
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

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200 Chs

Chapter 164 Great Cleaning! Kill in the dark

Chambord Islands.

Barrett is preparing to start the arms business in the underground world.

For the arms business, Barrett has long coveted it.

One is because the organization will conquer many countries in the future, although Barrett has two elite troops, Huben and Anbu.

However, for the capture of most of the countries, the deployment of Huben and Anbu is somewhat overkill.

At that time, ordinary troops will be needed, and then a large amount of munitions will be needed.

But Barrett controls the arms business in the underground world, so he can provide arms for his own forces, and directly cut off the arms of his opponent.

This will create a situation where the enemy is weak and we are strong.

The second is the cost issue.

Because of the existence of Barrett, his organization can easily refine steel and let Barrett do the refinement, almost without processing costs.

As long as Barrett can spare a little time, he can turn iron ore and gunpowder into guns, ammunition, and artillery.

It really doesn't work. Barrett can also use the ability of the fruit to create a production chain. For Barrett, who can manipulate inorganic substances at will, it is simply a piece of cake.

On the sky island, there is already such an assembly line, and it is now continuously providing guns and ammunition for the organization.

Fortunately, the development of the organization is still in its infancy, and the demand for guns is not that large, so although the output of Sky Island is not high, it is enough.

Later, when the organization began to expand rapidly and blatantly conquer other countries, Barrett would find a way to mass produce.

Therefore, no matter what it is, the arms business is perfect for Barrett.


In the second half of the night, Chambord Islands, No. 1-29, can not be brought.

Just when the residents of Chambord Islands fell into a deep dream.

A bloody massacre awakened the sleeping residents.

This was a battle without gunpowder. One hundred navy combat members, all empty-handed or armed with cold weapons such as swords, began the massacre.

Two o'clock in the morning.

The navy soldiers divided into ten teams began the beheading operation.


In an upscale villa, there were ten more people in navy uniforms.

They entered the villa quietly, without awakening a guard.

These navies, at least learned a six-style, sneak into a villa, for them, it couldn't be easier.

One of the navy put his head carefully out of the wall, and then made several gestures to the navy behind.

Undoubtedly, this is sign language.

This was also given to them by Barrett, but it was not from Pirate World. In the Naval Academy, no one seemed to teach Barrett combat sign language.

These are what Barrett learned in his previous life. They were given to Anbu and Hubian before. Now they are used on these navies and they are equally easy to use.

After receiving the signal, the navy behind immediately dispersed.

Some went around to the other side, some stayed where they were, and even a few people put on night clothes directly, stepped on moon steps, and flew to the top of the villa.

Immediately, the leading navy made a gesture, and the surrounding navy rushed out immediately.

The navies rushing to the front only used shave directly, teleporting to a few positions that were difficult to handle, and the guards with a wide field of vision immediately rushed to other targets.

The navy behind, taking advantage of the enemy's other enemies, had not recovered, and rushed to their side and solved them.

The whole operation was simple and neat, and it took less than three seconds, and there was no sound during the whole operation.

Even when the body fell to the ground, they were supported by them.

And the next step is the focus of Slashing Hand.

The ten navy settled the guards in the yard and then began to invade the villa.

There are also guards in the villa, but compared to the guards in the yard, it is much simpler.

It's just that when they were about to solve a steward, they missed it. The steward was a master, and the navy didn't even have a second.

However, under the strong attack of the two navies, the steward killed him even though he sounded the alarm.

"The situation has changed, attack directly and behead immediately." The team leader ordered.

Immediately, the navy next to him speeded up immediately, and no matter whether it made a noise or not, it killed people at sight.

However, at the door of the target's room, there are two bodyguards with guns.

After wounding two navies, they were dealt with.

A navy rushed into the room for the first time, stood still, and cast the iron block.

Several gunshots came from the room, and they hit the navy. Unfortunately, there was no use. The navy was unharmed, that is, there were a few holes in the uniform.

Immediately, more navy rushed into the room.

The people in the room, seeing the bad situation, jumped out the window and ran out.

However, as soon as he landed in the compound, a navy fell in front of him.

He waited on the roof for a long time, just for this time.

With the lights in the yard, the owner of the villa could clearly see what these people were wearing.

"It turned out to be the Navy." The owner of the villa said helplessly.

As early as when he committed those evil deeds, he had thought that the Navy would settle accounts after the fall, but in the face of interests, he still could not hold back.

Originally planned to make another fortune, another fortune, and then left the Chambord Islands with a lot of Bailey, and went to another place to hide his name.

However, he always thinks so, until today, three months later, he still has not left the Chambord Islands.

The navy's actions were not so slow. In just three months, the navy began to settle accounts after autumn.

Immediately, the leader of the navy came to the owner of the villa without saying a word, but directly penetrated his head with a finger gun.

Then, he made two patches on his left and right chests.

In this way, the ten navy left the villa.

The gunshots in the villa just now awakened the surrounding residents, but the gunshots ended soon, and they didn't dare to go out, so they gave up.

But then, shortly afterwards, there were successive gunfire around.

At this moment, they couldn't sit still. They didn't know what happened. Only a few brave guys dared to come out and take a look.

Most people chose to close the doors and windows tightly and hide in the house.


"Major General Barrett, according to the previous news, there are already targets on five islands, and the cleanup is complete."

On the roof of a building that could not be reached, a navy reported to Barrett.

"Understood, let them continue, ten teams merged into five teams, and then five islands are cleared for me, and I will take care of the rest." Barrett ordered.

"Understood, I will give orders now." The navy replied.

The targets Barrett gave them were small groups, no masters.

The other twenty islands are the trickier ones, because they must have been informed for so long.

Now let the navy continue to attack them, I am afraid it will cause a lot of casualties, which Barrett absolutely does not allow.

Therefore, those guys, Barrett intends to take care of some of them, and the rest will be practiced for these navies in half a year.

A bloody storm is about to take place...