
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

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200 Chs

Chapter 54

The City of Seven Waters, Tom Shipbuilding Company.

"Hello, Mr. Tom, this is Barrett and this is Hahn." Barrett spoke first.

"Excuse me, what's the matter with you two?" Tom asked.

Tom guessed that the two were just for shipbuilding, and Tom was very happy to find him to build a ship.

"Mr. Tom, we are here this time mainly to make a deal with you." Barrett replied.

"Deal?" Tom wondered.

Shipbuilding is shipbuilding, so what is the deal?

"Yes, it's a deal, and it's a big deal." Barrett said.

Barrett's purpose is not only, let Hahn be as simple as a teacher, such a heavyweight in front of him, it would be a pity not to use it.

"Has Mr. Tom heard of Gaya Island?" Barrett tentatively asked.

Among Barrett's many forces, Gaya Island is relatively close to the seven-year-old capital, with only a long roundabout in between.

Changhuan Island is where Luffy meets Foxy, the slow fruit ability.

Barrett also wanted to attack Changhuan Island, but now there is not enough manpower. In addition, Changhuan Island is affected by the water gods, and only 10 small islands are exposed.

When the tide is low, the entire face of the long roundabout will be revealed, which is also a good place.

"Gaya Island, I've heard of it," Tom replied.

Gaya Island is notorious. When Barrett said so, Tom had another bad feeling.

Now, the news is not so developed, and Gaya Island rarely appears in the eyes of the world, so Tom does not know the current news of Gaya Island.

"Mr. Tom, don't be nervous." Barrett saw Tom's face change.

"What I say next, I ask Mr. Tom to keep it secret for me." Barrett said.

Gaya Island is not ready yet, and Barrett does not want to expose it so quickly.

"No problem, Mr. Barrett, please." Tom replied.

"The Seven Powers of Gaya Island no longer exist. The seven powers have been swept away by me. Gaya Island is now my sphere of influence." Barrett explained.

Let me tell you a little bit first to ease Tom's mood.

"Wait, sphere of influence, listen to Mr. Barrett, Mr. Barrett still has influence?" Tom asked.

It is indeed a murloc who can stand on the water, the key to quickly find.

"Yes, I don't know if Mr. Tom has ever heard of Jarzburg." Barrett asked.

Barrett was not surprised by Tom's question.

"Galzburg, familiar?" Tom thought.

"What about the endless war?" Barrett asked.

"Oh, I remember. The original name of the country that has been in war for many years is Jarzburg." Tom remembered.

In recent years, Jarzburg has faded out of people's sight, replaced by an endless war.

"The War Endless Nation has ended the war, and it is now called Jarzburg, which is also my sphere of influence." Barrett said.

"Did you end the war there?" Tom asked in shock.

The young man in front of him became the master of Jarzburg. Then, didn't he stop the war in Jarzburg?

"Yes, I ended the war there and became the master there." Barrett replied.

"You should still have power?" Tom asked.

Because Barrett still used the term "sphere of influence" just now.

"Yes, there is, but that is the headquarters, I can't tell you now." Barrett replied.

Tom was shocked again, and the boy in front of him had three forces.

"How old are you this year?" Tom asked.

"Not ten years old," Barrett replied.

Tom had nothing to say, and Cocoro next to him was dumbfounded.

"What deal do you want to negotiate with me?" Tom asked.

Now, Tom must pay attention to it. The person in front of him has a lot of power, at least enough for him.

And this boy is only less than ten years old, with unlimited potential, it is hard to imagine his future achievements.

"My forces, work together with your shipyard, we provide money, you are in charge of the ship, it's that simple." Barrett said.

"More than that, what about the other details?" Tom asked.

If this is the case, there is no cooperation at all, it is nothing more than Barrett buying his boat.

"Yes, it's really not that simple. I will help your company expand. Your current production capacity cannot satisfy me."

"I will help you unify the City of Seven Waters first. It is enough for you to have a shipyard in the entire Seven Waters," Barrett replied.

"Unify the entire Seven Waters Capital? Then the Seven Waters Capital also becomes your sphere of influence." Tom said.

Barrett's purpose is obvious. This is killing two birds with one stone.

"Yes, but if the Capital of Seven Waters becomes my power, will it have a big impact on you?"

"You must know that you have become the largest and only shipyard in the City of Seven Waters, and that it will do you no harm to the City of Seven Waters to become my power." Barrett replied.

Barrett really thinks so. It kills two birds with one stone. Tom's productivity can meet his own needs, and he can also expand his power, killing two birds with one stone.

"You want to control the City of Seven Waters, it's not that easy." Tom said vaguely.

The biggest obstacle to controlling the Capital of Seven Waters is the world government.

The Seven Waters are the first half of the great route, and even the world, the most important base for shipbuilding and ship repair.

The world government and navy will not easily hand it over to others.

"I understand what you mean, I will join the navy next." Barrett said.

When Tom heard it, the hairs stood up.

He seems to know something he shouldn't know, Barrett's purpose in joining the Navy is not simple, it can even be said to be undercover.

Barrett joined the navy obviously to cover, let his power expand unconsciously, and Barrett acts as a protective umbrella.

Tom knew about this kind of thing, and the ghost knew whether Barrett would kill.

"What do you mean by telling me this?" Tom asked.

He wanted to know what Barrett did this for.

"Mr. Tom, don't be nervous. I'm not going to be honest with you." Barrett laughed.

"Mr. Barrett, stop joking," Tom said solemnly.

This is no small matter.

"Haha, I am not afraid of you betraying me, you also have a handle in my hands, Pluto." Barrett said astonishingly.

Tom was dull.

Pluto's design drawings are indeed in Tom's hands. Tom is in awe of this ancient weapon, and he also knows how much the world government attaches importance to it.

"I see, happy cooperation." Tom replied.

Without any procrastination, Barrett already knows Pluto, what else can Tom have to say, if people threaten you, what can you say.

Cooperation is the best choice.

"Very well, and this one, Hahn, is my little brother. He is obsessed with shipbuilding and repairing ships. He is also very talented. I will put it here and learn from you." Barrett said.

"No problem, I will teach him well." Tom replied.

'It's killing two birds with one stone. Not only can you learn your own skills, but you can also monitor yourself. It's not easy for this child under ten years old.'

Tom thought to himself...