
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

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200 Chs

Chapter 116 Organizational Brain! Apajado

Empty island.

Barrett looked at Amy in front of him, he could already monitor the entire sky island, and within the range of the sky island, thunder came at will.

This reminded Barrett of a sentence, within range is justice.

As long as he is within the scope of the sky island and everything is under Amy's control, he can even decide the life and death of anyone on the sky island, even Barrett.

Imagine if Barrett landed on the sky island, then Barrett was within Amy's range, and Amy could attack Barrett at any time.

At this time, Barrett couldn't even see Amy's shadow, how could he fight back?

After such consumption, Barrett will finish sooner or later. Therefore, on the island, Amy is almost invincible. As long as the distance is widened, who can get him.

The speed of Thunder Fruit is comparable to the speed of light. How many people can keep up?

Unless you are a super master, I am afraid you can keep up with Amy's speed. This is the most terrifying nature of the Devil Fruit, the Thunder Fruit.


"Boss, long time no see!" Amy said happily.

"It's been a long time since I saw you, but you, Amy, you have reached this point without seeing you in a year." Barrett praised.

"Where, if the boss took me to find the Thunder Fruit, I wouldn't have today." Amy replied.

This is the truth. Although Amy's kendo talent is good, it is still not up to the level of Hawkeye and cannot become a top master.

And the fruit of thunder can help Amy reach that level, all of which is attributed to Barrett.

Amy's gratitude to Barrett is from the heart, and Amy is also willing to follow Barre's characteristics to fight the world and become a strong man on the top of the world.

"Amy, although the Thunder Fruit is powerful, don't give up your talent in Kendo." Barrett reminded.

Although there are not many people who can keep up with Amy's speed, it doesn't mean that there are none. People at their level in the future will face extremely powerful enemies.

It is inevitable that there will be people who can reach Amy's speed in an instant, and only use thunder and lightning. Although the attack power is good, it is not the case.

If thunder and kendo can be combined, the power will definitely not disappoint.

Iron is conductive, so if you put lightning on the sword, how would it feel?

"I understand, boss, I have been learning kendo since I was a child, how could I give up my practice in kendo," Amy replied.

For kendo, Amy is also full of interest, and naturally will not give up kendo because of the fruits of thunder.

Amy's purpose is to become stronger. Whether it is the fruit of thunder or kendo, it is a tool to make Amy stronger, so why not have both.

It's not that fish and bear's paw can't have both. Electricity and sword can be combined.

Even Huang Yuan, who knows the sky cloud sword, why Amy can't.

"That's good, it's good if you know it yourself, so that I don't have to worry about it."

"By the way, I came to you this time. In addition to retelling the past, there is one more thing that you need to do."

Barrett said to the two.

"Oh, then come with me, Mitchell has drawn an area on Sky Island, the sanctuary of Sky Island before."

"Now it has become the headquarters of our organization. Where there are meeting rooms, it is the brain of our organization." Amy said.

"Oh, good, let me see what the brain of our organization is like." Barrett said with interest.

Immediately, the three went to the sanctuary, which is actually the other half of Gaya Island, located in the White Sea at an altitude of 10,000 meters.


The sanctuary in front of him, Apayado, was similar to what Barrett had remembered.

Similar to Gaya Island, there is an almost full moon-shaped port.

If you want to get rich, you must first build roads, even on the sea. Only when the traffic is developed can there be development potential.

And this meniscus-shaped port is suitable as a transportation fortress, and it is an empty island, which can also be used as a port for parking warships.

In Apayado, Barrett saw all kinds of Kongdao people, they are all training, it seems that they are tigers, an army.

"Boss, they are the tigers and dark forces of Sky Island." Mitchell said to Barrett.

"Well, not bad." Barrett praised.

These people are really nice and interesting.

"Kongdao people are located at an altitude of 7,000 to 10,000 meters, so their physical fitness is generally higher than that of Qinghai people." Amy explained.

"By the way, boss, we also found a few devil fruits in the sky island, which have not been processed yet." Amy added.

Those devil fruits are probably the devil fruits of priests at the time, some superhuman ones, Barrett is not very interested in this.

"You decide for yourself, see who has done the most, and reward him." Barrett said.

Since there are devil fruits, equip them to your team. Barrett would not choose to sell for money. Devil fruits are priceless.

Now Barrett can't wait to buy it when he sees the devil fruit, how can it be sold.

"We know." Mitchell replied.

Then the three people arrived in front of a building.

The guards here are tight, not only the people from the sky island, but also the people from Qinghai, it seems that this is the brain of the organization.

Found a meeting room, the three of them sat down to discuss the Tavares matter.

"When I came, I went to Jarzburg. The country that supported the rebel army before has been found. The evidence is solid. It is Tavares." Barrett said at the beginning.

"It turned out to be this nasty guy." Mitchell gritted his teeth.

After all, Mitchell was born and raised in Jarzburg. As a doctor, she even brought the pain to Jarzburg from the war.

Therefore, Tavares and Mitchell hate those who are contributing to the situation behind the scenes.

"Boss, let's take revenge and take Tavares?" Amy asked.

They now have this strength, and with Barrett's status in the navy, the problem is not big on the side of the world government. After all, we have reason first.

"Yes, it is certain to take Tavares, but to control Tavares, you need to plan carefully." Barrett replied.

"Yes, if it's just a simple offense, we won't get anything except some so-called compensation." Mitchell said.

Mitchell's reaction to this aspect was relatively quick.

"I told Coleman before. The general plan is to make Jarzburg a symbolic offensive and put pressure on the current government of Tavares."

"Then the organization took the initiative to support a new government and overthrow the current government, thus controlling Tavares in secret and moving closer to the organization."

"In this way, we can achieve our goal." Barrett said.

"It's good attention, it's feasible." Mitchell thought about it and said.

"This is just a general plan. When the time comes for real action, there will still be a lot of details. These will require you to negotiate with Jarzburg." Barrett reminded.

"Don't worry, boss, the next thing is left to us." Amy promised.

In this way, the plan to attack Tavares was just established...