
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

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200 Chs

Chapter 31: Rest and Preparation

Corrado, government headquarters, meeting room.

"Today everyone gathered together, the first is to announce something, and the second is to discuss our future." General Coleman was the first to speak.

"First of all, let me introduce to you. This is Lieutenant General Amy. Everyone may know that he is our hero." Coleman introduced.

"This one is Mr. Barrett. Some people may already know him. It is the weapon he provided us and killed the rebel commander Navarro alone." Coleman then introduced Barrett.



Coleman's words shocked everyone.

Those weapons were the decisive factor in the victory of this war, and he killed Navarro solo.

"As for Mr. Barrett, I will introduce it later," Coleman said.

"Next, let me announce some things." General Kadir said.

"First of all, congratulations everyone, the war that lasted for many years is over." Kadir said happily.

Although all the officers present here are general officers, but at this time they are also smiling like a child.

"Since the war has ended, our country is no longer a war-ending country, and officially changed its name to the original name, Jarzburg." Kadir announced.

"Next, I announce one last thing, Jarzburg, from today on, it will return to Mr. Barrett and officially become Mr. Barrett's territory."

"This is the result of my discussion with General Coleman and Lieutenant General Kofi." Kadir said astonishingly.



Below is another chaos.

"I'll explain it here," Coleman said.

"As early as two years ago, Lieutenant General Amy surrendered to Mr. Barrett. At that time, Lieutenant General Amy had not joined the government army. After that, my subordinate, Lieutenant General Herman, chose to surrender, and then I and Ka General Deere, Lieutenant General Kofi."

Coleman's remarks caused an uproar again. You must know that the generals who choose to surrender control all the army and prestige.

No one will refute it anymore. They are all subordinates of Coleman, Kadir and Kofi.

The boss in front of him has surrendered, what else can they say.

"Some people may be dissatisfied. You know that Mr. Barrett can kill Navarro solo, but you don't know that Mr. Barrett in front of you is only seven years old." Coleman said.

Shocked again.

Seven years old, when they were seven, they didn't know where to play soil.

"This is why we chose to surrender. Barrett can give us shelter in the future." Kadir said.

"Then what do we need to pay?" a lieutenant general asked impatiently.

"Here, Jarzburg will become Barrett's base. We need to pay personnel and resources, and Barrett will find ways to train, and then serve him."

"Similarly, he will promote the economic development of Jarzburg and the development of military power." Coleman explained.

"Except for some important measures, I will not restrict you too much. Jarzburg is my base, but it is not my only base. I need more resources, which cannot be provided here." Barrett said for the first time.

The meaning is obvious, you don't have to worry, just do whatever you want, Jarzburg is only part of my grand plan.

I will not covet your current resources, but will promote your development and provide me with more resources in the future.

"To put it bluntly, I am investing in you, and you also need my asylum, and you also need to provide me with resources. We need each other, but I have the initiative." Barrett continued to explain.

The generals looked at each other.

"We are willing to surrender."


The generals knelt on one knee and declared their allegiance.

"Very well, you will be grateful for your choice today." After all the generals surrendered, Barrett was very pleased. The two years of hard work were finally not in vain.

"Okay, everything is announced. Next we discuss the future development of Jarzburg." Coleman led to the next topic.

After years of wars, the economy of Jarzburg has deteriorated greatly, and there is an urgent need for vigorous economic development.

It's hard to let a group of soldiers discuss politics, but fortunately Barrett is there.

Under the influence of ears and eyes, Barrett has a better understanding of some policies in his previous life.

The most important thing is the election policy, as well as the supervision policy.

After the introduction of these two policies, the next step is to rely on the talents of Jarzburg.

The meeting lasted all morning and ended successfully.

There will be nothing left of Barrett, Amy, Hahn.

Oh, the previous meeting, because Hahn did not have any outstanding contributions or strength, so he was just as a partner of Barrett and Amy to attend.

"Boss, what shall we do next?" Amy asked.

The war is over, and Amy feels that they should leave.

"Wait another half a year, we will go to sea in half a year. During this time you train Hahn, I want to retreat." Barrett said.

"Retreat again?" Amy said silently.

Although Barrett's retreat is not as isolated from the world as in martial arts novels, he never cares about external affairs, and external affairs must be handed over to Amy.

"Don't complain, I have to prepare, and this time I will find the Devil Fruit for you by the way." Barrett interrupted Amy's complaint.

"Find me the Devil Fruit?" Amy confirmed.

"By the way, I will find Devil Fruit for you. This time I will mainly let you and Hahn go out to practice for a while, and I will also go out for practice for a long time." Barrett said.

"Ah, why?" Amy was puzzled, and finally went to sea together, so why did he practice separately.

"We are still too weak, we need time to accumulate strength, and we are also waiting for a big event to happen." Barrett explained.

It's right to be too weak. As for the big event, it should be the opening of the great pirate era.

"Then, boss, when will we meet?" Hahn asked.

Hahn was still a little embarrassed to roam outside alone, after all, he was too young.

"I will hold your life card, and after the big event, I will go to you one by one."

"In addition, the separation time this time will be very long, about twelve to three years. After practicing, try to develop our power as much as possible."

"All holding phone bugs, starting from Jarzburg, slowly expanding our power." Barrett exhorted.

"But is it too long for more than ten years?" Amy asked.

After such a long separation, no one will be disappointed.

"After more than ten years, it is the time when we re-appeared in the world for the first time. We will meet during this time. After all, we have to develop underground forces."

"But more than ten years later, we will stand in the world in the name of a collective and show our identity, and then we will shock the world." Barrett explained.

In the past ten years or so, several people will meet, but they will not show the relationship to the world. After reuniting, they will appear in front of the world together in an upright manner.

At that time, everyone would be stunned...

Ten years is indeed a long time, but rest assured, during this time, they will have a lot of contact, and there will be more surprises when they develop alone. Hey, the surprise is on Amy, do you want to guess.