
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

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200 Chs

Chapter 39

On the second day Barrett arrived in Alabastan, the three gathered in Barrett's room.

"Boss, don't we go out to find someone?" Hahn asked.

"Don't worry, that group of guys shouldn't get up yet, Hahn, you took Gaka, and the three of us moved in two ways to find out if there were any pirates staying in last night."

"Regardless of whether you find a clue, I will still gather here tonight." Barrett ordered.

"No problem, boss."

"No problem, boss."

The two agreed.

Then the three went out looking for clues.

Start with the decorated hotel. This group of pirates has just found two large chests of treasures. They have a little bit in their hands. They will not go to such a dilapidated shop, which will affect the effect of enjoyment.

Secondly, look for people with female companions. This group of guys probably came to the hotel after the party. They can't come to the hotel as soon as they land.

The Great Axe will definitely celebrate the two boxes of treasures. After they are separated, those with money in their pockets will live there, and those with no money in their pockets can only come to this place.

According to the wanted order, there were more than 100 people in the Giant Axe Pirates, but only more than 20 people landed in Miranda.

In other words, there are still 80 people who can't get or get very little money. After all, this group of people has no effort, and two boxes of treasures can't be separated. Distribution according to work is the best.

Therefore, there may be 80 people who will come to this kind of place. Just catch or follow these people to find the giant axe.

In addition, these 80 people may gather together, which is also a clue.

Following these three clues, Barrett asked everywhere.


Barrett walked into an inn again.

"Yeah, brother, come to check in in broad daylight." A coquettish woman at the front desk looked at Barrett and said.

"I'm here to find someone." Barrett said blankly.

"Oh, I don't know which young lady is here?" the woman at the front desk asked.

"I'm not here to find a woman," Barrett said.

Just kidding, Barrett would be moved by these women. When he dominates the world, there will be no women.

"Oh, I'm sorry, we won't disclose guest information here." The woman saw that Barrett wasn't here to stay, and she felt weak.

"Don't ask for information, just ask you if there was a group of people who brought women to stay here last night." Barrett said, taking out a wad of Baileys.

As for where did this Ta Pele come from? Okay, just grabbed it.

No matter where, there are always some people who are not eye-opening and want to grab others, but they are robbed by others.

"Yes." When the woman at the front desk saw Bailey, her eyes glowed. It's not a big secret anyway. How can Bailey matter.

Finally, after searching all morning, Barrett finally found someone who met these three clues.

Those who meet these three clues are not necessarily from the Giant Axe Pirates. But the people of the Giant Axe Pirates are most likely to satisfy these three clues.

"What are they like, or what do you think they look like?" Barrett asked.

As soon as the woman wanted to take the money, Barrett took it back and asked another question.

"You give me the money first, I'll tell you later." The woman said.

Barrett relied on this wad of Bailey before, scammed, and took out the money first. If there is no one Barrett is looking for, Barrett will take the money back.

Either there was so much Pele squandering, I have to say, really a profiteer.

But this time, it seems that someone has already been found, so just give it.

"Here, take the money and answer my question." Barrett handed the money over.

"Last night there were more than a dozen people, all with female companions. They didn't look like locals, and they looked like pirates, talking about treasures." The woman replied while counting the money.

"How long did they book the room?" Barrett continued to ask.

"Not yesterday, four days." The woman replied.

"Sure enough." Barrett just asked casually, now he was more certain.

After confirming the location, Barrett returned to the previous hotel, and the sky gradually darkened.

Hahn and Gaka did not come back until the sun completely set.

"Did something happen?" Barrett worried.

Hahn and Gaka returned as soon as Barrett finished speaking.

"Why did you come back now, what happened?" Barrett asked.

"We have met the king's army of Alabastan, and they are also searching for people from the Giant Axe Pirates. Just now, they found the people of the Giant Axe Pirates." Hahn explained.

"Unexpectedly, they found it so quickly, too. After all, this is the chassis of others." Barrett exclaimed.

"Don't wait! We also set off, originally didn't want to start the war, since the king's army has already acted, we also started to act." Barrett said suddenly.

"Boss, did you find it too?" Hahn asked.

"Found it, let's set off and wait for it." Barrett replied.

After talking, the three set off.

The three arrived at the hotel Barrett found in the afternoon, and it was still early, and people were partying outside.

Waiting until midnight, Barrett finally saw the person they were waiting for.

A dozen people came to the hotel with a group of women, their temperament was no different from that of a pirate, even if they weren't a giant axe, they were also from other pirate groups.

"Do it!" Barrett took the lead before entering the hotel.

Hahn followed, and Gaka stood by to prevent anyone from escaping.

With one punch, the whole action lasted only 30 seconds, and it was over, leaving only one mouth alive.

"Take it away." Barrett threw the alive to Hahn.

The ghost a little bit, Barrett went ahead and opened the way, no one dared to stop.

The four successfully avoided the crowd and reached a place where there was no one.

"Hahn, stop his mouth, Gaka, you beat him first." Barrett ordered.

The little guy Jaka is too immature, so it would be nice to find a live target to practice his hand.

"Yes, boss." Jiaka replied.

Then there was a punch and kick. Although the Gaka was not big, the punch and kick from a little guy also made this man bruised and swollen.

"Hahn, let him talk." Barrett saw that Gaka was exhausted.

"Who are you and what are you going to do?" the pirate asked.

"Hahn," Barrett yelled, making a chair and sitting down.

Hahn is a top knee.

"I haven't asked you yet, don't talk." Hahn said coldly.

Hahn looks a little bit now.

"Are you from the Giant Axe Pirates?" Barrett asked.

"Yes." The pirate was completely afraid of being beaten.

"Very well, your captain, where is Van Dijk the Great Axe?" Barrett then asked.

"Yes, at the Yudi Hotel." The pirate said tremblingly.

"Hahn, cut his fingers." Barrett ordered.

Hahn straightened his fingers and punched it.

"No! I said! I said! At the Rainy Casino!" The pain of the ten fingers made the pirate tell the truth.

"Hahn, stop his mouth, Gaka, solve him." With that, Barrett made a sword and handed it to Gaka.

This level, Gaka will pass sooner or later.

Gaka tightened the knife in his hand and walked to the pirate.

The knife falls, the blood rises...