
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

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200 Chs

Chapter 34-Miranda

One week after Barrett went to sea.

Miranda has appeared before her eyes.

The four of Barrett gathered in the cab and looked at the small island in the distance, Miranda.

Because this small island is too small, there is no country. From a distance, it is dense forest.

"Brothers, prepare to land on the island!" Barrett shouted.



The three have long been looking forward to this.

After a while, under Hahn's control, Barrett and his team successfully docked the ship at Miranda, and then the four boarded Miranda.

"Everyone, move around, come and gather at this time tomorrow." Barrett said.

As for the boat, there is no need for someone to stay behind. Barrett's mast was broken. Of course, the repair was repaired, all thanks to the fruit of the fit.

After listening, everyone left happily. Amy and Mitchell were a team, and Barrett could only lead Hahn. For safety, a high combat power was matched with a low combat power.

As for why Amy and Mitchell are all the way, the ghost knows.

Barrett and Hahn explored the depths of the forest. After sailing on the sea for a week, Barrett's hands were itchy.

"Hahn, this is for you." The two saw a tiger in front.

Barrett is not interested in this, so let Hahn practice.

"Well, I see." Hahn leaned forward.

In terms of enlightenment, Hahn is not inferior to Amy, this usually taciturn child, also eager for strength, facing difficulties, he will not give up easily.

The tiger looked at Barrett, but he lingered, obviously it felt the threat from Barrett.

Seeing Tiger's delay in making a move, Hahn made a move.

Going straight to the tiger, Hahn looked directly into the tiger's eyes. The tiger was as tall as Hahn and was one meter tall.

That's right, after half a year of practice, Hahn's body developed rapidly, and he was already 1.7 meters tall.

But facing this tiger is still a bit small.

When the tiger saw Hahn rushing towards him, he couldn't take care of that much.

A tiger paw slapped Hahn and hit Hahn's fist together. Hahn was shot three steps back. It seems that the tiger's strength is not weak.

After half a year of practice, Hahn already has a strength of less than 80 Dao Power. The improvement in this half year has exceeded everyone's expectations.

This is inseparable from Amy's guidance and Hahn's own efforts. After Barrett's persuasion, Hahn fully believed in himself, and after feeling that he was empowered, Hahn worked harder.

It just seems that this tiger has about 150 powers, nearly twice that of Hahn.

But Hahn counseled, of course not.

So soon Hahn was beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face, and his clothes were also scratched.

When Barrett saw this, there would be no effect if he continued to fight, so he drove the tiger away. As for why he didn't kill it, the tiger meat is not tasty, and the other is that it can be reused.

Barrett and Hahn are sitting in the woods. There is a fire in front of them. There is a wild boar on the fire. Isn't he good to eat roast pigs?

The two vomited wolfishly, and Hahn needed to replenish energy after a battle. With sufficient energy, the improvement of strength would be fast.

Soon the two finished the barbecue, and the whole pig was left with bones. The smell attracted the predators around, but they did not dare to approach.

Barrett has been driving ghostly now, one is to exercise his control over the ghost, and the other is to make Hahn adapt to the ghost, otherwise how to fight together.

Barrett and Hahn got up and left, heading to the deeper forest.

On the other side, Amy and Mitchell searched for prey everywhere.

When disembarking, Barrett ordered Mitchell to collect some food. There was not much food on the boat, and it might be difficult to make it to Alabastan.

Barrett doesn't know anything about it. The food here is different from the previous life, and Barrett says he can do nothing.

Mitchell followed Amy, searching for food in the forest, while Amy searched for animals.

The two swept all the way, "no grass will grow" along the way. As for the food was hung on the tree by Amy, there was really no way to bring it.

"Amy, look there." Mitchell suddenly stopped Amy.

Following what Mitchell pointed out, Amy saw a missing sword.

"The sword fell not long ago. Someone came before us." Amy stepped forward and checked. The sword was ordinary, without any traces of rust on it, but there was a crack, which was obviously a heavy blow.

"Don't worry, they may have left. Didn't we also see the ship when we came? Besides, I am here." Amy comforted.

"Yeah." Mitchell breathed a sigh of relief.

It may be the first time I have seen the outside world, I feel a little nervous.

The two of them continued to move forward, and the situation was a little uncomfortable. The two found traces of the battle. The bloodstain had not yet dried. It was a recent battle.

"What to do, Amy?" Mitchell said nervously.

People are full of curiosity and fear about the unknown, especially for unarmed people like Mitchell.

"It doesn't matter, you follow me, let's join in the fun." Amy Yigao was bold.

After half a year of practice, Amy's strength has broken through 700 powers.

In fact, 700 powers are not enough to run rampant in the first half of the Great Route, because there are not many simple things that can reach the Great Route.

After a long time of tracking, Amy and Mitchell finally found their target.

The person in front of him looked a bit fierce, obviously not a good person.

"Captain, the map shows, this is it." A person said with the map.

"Well, I finally found it. Dig." said a burly man.

The speaker was obviously the captain, and he carried a big axe on his shoulder.

"It seems that they have found some treasure, there are injured people, and there seems to be a group of people." Amy analyzed, because there was no dead body along the way.

"What to do, Amy?" Mitchell asked.

At this time, I can only listen to Amy. Mitchell has neither the strength nor the battlefield experience as well as Amy.

"Keep waiting, it seems they will be digging for a while, tomorrow noon, the boss will not see us, will come to us, there are signs on the road." Amy said.

"Did you mark?" Mitchell asked, she didn't notice Amy made a mark on the road.

"Those prey in the trees." Amy replied.

"Oh, then let's just wait." Mitchell hid himself.

"No way, that captain is not simple, he may be comparable to me, or even better, I can't guarantee your safety, and I dare not let you go back alone." Amy explained.

"Oh, I said why don't you rush up." Mitchell laughed.

Amy is indeed a warlike person, but he is not a fool. He will analyze the situation. If Mitchell is not there, Amy may go up and compete.

The two waited quietly until noon when these pirates finally dug up something.

The group of pirates slept last night. Amy wanted to take a sneak attack, but he was not sure. Even if seven or eight were killed, there were still more than twenty people in the family.

On the side of the warship, Barrett and Hahn returned to the beach, but they did not see Amy. Barrett guessed something was wrong.

Amy is not the kind of person who will be late.

Hahn stayed on the boat. He had gone through many battles and was exhausted.

Barrett went to find Amy alone...