
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

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200 Chs

Chapter 33

Barrett and his party of four came to the dock.

At this time, many people stood on the dock, Coleman, Cadir, Kofi, Herman, etc. They all heard that Barrett was leaving and came to see him off.

"It's been a long time, everyone." Barrett stepped forward to say hello.

"It's been a long time. I heard that you are leaving. We came here to see you off specially." Coleman said.

"In the past six months, Jarzburg has been stable, and it's a waste of time, thanks to your suggestions." Kadir thanked.

Through Barrett's policy, the various industries in Jarzburg are currently vibrant, and it seems that they will develop rapidly.

"That's good, so I can rest assured, and Herman, don't forget to increase the army building, I will come back to pick people in a few years," Barrett said.

They had negotiated before that they wanted to build an elite army, which only belonged to Barrett, and all members were composed of children or orphans around ten years old voluntarily and guaranteed loyalty.

The name of the unit is "Tiger Ben". It was first trained in Jarzburg for two years. After that, Barrett would come back and take away the unit, pick out the elites, and form another unit.

Every two years, Barrett will come back and take away the troops, not for quantity, but for quality.

Because of the problem of quantity, Barrett will solve it through other territories.

In addition, voluntarily joining Hu Ben, loyalty can be guaranteed, but the talent is not enough, and those who are eliminated will form another troop, the "secret", which is responsible for intelligence, assassination, etc.

Jarzburg is responsible for the basic training of these two units, which will be handed over to Barrett for further processing two years later.

Barrett is to make full use of the resources of Jarzburg. Of course, if Jarzburg is invaded, Barrett will not sit idly by.

"No problem, Mr. Barrett, we will complete the task you assigned." Herman promised.

"That's good, then everyone, I'll get the boat out first." Barrett waved his hand and walked to the piles of metal piled on the dock.

Liquid crystals gushing out of the body frantically, quickly enveloping those piles of metal.

Barrett's control of the flow crystal is more accurate and faster.

The fluid crystals in the body enveloping the metal quickly assimilated the metal, and the fluid crystals spread over the sky to the sea, and the deformation began.

The flow crystals intertwined, and after a while, a giant metal beast appeared in front of everyone.

This is a 50-meter-long destroyer with a metallic luster, a pointed bow, a rectangular hull, and a deck behind.

There is a naval gun on the bow, after all, not one of the four is capable of long-range combat.

After that, Barrett put the rudder on the wheelhouse. Above the wheelhouse are the dining room, living room, and watchtower, and the dormitory is below.

It's worth mentioning that this ship has a mast on the back deck, so it's not exactly the shape of a destroyer.

The reason is that Barrett didn't know the structure of the power system. There was no way. He didn't have enough professional knowledge to build it. Barrett racked his brains to build this ship.

Let Hahn go and learn later. After learning Barrett, he can transform it. The mast at the back looks really uncomfortable.

"Everyone, please bring the supplies up." Barrett said to the soldiers on the dock.

The boat has been built, but there are still some things to be moved on, all for food, as well as sails and other organic things.

It will take a while to pack these things, and Amy will just watch them.

"Admiral Coleman." Barrett took advantage of this effort to find Coleman.

"Is there anything else to order? Mr. Barrett." Coleman asked.

"Oh, I suddenly remembered something. We have been away during this period of time. You can investigate which country is behind the rebel army." Barrett ordered.

If you can, Barrett doesn't mind having one more territory.

"No problem, Mr. Barrett." Coleman also hated the country behind it.

"Well, Hu Ben and Anbe can be involved, even if it's actual combat training." Barrett suggested.

Barrett is always planning for his two troops, after all, this is his trump card to dominate the world.

"Okay, I will tell you to go down." Coleman agreed.

"The time is almost up, then goodbye, General Coleman, looking forward to our next meeting." Barrett saw that the material was almost moved.

"Goodbye, Mr. Barrett, next time you meet, you will see two troops that satisfy you." Coleman said goodbye.

After speaking, Barrett walked to the boat, everyone was waiting for him.

Standing on the deck, looking at the land in front of you.

I am about to leave this land where I have lived for 8 years, and I will be back a few years later.

In 1485, Barrett and his party went to sea in 1485.

A week later.

In the cockpit, Hahn is at the helm, Amy is in the observation deck, Mitchell is cooking, and Barrett, he is studying the chart in the cockpit.

As for the general appearance of this world, Barrett is still clear.

The red earth continent circled the planet, and the great route was perpendicular to the red earth continent and circled the planet.

The two together divide this planet into four parts, which is the four seas.

On both sides of the great route are windless zones, which means that the two windless zones also circle the planet, and the windless zones are calm and calm.

Ships traveling by the wind will stagnate when they encounter a windless zone, and the windless zone is a nest of large aquatic species, and large aquatic species are everywhere.

Basically, no one rushes through the windless zone. Of course, like some people, except for those who have swim in the windless zone, someone who is quite old can play breaststroke.

The other is Begapunk, who installed Shanghai Loushi under the warship to shield the perception of the sea kings, so that the warship can pass through the windless zone.

According to the data, naval warships can travel through the four seas, but the East China Sea and the South China Sea can travel freely. In the North Sea and the West Sea, they still have to pass through the red earth continent.

The great route between the East China Sea and the South China Sea is the first half.

The great route between the North Sea and the West Sea is the second half, the New World, the chassis of the future Four Emperors.

The navy's power in the new world is very weak, except for the G5 branch, only the G1 branch is left.

However, after the top war, Akadog swapped the headquarters with the G1 branch.

In any case, the new world can be said to be a paradise for powerful pirates, emphasizing powerful pirates.

Barrett is currently in the first half of the Great Airway, the route that Luffy took, but Luffy hasn't walked it. Because Nami is sick, Luffy went to Drum Island to find a doctor by making a turn.

Barrett's next stop is Miranda, a small island where they need to store magnetism, and then head to the next island, Alabastan.

That's right, it is the super-large island that we know well, the Kingdom of Alabastan.

"Hahn, how long does it take for the recording pointer to be full of magnetism?" Barrett asked.

"It takes about a day." Hahn replied.

They have been sailing at sea for a week, because the ship was flying the national flag of Jarzburg, so the navy did not find the fault.

A week's voyage is somewhat boring.

"Well, let's go to the island and relax for a day." Barrett said.

The first island on the road appeared...

I found that it is really uncomfortable to write such a detailed classification. I don't know how you feel, but I will not divide it into such a detailed later.

In addition, I saw some comments from book friends.

We can understand that Oda did not think about how to paint the armed color before, so there are many colorless armed colors, but the armed color should be colored. After all, there are nicknames such as "black wrist" and "black knife" . Armed color has no color, so where do these titles come from?

As for the colorless armed color that appears now, let's just understand it as a pit filled by Oda. After all, it is not a real world, without such a complete system and setting.

Then I will tell you about this book in advance. In this book, the color classification is armed, and the grade is linked to the color, and colorless is the highest level, so that everyone can read the book easily.