
Heal. - [Karma x Reader]

(On Hold) Fear, depression, anxiety, loneliness.. We all hide scars in fear of being deemed vulnerable. Being labeled vulnerable makes you look weak, and the weak are preyed on by those with power. A former straight A-student enters the class of E-3. The sadistic and infamous scarlett head takes interest and begins to unravel those hidden scars… but what happens when she begins to do the same? DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of the characters of Assasination Classroom, only this fanfiction of it! This story contains swearing and sensitive topics such as suicide and abuse, if you don't likie then don't readie!

adrienni · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Examination Time

"Aw..that's too bad! How am I supposed to get my ship together now?!"

Opening my eyes, I took a deep breath. Just another dream.. I thought to myself. Sighing, I got up from the bed and began to stretch out a few of my muscles. After that, I headed for the shower.

The cold water trickle down my body as I showered, taking all my sweat with it. I had multiple dreams.. Geez, I miss them a lot..

I got out the shower and began to dry myself, I went back to my room and put on the uniform. Of course, changing a few things up, because the uniforms are pretty boring.


"Morning, Sloth." He said as he patted my head from behind. "Morning, periodhead." I smiled at him as he stood next to me. Karma looked tired, his neck dropped slightly more than usual. Normally, people wouldn't be able to tell all the small details I noticed, but I know Karma well. "Oh, here, have this.." I muttered as I rummaged through my bag.

I pulled out a strawberry milk carton and Karma smiled, "Thanks," he mumbled as he took the plastic off the straw. The train sped and stopped, we both got on and it began to move.


"Good morning, class! Today, we'll be having another extra hard study session!" Korosensei cheered as he dodged the bullets being shot at him. "Okay, right! Attendance!" Korosensei grabbed for his book. Loudly calling out names over the gunshot noises, he finished and everyone was out of bullets.

We all got on with our day. Soon, I found myself sitting next to Karma under a tree eating lunch again.

"Slow down, Geez. You're so slow when it comes to fighting but so fast when it comes to eating." Karma chuckled.

"Meh." I shrugged. A few minutes pass until I speak,

"Karma..what's your favour for helping me fight? You haven't asked anything yet."

"Still thinking. I mean, should I make you perform a prank or should I just embarrass you?"

I gave Karma a dead look. "Pft!" He laughed

We both went back to eating. "Karma..we have a week until first term exams.." I said to him. "Yeah, so what?" He raised his brow. "Aren't you at least gonna try?" I asked. "Maybe, maybe not." Karma shrugged.


1 Week Later

Today was the day for the exams. I studied my butt off, hopefully my classmates can help cover the other subjects, but I'm focusing on Math. If Karma wasn't gonna take care of that subject, then I had to prepare for it.

I got to class beside Karma and immediately took out a textbook to review. "Look at you studying." Karma mused. "Look at you not studying." I stuck my tongue out and continued to look everything over.

"Good morning, everyone! Today's the exam day! You'll all have to go to the main building!" Korosensei told us as he dodged BB pellets.


Here we were, in front of the main building, ready to take our exams.. ugh

We walked in and a few people directed us to where we are supposed to take our exams, while sneering. We followed their directions and found ourselves in front of a metal door with a piece of paper that said, "Class 3-E, Examination Room"

We entered the room and sat in the desks, waiting for the test papers to be handed out. Soon, a teacher walked into the room, holding a large stack of papers. He explained the severity of cheating and all that boring stuff that everyone knows. Once he made us all nod our heads if we understood, he began to place sheets on the front-rowed people's desks.

It was passed to me. I took a test sheet and gave the last sheet to Hinata, who was sitting behind me. "Good luck, you may begin your exams..now!" The teacher said. Everyone picked up their pencils and began struggling to recollect all their memories from studying. I read the question over and over to make sure I didn't miss anything and quickly filled out the answer.

Question 2.. I began to fill in answer after answer, checking what I wrote after every one I write. In the corners of my eyes, I saw Terasaka struggling to fill them in, Nagisa's forehead tending to figure out the equation, Karma calmly filling everything out as he yawned, and Mimura grumbling to himself. I shifted my attention back on the test.

Question 12...58 more questions..it's been 16 minutes and I have an hour and 54 minutes left..I should be okay.. I continued to fill out questions. There were a few I was unsure about, but I continued, I'll fix them later, I told myself.

Okay, so if this is here...then it should equal to 126..oh wait! No, there's this extra number..what if I just transpose it over here?..alright.. 154!

The exam continued as everyone struggled to fill in the correct answers in time. By the time it had hit 1 hour, the majority of the class was exhausted. My brain was aching with every question, I was on question 47.

I kept pulling memories from the textbook in my head. Working my way through the test, I finally finished. There was 2 minutes left. I looked over my work, fixing wrong answers the best I could and fixing my equations.

Finally I heard, "Pencils down." Everyone sighed, either of relief to have endured that nightmare or because they weren't able to finish the test. Everyone got up and handed their papers in as they left the room.

Once everyone had exited the room, we all began to chatter, "I hated that entire 2 hours!" "Do you think you passed?" "Question __ was so hard!" "I think I did pretty well." "I'm pretty sure I got a bunch wrong but oh well!" "I couldn't solve Question __"

I was quiet in it all. I tried remembering everything I wrote down and if I did it right. Question 16, I wrote 153..Question 17, I think I wrote 754..oh shit! I did that one wrong, I think...Shouldn't Question 51 have been 672 or maybe 3721... wouldn't that have been a rectangular shape?..

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt someone put their arm over my shoulder, "Look who's stressing over their answers." The redhead commented. "No, I'm thinking about food." I responded. "Sure you are." Karma smirked.

"How'd you think you did?" I asked him.

"I don't know,"

"That's why I said think."

"How about you? How do you think you did?"

"You're changing the source of attention here, don't think I didn't notice."

"Bwahhh?! Wow! You're so smart!"


"But seriously, how do you think you did?"

"I did my best, but I'm pretty sure Asano did better." I sighed.

We all sat on some benches. Trying to destress ourselves before we had to take the next test.

This was going to be a long day!😫
