, they seem to be portals for challengers… Sunborn is the term I believe."Dalia nodded eagerly, soaking in his words. "So, you are a challenger, a Sunborn?"Aether met her gaze, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features. "I… I think so," he replied, the answer heavy on his tongue."Understood," Dalia declared, her voice firm with conviction. "I'll guide you, traveller, but under one condition."Aether, a single eyebrow raised in wary curiosity, tilted his head. "A condition, you say? And what might that be?"A mischievous smile spread across Dalia's face. "It's nothing complex. Simply, relax and allow yourself to unwind here until the sun dips below the horizon."Aether's mind spun with questions. Was her interest in him genuine, or solely fueled by his unique mana? Was she an ally, or something more? Exhaustion, however, was a powerful force. The trials of the Dead Citadel still clung to him, a heavy weight on his shoulders. With a sigh, he decided to take a leap of faith. "Alright," he conceded, the word a soft murmur against the plush cushions.Sleep, a seductive siren, began its irresistible song. Dalia, sensing his surrender to its call, reached out and gently stroked his forehead. The touch, light as a feather, traced a path back through his hair, each caress a silent coaxing into slumber. Aether's eyelids fluttered, then drifted shut, and he was swept away on a tide of deep, restorative sleep.****The last rays of the setting sun bled across the horizon, painting the sky in vibrant hues of orange and purple. Dalia, a gentle smile gracing her lips, nudged Aether awake from his slumber. After a quick visit to freshen up, they left the bustling city markets behind, venturing towards the city's forgotten corners.The path led them to a desolate part of town, where an ominous archway loomed ahead, shrouded in perpetual shadow. Its gaping maw seemed to devour the very light, a stark contrast to the vibrant city they had just left. Aether, drawn by an unseen force, took a tentative step forward.But Dalia's hand, surprisingly strong for its delicate frame, held him back. Turning to face him, she offered a bittersweet smile. "This is where our paths diverge, traveller," she said, her voice filled with a strange foreboding. "Something… something doesn't sit right with this rift. It emanates an unsettling energy."Aether's heart sank a little. "It's alright," he spoke, "This is a challenge I must face alone. But thank you, for everything."Aether, overwhelmed with gratitude, managed. A mischievous glint flickered in her eyes. "Don't thank me just yet, traveller. Once you've conquered this challenge," she leaned in, her voice a conspiratorial whisper, "come visit me again. Then, I can teach you how to properly express your thanks."Aether swallowed hard, a blush creeping up his neck. He could only nod in agreement, the memory of her earlier touch still sending shivers down his spine."May the goddess guide you, traveller," Dalia murmured, her voice laced with concern. With one last lingering glance, she turned and disappeared into the throng of people, leaving Aether alone at the threshold of the ominous archway. He took a deep breath, the air thick with anticipation and a hint of trepidation. With a determined glint in his eyes, he stepped forward, ready to face whatever challenge the Sol Gate held within.Aether crossed the threshold of the archway, stepping into the maw of darkness. The familiar sight of the Crucible, with its swirling energy and blazing sun symbol, greeted him. A flicker of apprehension danced in his chest, but it was quickly quelled by a surge of determination. Hesitantly but resolutely, he stepped onto the Sol Gate, the silence pressing down on him like a physical weight.Time stretched into an agonizing eternity. Each passing minute sent a tremor of fear through him. Was this a malfunction? Had he triggered something wrong? Just as he pivoted on his heel, a prickling unease snaked around his heart. Squinting through the gloom, he saw a dark pool of shadow writhe and churn, like a living entity trapped in an inky prison. Curiosity, a relentless flame, battled with caution. Inch by agonizing inch, he leaned closer, the shadow's allure becoming irresistible.Then, in a heart-stopping eruption of energy, the shadow solidified. It wasn't a mere shapeless void anymore – it was a nightmare-given form. Aether stumbled back, a strangled gasp escaping his lips as his knees buckled beneath the sudden surge of terror.From the darkness emerged a grotesque warrior, towering above him like a monument to death. It's emaciated frame was draped in tattered robes, the fabric whispering tales of forgotten battles. Ancient, corroded armour, bearing the scars of countless conflicts, clung to his bony form, offering a chilling glimpse of the horrors beneath. The being had four arms, In one hand, he clutched a massive greatsword, its blade shimmering with a cold, malevolent light. An equally menacing battle axe filled the other hand, leaving a single, skeletal claw-free, While the other, had a black bell in between its claws.The warrior's head was shrouded in the depths of his cloak, only hinting at the monstrosity that lay beneath. Yet, even the meagre glimpse was enough to send shivers down Aether's spine. Where a face should have been, there was a skull-like visage, radiating an aura of cold, malevolent intent. Hollow eye sockets burned with an unholy light, piercing through the darkness and straight into Aether's soul. The chilling air around the warrior pulsed with a deathly energy, as if the very essence of life recoiled from his presence.Behind him, the tendrils of shadow mist writhed in unison with his every movement, a spectral reminder of the countless souls he had consumed. Each step resonated with a finality that echoed in the emptiness, a grim harbinger of doom. This wasn't just a warrior – this was a death march made flesh, an unstoppable force heralding oblivion.