
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

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200 Chs

Chapter 92 Urgent! Re-enter the new world

Malin Vandor, Naval Academy.

The training was as usual and lasted for nearly a month.

At this time, all the students had learned at least two Six Forms, and when they were placed in the army, they could be regarded as a little master.

As for Sakaski and Polusalino, they have learned three six types and their derivative skills.

Barrett has learned the four six types and their derivative skills.

In other words, the more than 40 cadets of the Naval Academy can well-deservedly say that they are elites.

And just then, an urgent message came from the new world.

Navy Headquarters Building.

"What do you think about this matter?" the admiral asked emptyly.

"Is there any way, I must send people out to see people in life, and corpses in death," Zefa replied.

"It's not that simple. The Warring States Period is still chasing and killing the Remnants of Lockes in the New World. They can't make a move. Now there is only you in the headquarters. You must come forward." He added.

"Yes, a general must be dispatched. Zefa seems to be going to trouble you." Kong asked.

"I see, but a large-scale search requires manpower," Zefa replied.

"Those cadets of the Naval Academy, you can mobilize, and give you five more warships, divided into four groups, you should understand." Kong agreed.

"Yes, I will do my best." Zefa replied.

"It's not doing your best, but you must do it, no matter what you have experienced before, but now you have to know that this is about the lives of the Tianlong people!" Kong shouted.

That's right, the Tianlong people are missing, and they are in the new world.

The cp organization accompanying him even lost the Tianlongren, leading the world government to order that the Tianlongren must be found.

"I see." Zefa replied helplessly.

Afterwards, Zefa left to prepare to go to sea. It is useless to be anxious now. In a few days, he will not be able to reach the new world.

The Tianlong people are also idle and do nothing, but they want to go to the new world, and the CP they are with is also a waste, even the Tianlong people can't stand it.


"Notify the students that there is an emergency." Zefa came to the Naval Academy and ordered.

Soon, all the students arrived and assembled in the playground.

"Now there is a major event, ordered by the world government, and we have received the death order."

"Dragon people, Don Quixote family, two of the tribesmen are going to the new world, Dresrosa, to revisit the old place."

"But now they are missing, in Dressrosa, under CP's nose, missing."

"The world government asks the navy to immediately go to Dresrosa to save people."

"And now, most of the navy's forces have been entangled by a group of pirates in the new world, so the navy headquarters asks you to perform tasks."

"You are now also an elite force in the Navy. I believe you can complete the mission, and the headquarters will send four warships to provide support."

"Are there any questions!" Zefa shouted

"no problem!"

More than forty naval cadets shouted in unison.

"Very well, clean up and set off right away." Zefa ordered.

One hour later.

The five warships in the port of Malin Vandor left the port for the new world.

But Barrett was depressed on the ship at this time, and did not expect to go to the New World for the second time, unexpectedly to rescue two Dracomen.

When I think about it, I'm terribly disgusted.

Save the ass, it would be nice if you didn't secretly kill them, and I counted on Barrett to save them.

"What's the matter, Barrett, I'm not very interested." Zefa noticed Barrett's strangeness.

"Oh, nothing." Barrett couldn't say what he was saying right now.

However, even if Barrett didn't say anything, everyone on the ship had guessed that after so long together, everyone had already understood Barrett's character.

This guy is jealous, and the greatest evil in this world is the Tianlongren.

"Well, Barrett, know that you have emotions, don't worry, you won't be saved in vain, the rewards of this mission are very rich." Zefa comforted.

"Oh, can you learn how to return it?" Barrett asked.

He has returned his life, but he has been coveting it for a long time. Just because of the return of his life, Barrett has not yet succeeded in developing it, iron nugget. Gold.

So when he heard that the rewards were great, Barrett made this request without hesitation.

"Well, if you can find the Tianlongren, then there shouldn't be a big problem." Zefa agreed.

Now, Barrett finally had the spirit, and let the two stupid pigs live a little longer.

"What if you can't find it?" Barrett asked.

"If we didn't find it, or found the corpse, then this trip would be a waste of time. If someone finds a living Tianlongren, then there will be two and six poses for all of us." Zefa replied.

"Ah la la, so troublesome." Polusalino complained.

With Polusalino's character, he was anxious to find a place in Dresrosa, sleep a lot, how could he take the initiative to find it.

"Be quiet, if we find the dead body, it's okay to say, but if we can't find the dead body, then we won't have a good life." Sarkarski reminded.

Indeed, if you can't find anything, it really doesn't look like it is. The world government may take them out of anger, and then they will have no good life.

"Ah la la, it's terrible." Polusalino persuaded.

Is it really persuaded, it is better to find someone here, or go back and be taught a meal, Polusalino quickly made a choice.

"This operation is divided into four teams, the three of you and me, each with ten cadets, and a naval ship from a navy ship. The search will be divided into four routes, and then the phone worm will be contacted." Zefa ordered.



The three agreed.

This voyage lasted for a long time, from Malin Vandor to Dres Rosa, such a long distance, enough for a group of people to sail for a while.

I have to talk about the two branches of the Navy, the G-1 and G-5 branches.

These two branches are not useless, but they have been suppressed by the pirates for too long, and the two branches can only do some intelligence gathering work.

There is logistical support, the others are really helpless.

After sailing for a long time, the fleet finally arrived at Dresrosa.

This was also the result of speeding up the voyage. There were several groups of pirates on the road. Everyone did not do anything, but just released a few shells, meaning.

Then he accelerated his way, and then reached Dres Rosa.

At this time, Dres Rosa seemed to be nothing unusual, and it seemed that the world government had kept the news confidential.

The people here did not realize that a disaster was by their side.

As long as something goes wrong with the Tianlongren, Dresrosa will inevitably experience a bloody storm, and then I don't know how many people will die.

The group went through disguise, divided into four groups, and landed separately.

After standing on Dres Rosa, Barrett intuitively felt why Doflamingo sneered at the Liku family.

Under the rule of the Liku clan, Dresrosa was too poor to be compared with Dresrosa under Doflamingo's rule.

This King Liku seems to have benevolence, not talent...