
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

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200 Chs

Chapter 182 Dispatched! Emergency

Hydra Island.

Barrett made a new discovery on Hydra Island.

Barrett guessed that the secret of awakening armed sex domineering might be related to the flesh of the sea king.

Although it seems that this conclusion is a bit sloppy, but the credibility is high.

Barrett is preparing to start an investigation in this area and find someone to experiment.

The experiment is also very simple. Under the same conditions, some people only eat Neptune, while others eat normally.

After a period of time, let's see how much their arrogance has grown.

However, this simple experiment has not yet started, and Barrett had to terminate his operations on Hydra Island because of a telephone bug.


Blue blue.

Barrett's phone worm rang.

"Moses Moses, I'm Barrett, what's the matter?" Barrett asked.

Now Barrett is very anxious, he wants to start his own experiment immediately.

"I am the Warring States Period, there is an emergency." The phone worm simulates the Warring States period.

"Emergency?" Barrett wondered.

Listening to the tone of the Warring States Period, this time it shouldn't be a trivial matter. It should be a serious matter that can make the Warring States period recall oneself, but what can happen in this time period?


"Roger, do you know?" Warring States asked.

Barrett had been with Carp for a while, so he knew Roger very well.

Moreover, Barrett's armed look and domineering awakened under Roger's pressure.

"Ah, I know, but I don't know too much." Barrett replied.

"Roger this guy is about to enter the great route." Warring States said.

as predicted.

Barrett remembered that it was this year, and Roger knew he was terminally ill.

Immediately, Roger spent three years conquering the great route and became the One Piece. Another year later, Roger was executed.

It now appears that Roger has known that he is terminally ill and is ready to set off on a great route.

And his first stop was Gemini Cape. He needed a ship doctor to continue his life to complete the final voyage.

"Marshal of the Warring States, even if Roger entered the great route, so what, the great route does not lack pirates." Barrett said.

He already understood the intention of the Warring States, and the Warring States wanted Barrett to arrest Roger.

But this is Karp's job, Barrett is not interested, let Karp continue his own work.

"The great route has no shortage of pirates, and there are many powerful pirates, so we can't let Roger enter the new world." The Warring States replied.

Where did the current Warring States know that Roger would conquer the great route and become the One Piece.

Now, the Warring States Period only hopes that Roger will not muddy the water of the New World, so Roger must be prevented from entering the New World.

"So I have to go?" Barrett asked.

Listening to the tone of the Warring States period, it seemed that I could no longer refuse, and it seemed that there was no way to avoid this trip.

"Yes, you have to go, don't worry, Kapu will follow you." Warring States said.

"I see, I will go back to Marin Vando," Barrett replied.

In fact, Barrett would really like to see Roger's strength if it weren't for the incident on the island of Nine Snake.

After all, people are the One Piece, come to this world, you can't help but see One Piece.


Immediately, Barrett said hello to Granny New, and left Hydra Island reluctantly.

On the way to Marin Vatican, Barrett remembered a very important thing.

According to Roger's route, one day he will go to the sky island and engrave a line of words on the text of the sky island's history.

Sky Island is now Barrett's headquarters.

If Roger is unhappy, or because of other things, he makes a big fuss on the sky island, or exposes the situation on the sky island.

Barrett would have nowhere to cry by then.

So, on the way, Barrett called Amy a phone bug and asked him to pay attention.

Roger attaches great importance to his partners, and even destroys a country's army because some people speak ill of his partners.

Therefore, as long as Amy shows great strength and does not harm Roger's crew, he will not act rashly if he wants to come.

Moreover, Barrett has a killer move, which can be used to threaten Roger if it comes to a critical juncture.

These Barrett had all explained to Amy, and if he didn't work, he would have to go to war.

Barrett has ordered Amy to transfer some key materials and characters from the organization headquarters to minimize casualties.

After doing all this, Barrett went to Malin Vandor with confidence.

After that, just follow Karp and hunt Roger all over the world.


Marin Vando.

Barrett stepped on the moon step and flew back to Malin Vandor.

At the port, Barrett saw the steel behemoth he had personally built for Karp, and it seemed that Karp was ready.

This old guy is really excited to meet his old buddy.

"Hey, Barrett brat, hurry down, we're going to set off!" Karp yelled after seeing Barrett from afar.

"I see, old smelly man." Barrett was dark and landed on the deck of the steel behemoth.

After so many years, this steel behemoth has changed a lot when it first went to sea.

There was more vicissitudes, and the hull was a little damaged.

"You brat, I wanted to find you a long time ago, but your guy is busier than me, and I can't find you in the Chambord Islands." Karp said angrily.

"What is this smelly old man asking for me?" Barrett asked.

"Look at this ship. I have been sewing and repairing the old man for three or four years. How can this be done!" Karp said excitedly.

Indeed, when Barrett built this ship, it was one.

If something is damaged, it cannot be replaced and can only be repaired, and Karp's character and strength will always damage the hull.

Therefore, now this steel behemoth is covered with patches. Although it is vicissitudes of life, it is indeed a bit funny, and it is indeed impossible to get it.

Immediately, Barrett used the ability of the merging fruit to fuse the patches on the entire ship with the hull, and a brand-new steel behemoth appeared in the eyes of everyone.

No way, Barrett will probably live on this ship for a long time in the future, so let's make it more comfortable.

Halfway through the provincial drive, the ship sank.

"Ah la la, Lieutenant General Karp, your ship has finally been repaired," Kuzan exclaimed.

After graduating from the Naval Academy, Kuzan has been following Karp's ship, seeing with his own eyes how this steel behemoth has become dilapidated.

Kuzan also struggled on this ship for a long time.

"Why Kuzan, don't you follow along?" Barrett asked.

In this hunt, only Karp and himself, together with Karp's old crew members, to be honest, Barrett panicked.

With just this little manpower, he dared to arrest Roger. If Kuzan could follow, then Barrett would be more comfortable.

"Ah, no, I don't want to. Leave this tiring work to you. I'm going to patrol other places." Kuzan replied.

Immediately, Kuzan did not know where he found a bicycle, and used the ability of frozen fruits to create an Iceland under the wheels.

Riding a bicycle on the sea, leaving far away, leaving only a long, narrow Iceland.

And the collapsed Barrett...