
Heal. - [Karma x Reader]

(On Hold) Fear, depression, anxiety, loneliness.. We all hide scars in fear of being deemed vulnerable. Being labeled vulnerable makes you look weak, and the weak are preyed on by those with power. A former straight A-student enters the class of E-3. The sadistic and infamous scarlett head takes interest and begins to unravel those hidden scars… but what happens when she begins to do the same? DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of the characters of Assasination Classroom, only this fanfiction of it! This story contains swearing and sensitive topics such as suicide and abuse, if you don't likie then don't readie!

adrienni · Komik
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32 Chs


So..umm.. ima stop writing...

Jk jk, I'm gonna stop writing daily chapters tho.

Writing 1000-2000 word chapters a day is pretty stressing and now, I recently got my bestfriend and her sister into the Online Novel community. Me and my best friend have a Wattpad account together:


Huh? Oh, I was giving you time to follow us 🙂 Anyways, I'm helping my friend figure out how the Wattpad community works, how to do certain things, and we're currently writing a zombie apocalypse book right now, and we need more time to share ideas together.

Let alone, I have to teach her how to use the writing part of the app online AND we have to share ideas online. So..yeah..I might take a lil' hiatus. Sorry! 😓

(on Wattpad, we both have an account. Her pen name is Kuzan, and the story we write together is Iregone. As of when im writing this, Kuzan does not have a webnovel account. But just know my book, Iregone is written by two)