
Heir Of The Sun.

The roar of wyverns echoes across a land of forgotten gods. Beasts like Fenrir dominate the land, and survival hinges on magic and weapon techniques. I am Aether, reborn into this brutal existence, a slave with a painful past and a future seemingly carved in stone. But fate, it seems, has a twisted sense of humour. When hope dwindled to a flicker, I stumbled upon an ethereal cave. Inside, bathed in an alien glow, lay a magnificent beast - a dragon, scales shimmering pink and red. Fear threatened to consume me, but a defiant roar erupted from within. "I will never bend to your will, FATE!" The echo of that challenge hangs heavy in the air, a spark igniting in the darkness. This is where my story begins.

Rene_Tokiori · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
50 Chs


Agonizing minutes stretched into an eternity. Aether remained frozen, a statue sculpted from terror, his breath trapped tight in his chest. But as the seconds bled into one another, a disquieting silence descended. Slowly, ever so slowly, he pried open one eye, peeking through the cracks of his fear.The dragon lay before him, its immense form unmoving. A single, glistening blood scale filled his vision. Aether hesitantly blinked, then the other eye followed suit. The colossal creature remained still, a monument of ember-pink slumber.A surge of anger, as hot and volatile as molten lava, bubbled up within him. Misfortune, it seemed, had become his constant companion. Ever since the village's brutal attack, ever since Mary's final, chilling words, pain and grief had been his unwelcome shadows.He clenched his fists, knuckles turning white against the grime on his skin. "Enough!" he roared, his voice echoing through the cavernous ruins. "Enough of this suffering! Is this your amusement, some cruel cosmic plaything? Despicable, hateful creatures...!"His words echoed in the emptiness, a desperate plea to unseen ears. Was he ranting at the dragon, challenging it to end his misery? Or was this a primal scream aimed at the heavens, at the entity that had brought him to this desolate world?Aether didn't know. All he knew for certain was that he was being watched. An invisible audience observed his every move, his every struggle. Was it the enigmatic entity that had visited Mary? Or perhaps some omnipotent being, a silent puppet master pulling the strings of his fate? The answers remained shrouded in an infuriating haze.But amidst the confusion, a single, unwavering purpose crystallized within him. He would find the Chronolith Shards. He would challenge this world domain, whatever it was, and wrest the answers he craved from its grasp. ' Whatever!... ', the air crackling with his defiance. He would not be a pawn in this cosmic game. He would be the one to dictate his destiny.Inching forward, Aether felt like a mouse drawn to a slumbering giant. The dragon, a magnificent leviathan of legend, lay a mere stone's throw away. Its scales, the colour of smouldering embers and pink hue, shimmered with an otherworldly glow, radiating a raw power that sent shivers down his spine. He hesitated, the very air thrumming with a primal tension. Perhaps it was best left undisturbed.But curiosity, a flickering ember in the face of overwhelming fear, urged him closer. "Is it… dead?" he whispered, words barely audible against the silence. Before he could form a conclusion, Lumi, the voice within, spoke, its usual monotone tinged with a hint of surprise. "[Negative. Dragonsworn vitals confirm… alive.]"Aether strained his eyes, focusing on the colossal creature. A subtle rise and fall of its massive chest betrayed its slumbering state. But Lumi wasn't finished. "[Anomalies detected in target's energy signature]," it intoned. Aether's mind reeled. 'What the hell does that mean?' he thought, frustration gnawing at him."[Origin and nature… unclear. Requesting further analysis for clarification]," Lumi continued, a strange inflection in its voice. It was faint, but unmistakable – a flicker of… excitement perhaps? A tremor of something akin to emotion in its usually detached tone.Aether, with nothing else pressing (except for the still-elusive 'rabbit' lunch), shrugged. "I guess," he muttered, his voice echoing in the vast chamber. Lumi's request was granted, after all, they had nothing but time in this cavernous prison. "[Analysis in progress… analysis complete]," the voice echoed once more.Aether recoiled, a jolt of fear replacing his cautious curiosity. Lumi's words echoed in his mind, a chilling pronouncement. "[A seal has been placed on the Dragonsworn. Mana from the target is being consumed rapidly. If left alone, the target will perish]"'Left alone?' the question hammered in his skull. Was there something he could do? As if anticipating his thought, Lumi continued, its voice devoid of emotion but laced with a strange undercurrent. "[Anomalous mana interaction detected! Water exposure triggers a reaction, compromising the seal's integrity. This vulnerability allows the Host to syphon the mana essence directly, potentially reviving the Dragonsworn.]"Aether blinked, the words slowly piecing together a terrifying puzzle. Use the water from the ledge – the very water that had inexplicably healed him – to break the seal on the dragon. His own experience was a testament to its power, a reaction triggered by his 'irregular' mana. But the answer wasn't the problem, it was the consequence. Reviving a dragon.Not a stray cat, not a wounded bird – a colossal, fire-breathing legend. A shiver danced down his spine. This wasn't a gamble he was willing to take. Hell no. With newfound resolve, he turned away from the slumbering beast, his steps purposeful as he headed back towards the ledge where the water cascaded.But as he walked, a horrifying thought snaked its way into his mind. 'What could seal a dragon?' The question hung heavy in the air, a chilling premonition. He shuddered, not wanting to know the answer, the implications too dark to contemplate. The silence of the cavern pressed in on him, broken only by the steady drip of water and the hammering of his own heart.Aether scrambled onto the ledge, the cool stone a welcome respite after the adrenaline-fueled encounter. A low rumble echoed from his stomach, a constant reminder of his forgotten quest for food. "So hungry," he muttered, the words barely audible above the gurgling water.The cavern's luminescence had shifted subtly, now a soft, ethereal blue that mimicked moonlight filtering through ancient trees. It cast an otherworldly glow on everything, adding another layer of strangeness to this bizarre place.Despite the rumbling in his gut, sleep, a relentless predator, began its slow stalk. Aether stretched out on the cold stone, formulating a battle plan – not for a dragon, but for the elusive rabbit. All he needed were materials for a simple snare, and then perhaps, finally, he could appease the gnawing beast within.The sound of the cascading water, a constant in this ever-changing environment, became a soothing lullaby. It lulled him into a restless sleep, dreams filled with plump rabbits and steaming meals, a stark contrast to the harsh reality that awaited him upon waking.