
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

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200 Chs

Chapter 24 Swordsman's Showdown

A rebel position on the southwest battlefield.

A group of rebels stood on the messy ground, waiting in full battle.

Opposite them were two children who seemed to be only seventeen or eighteen years old, one with a sword on his waist and a pair of finger tigers on the other.

It was Barrett and Amy.


As soon as the battle started, Barrett took the lead and rushed to the rebel positions, followed by Amy.



The rebel anxiouss charged towards Barrett with red eyes.

Before I understood what was going on, a bomb fell on my head. It's strange if I was not in a hurry. My former comrades hung up as soon as they met.

But obviously, everyone is not aware of the horror of the strength of Barrett and Amy.

In a short while, Barrett fought the first rebel army.

"The credit is mine!" The rebel army was ecstatic, as if he had won a big prize.

The knife in his hand swung to Barrett, with an ecstatic smile still on his face.

In the next second, the face of the rebel army changed suddenly, his mouth opened wide, and before he could spit out anything, he flew to the rear and knocked down a large area of ​​​​the rebel army.

Barrett punched the man in the stomach before the knife fell. I'm afraid there was a paste in his stomach, completely dead.

Amy took advantage of this moment and rushed into the rebel army, raising the knife and dropping it without trouble.

Barrett was even more exaggerated. He punched one, and it didn't need to be transformed. The weapon used by the enemy for defense was directly smashed by the hammer, and the flying body would knock down a large area of ​​​​the enemy .

Not to be outdone, Amy suddenly rushed forward, and the Feiyan in her hand opened an arc.

It is the realm Amy has reached now, cutting the iron.

There is no trick, just level A, the state has been reached, and the knife is nothing more than a few ways. The so-called one trick is eaten all over the sky, that's what it means.

As for Barrett, he has the same strength and speed. This is a crush on strength. There is no need for any fancy moves to support a few styles, the Bajiquan learned in the previous life.

Anyway, no one is the enemy of the two.

At this moment, the lieutenant in the back couldn't stand it anymore, and squeezed the soldiers around, came forward, and fought with the two.

The result is also obvious, just a few more rounds.

In fact, if the two of them want to solve it with one move, they just don't want to be chaotically driven by this person. After all, the big head is still the many soldiers in front of them, and there is no need to waste some physical strength.

The fighting here continues.

On the other side, the government forces finally rushed to the rebel positions.

With the gap opened by the two of Barrett, many government troops soon crossed the position, copying enemies from other positions from the side.

"Damn, you are optimistic about the command post, I will go to the front line to support." Isakov asked.

The government forces have already fought over. What use is there to stay in the command post? It's better to find the enemy on the front line to vent their anger.

And the place Isakov went to was the position where Barrett was. Isakov wanted to see if he could meet the guy who attacked the headquarters.

On Barrett's side, with the help of government forces, the battle has ended.

Barrett and Amy sat on chairs made by Barrett to rest.

The previous battles were really exhausting, not to say there was any danger, but you would be tired if you simply swung hundreds or thousands of punches. In addition, it is really convenient to combine the fruits.

Prior to this, Barrett made a large number of guns and handed them to the government forces who came to support, so that they could go to support other places.

And a large number of weapons made by Barrett, combined with two-sided flanking, is enough to determine the direction of the war.

So at this time, the two rest assured, maybe there will be a big battle.

At least we must hurry up to support the southern battlefield.

And just as they thought, the enemy came to the door by himself.

A figure came quickly, and the government troops who prevented him along the way were all knocked down by him.

The visitor was General Isakov.

"Retreat all!" Amy shouted.

At this moment he is the biggest here, at least on the surface. Ordinary soldiers don't need to go up to die, soldiers against soldiers, and generals.

"Kate asked you to kill, and this guy will leave it to me." Amy said to Barrett.

There are so many people around, Amy is not as polite as before, omitting the honorific.

"General? It seems that you are Isakov." Amy looked at the epaulettes on the shoulders.

It's really a bold person who dares to come alone.

"Yes, who are you? Report your name." Isakov was actually even more jealous, another teenager on the recliner, this was the intuition of a battle-tested general.

"Amy." Amy replied.

"You are the Lieutenant General Amy who attacked our headquarters? I heard that Kate also let you kill." Maybe the distance is too far, Isakov did not hear Amy and Barrett's conversation.

"Yes, it's me." Amy was wronged, but what can be done, gritted his teeth and admitted.

"Very well, I'm looking for you, don't talk nonsense, do it!" Isakov pulled out the sword in his hand.

Swords are still used in this world, regardless of the realm.

But this Isakov must have reached the realm of iron cutting.

Without a second word, Isakov rushed to Amy.

Amy pulls out Feiyan to fight back.

"Feiyan, it really is in your hands." Isakov said with jealousy. The knife in his hand is also a sharp knife.

Feiyan was rewarded by Kate for his merits in guarding the headquarters, but in the end it made Amy cheaper.

Amy has no words, and it makes no sense to say anything. The swordsman's duel depends on strength and realm.

Amy Hengjian picked up Isakov's slash and rushed forward smoothly. Feiyan pointed directly at Isakov's heart. It is a pity that Isakov is not simple.

The body was fine-tuned to avoid the heart, and at the same time, the opened sword struck Amy's neck.

He wants to trade injury for injury, or even injury for life.

Amy had no choice but to retreat and terminate the attack on Isakov.

The two of you come and go, it's so exciting.

Barrett clapped his hands as he watched aside.

This is a duel of swordsmen, and Barrett will not intervene in such a battle.

Win or lose will make Amy grow, but it is true that Barrett will not allow Amy to die, and Barrett also believes in Amy.

After many fights, Amy is obviously at a disadvantage. Amy's current strength is not as strong as Isakov.

Experience is not as old as Isakov.

After a while, the color went up, and the soldiers around me all touched their throats.

The confrontation between the two continued, and the impact of the sword and the sword burst out sparkling sparks.

At this moment, Amy suddenly held Feiyan tightly and tried to cut the iron with all his strength.

Upon seeing this, Isakov also cut out with a cut.


A blood sword flew out,

Isakov's sword was broken.

In the previous slashing, Amy slashed iron several times, specifically slashing in the same place. In the last confrontation, Amy cut Isakov's sword.

It's Amy's credit, but also Feiyan's credit.

Isakov fell.

The cheers of the soldiers sounded at the scene, and Amy's reputation soared again.

"Let's go, find a place to rest." Barrett stepped forward to support Amy.

"Boss, Feiyan, see if you can fix it." Amy took out Feiyan.

The previous impact opened several holes in Feiyan.

"No problem," Barrett replied.

After listening, Amy fainted...

If you have any questions or ideas, you can comment in this chapter or leave a message in the book circle. I'm a little flustered these days being so quiet.

"The author's words" don't know what to write.