
Heir Of The Sun.

The roar of wyverns echoes across a land of forgotten gods. Beasts like Fenrir dominate the land, and survival hinges on magic and weapon techniques. I am Aether, reborn into this brutal existence, a slave with a painful past and a future seemingly carved in stone. But fate, it seems, has a twisted sense of humour. When hope dwindled to a flicker, I stumbled upon an ethereal cave. Inside, bathed in an alien glow, lay a magnificent beast - a dragon, scales shimmering pink and red. Fear threatened to consume me, but a defiant roar erupted from within. "I will never bend to your will, FATE!" The echo of that challenge hangs heavy in the air, a spark igniting in the darkness. This is where my story begins.

Rene_Tokiori · Fantasy
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50 Chs


Aether thrashed on the cold stone ledge, the ethereal blue light blurring with the feverish sweat clinging to his face. A strangled cry, muffled and laced with distress, ripped from his throat. "Mama… mmmh… mama!" it echoed through the still cave, a ghostly echo in a foreign world.Aether jolted awake, a gasp escaping his lips. Hot tears welled in his eyes, tracing cool paths down his grime-streaked cheeks. Terror and grief were etched on his face as his frantic gaze scanned the cavern ceiling, offering no solace. Only the unyielding earth above met his eyes. Below, the gash of water from the waterfall continued its relentless descent, undisturbed by his turmoil.A chilling wind swept through the cavern, whipping at his light grey tunic, already tattered and torn from his struggles. The cold bit through him, insidious and relentless. He attempted to conjure a magical orb, a desperate attempt at warmth. But the resulting flame sputtered like a dying candle, easily snuffed out by the mocking wind. He repeated the futile effort, but each attempt drained his energy further. Lumi's voice, an unwelcome echo in his mind, served only to fuel his frustration. "[Mana vessel too weak to channel sufficient mana]," it droned."If all you can do is remind me of my weakness, then for heaven's sake tell me how to fight the cold, you buggy system or whatever you are!" Aether roared at the voice, not expecting a response. But a reply came, a surprise that sparked a flicker of hope. "[Dragonsworn mana radiates to produce warmth despite the seal placed on it. Suggestion: Sleep near Dragonsworn.]"Aether considered the option, his shoulders slumping in defeat. The thought of returning to the slumbering dragon left a bitter taste in his mouth. 'I'm not going back to that dragon,' he vowed silently. But the wind's icy touch mocked his defiance, each gust sending a fresh wave of shivers through his body. He gritted his teeth, ignoring Lumi's monotone alarm, "[Host vitals are unstable!]." With a sigh that spoke volumes of his surrender, Aether rose and trudged back towards the colossal beast, a reluctant guest seeking warmth in the shadow of a potential enemy.Aether's journey back to the Dragon was a battle against the cold itself. With each step through the ruined citadel, the wind seemed to gather its icy claws around him, tightening with every shiver. The promise of warmth, however faint, fueled his resolve.He reached the sleeping dragon, the colossal beast oblivious to his approach. Aether inched closer, each step an act of defiance against the biting temperature. But the dragon remained undisturbed, a mountain of slumbering power.Relief flooded him as he reached the curve of the ember-pink scales. A pocket of warmth radiated outwards, a beacon in the chilled air. His muscles surrendered to the long-awaited comfort, his body aching for the sleep it had been denied.But as he drifted towards slumber's edge, a question arose from the depths of his weary mind. The center, the heart of the warmth, held a strange familiarity. "Haven't I been… there?" he mumbled, the words barely escaping his lips.Before he could explore the thought further, Lumi's voice, devoid of its usual monotone, crackled in his mind. "[Sol Gate discovered!]"A jolt of terror lanced through Aether. Memories of the falling sensation, the crushing darkness, flooded back in a horrifying wave. The same word, "Sol Gate," whispered before his descent. What awaited him this time?He instinctively recoiled, his gaze falling on the dragon nestled upon a circular platform engraved with a symbol that mirrored the sun. Was this the challenge he had to face? Shelter from the beast or activate the gate, possibly awakening a creature of destruction?Torn between the immediate threat of the cold and the unknown dangers of the gate, Aether moved on autopilot. He inched towards the platform, each step laden with fear. His hand hovered over its surface, ready to sprint if the earth rumbled, if the dragon roared.But silence reigned. With a sigh of relief, he reached the warmth pocket, only to see the sun symbol begin to glow. "Damnation!" he cursed, his heart hammering against his ribs. He was about to bolt when Lumi's voice echoed, surprisingly calm, "[Insufficient mana. Sol Gate cannot open.]"The tension drained from him, replaced by a wave of exhaustion. He collapsed onto the platform, a newfound gratitude for the dragon's slumber. He had survived the fall, the cavern, the near encounter – surely he could survive whatever came next.With a final thought, he surrendered to sleep, not caring if the dragon awakened. After all, what could possibly happen that he hadn't already endured?****A new light, pale and almost golden, bathed the cavern in its gentle glow. Aether stirred, a groan escaping his lips as sleep reluctantly relinquished its hold. He sat up, blinking at the unfamiliar light before his gaze settled on the colossal dragon, its form still a magnificent nightmare curled around the circular platform."Did I really sleep next to a dragon?" he muttered, the question tinged with disbelief. The enormity of it all hit him – the creature that could have easily crushed him with a single flick of its tail, yet he had used its residual warmth to survive the night.Rising from the platform, his muscles protested with a chorus of aches, each stretch a defiant reminder of the previous day's ordeal. But there was a renewed energy coursing through him, a resolve fueled by necessity. "Rabbit," the word echoed in his mind, a single-minded pursuit.He made his way back to the water ledge, the sound of cascading water a comforting constant in this strange world. The cold liquid was a welcome shock to his system, chasing away the lingering drowsiness and easing the stiffness of his muscles.Sitting on the ledge, legs crossed and fingers pressed against his brow, Aether strategized. Survival was his mantra, and the tiny rabbit that had mocked him the day before was now a crucial part of his plan. He envisioned foraging for tough vines and sturdy sticks, meticulously studying the rabbit's burrow to devise a cunning snare. This was not the grand adventure he had envisioned, but in this unforgiving environment, even catching a rabbit was a victory. He would have to be resourceful, clever, and most importantly, alive. With a determined glint in his eye, Aether set about his new quest