
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

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200 Chs

Chapter 29-Navarro Participating

Southeast region.

Kofi's troops were blocked by the five thousand rebels, and they were planning to annihilate the five thousand enemy troops and continue their journey south.

However, after receiving news, the southern coalition forces are returning at full speed, and the southwest coalition forces are following behind.

Kofi has no time to waste here. He must withdraw from the rebel territory as scheduled with Barrett.

Otherwise, he will encounter the 100,000 Southern Allied Forces. Although the Southwestern Allied Forces will be victorious in the end, the more than 10,000 soldiers under him will be wiped out.

Moreover, he has to build a defense line to trap the southern coalition forces in the southeast, so he must retreat.

"Order to continue, end the battle as soon as possible, immediately retreat, withdraw from the rebel territory, and go back to build a line of defense." Kofi ordered.

There are still more than 3,000 people in the rebels, but they cannot be delayed. The government forces quickly ended the battle and quickly withdrew. Time is life. They must build a strong enough position.

"The Art of War" talks about "ten besieged", the offensive and defensive ratio of a siege can even reach 10:1, even if Li Yunlong hits Pingan County, the force is 8:1.

Having said that, anyway, the stronger the position, the longer it can hold the enemy, and the smaller the casualties.

Kofi obviously understands this.

The three thousand enemies let them go this time, and the lives of the soldiers are critical.

The government forces retreated, leaving three thousand rebels with big eyes and small eyes.


"Report, the government forces in the southeast have retreated." An intelligence officer reported to Navarro.

"Well, it's strange if I don't retreat, but my big troops are coming back, but it's a pity in the southern region." Navarro said, he lost this battle.

"By the way, how about Hagrid?" Navarro asked.

Although Hagrid could desperate for fame and fortune, it was indeed a breakthrough if he used it well.

"There is no news from Hagrid. It may be that they are still cleaning the remaining forces in the city." At this time, the news from Corrado has not been passed.

"Now the southern coalition is forced to the southeast area by the southwest coalition. They can't head-on with the southwest coalition. They don't know where to get a lot of weapons.

"To the east and south is the sea, only the north has a 10,000-strength government army, and there is a Hagrid behind them."

Navarro carefully analyzed the current situation. Although the current situation is not optimistic, there is still a breakthrough in Corrado.

The formal government has disappeared. This is the greatest success. As long as a breakthrough is made on the front battlefield, the situation will be reversed immediately.

"Report, urgent call, news from our spies in Corrado that Lieutenant General Hagrid died in the original government army, government office." A correspondent reported.

"Dead?" Navarro said in surprise.

"I thought I could do tricks on him. If he died, he would die. It is enough to overthrow the government."

Navarro didn't care about Hagrid's life or death at all. Since he was done using it, he died.

"Then there is no way, only to break through from the 10,000 government troops to the north."

"Order, after the southern coalition arrives in the southeast, leave 80,000 troops to resist the attack of the southwest coalition."

"The rest of the troops united with the Southeast Garrison, a total of 25,000 people, and I will attack the rebels on the southeast battlefield. I will personally lead them.

Navarro ordered.

He wanted to lead 25,000 people to break through the defense line to the north, and then go straight north to occupy a large area of ​​​​the north.

The idea is good, but he didn't know that the more than 10,000 government troops were fully armed, built good fortifications, and waited for nothing.

And there is Barrett, who can compete with the general.

The assembly of troops was quickly completed, leaving the southern coalition forces behind. Once the southern coalition forces arrive, they can launch an offensive.

At this time, Barrett also came to the front position.

"Mr. Barrett, how is Corrado?" Kofi asked.

"It has been resolved, and now we have no trouble, and then we will look at the frontal battlefield." Barrett said.

"We have received news that Navarro is going to assemble a force of 25,000 to attack us, leaving 80,000, and dragging the Southwest Allied Forces." Kofi said.

"It seems that Navarro deliberately let you get the news. The decisive battle is about to begin. Navarro will hand it over to me, and the 25,000 rebels will be handed over to you." Barrett said.

If it weren't for Navarro to do it on purpose, Kofi would not know so clearly, this is a sign of a decisive battle.

"No problem." Ample guns and solid fortifications gave Kofi this certainty.

"When we have an exchange of fire here, the Southwest Allied Forces will also launch a general offensive. Success or failure depends on this."

Barrett's eyes are full of determination, he must win, and his opponent is by far the strongest.

After a long wait, all the southern coalition forces finally entered the southeast area and successfully divided their forces.

A total of 25,000 rebels, led by Navarro, rushed to Kofi's position.

As the rebels entered range, government forces opened fire.

Artillery fired, and the rebels fell one after another, but they did not retreat and paid a huge sacrifice in order to break through the government's fortifications and conduct close combat.

"Quickly, light up all your ammunition and suppress firepower." The commander of the government army ordered.

Navarro followed the rebel army and watched the soldiers falling down continuously. The hatred in his heart, why the government army would use so many weapons.

Finally, the two armies came into contact, and the close combat began, and Navarro stepped forward and rushed wildly.

Barrett was still looking for his prey, and at this moment he saw Navarro, this guy is good, if he guessed correctly, it was him.

Barrett killed all the rebels along the way and rushed to Navarro, who also noticed Barrett.

"Navarro?" Barrett asked, Barrett only 70% sure of this person's identity.

"Yes, it's me, but who are you? Report your name, I will not kill the unknown." Navarro replied frantically.

The person in front of him has not appeared in Navarro's intelligence.

"You are qualified to know my name, Douglas Barrett." Barrett said his name, which is a respect for the strong.

"Adopted by Douglas Gray, the one who betrayed the first time afterwards?" Navarro was shocked.

Barrett's name once appeared in Navarro's materials as a key training object.

"You are only seven years old, you already have such strength! Gray is really not a pity to die." Navarro said angrily, Gray had already died in the previous battle.

Such a genius actually pushed Gray to the government side.

In fact, I really don't blame Gray. Barrett's rebellion was first because of a different position. Barrett knew that the rebels would pit him behind, and the other was because the government forces were easy to control.

If the rebels remember correctly, there are shadows of other countries behind them.

"You can't escape death anyway, you don't have to complain so much." Barrett said.

Even if Barrett didn't choose to defect, he would still kill them because of being trapped by them, and the outcome was already doomed.

A big battle is inevitable...

Seeing that some book friends eagerly wanted me to combine the historical text,

I have also thought about this matter. I want the historical text to replace the armed color, but the data shows that the historical text cannot be destroyed. Maybe only the people of the Guangyue clan can use special methods. Roger engraved the historical text, there should be light moon. Mitian's help.

Anyway, this stone can move, but it's not easy to start. When the fruit awakens, hit his attention.