
Head-Patting in Marvel

Ryan is living a mundane, exhausting life when he suddenly transmigrated into a dangerous universe. "Will I become a player? Or will I have a godlike system? " Nope. He'll be starting with a trading system, where he will meet people like him from various universes. Will he adapt to the new world? Will he shine or will he be in the shadow? Join my discord: https://discord.gg/ZHgyXCTrSx Author: This is my first time writing. English is not my first language, but hey, I am learning. warning: The protagonist in the story will split his soul into three, in which it will become a multiple leads story, each soul going into their own direction. To understand why I make three protagonist, I will first share with you a Japanese saying. A man has 3 mask, the first face, you show to the world. The second face, you show to your close friends, and your family. The third face, you never show anyone. If you want to support me you can donate to (PayPal. me/shafiqnizam27)

Alittlepiggy33 · Filem
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238 Chs

Chapter 153: Hydra Destruction (Final Part)

Author: For anyone who read using PC or mobile browser instead of the Apps that couldn't read the chapter, you can read it on my patreon. I opened the published chapter here and it will be for public to read.

Also, I will also be on Scri.bble.Hub and Ro.yal Ro.ad from now on.

Enjoy the chapter!


3 years of planning finally came into fruition today. Ryan watched the killing shots of the Tri-carrier purification with a complicated feeling. The helicarrier's reddish plasma kill shot rained down on the entire country and was reflected on the smooth surface of Tarot's helmet.

The energy cannon of the Tri-carrier charged itself with red plasma – courtesy of Hydra's breakthrough in energy weapon development.

Tarot broke free of the ice that was surrounding him and flew upward, stopping mid-air between the Avengers and the Tri-carrier. The first victims of the Tri-carrier were the Hydra agents in the battlefield in front of the building.

"ARGHH!" The Hydra agents screamed in pain as the plasma beam hit their fatal areas. The blast of the Tri-carrier rained heavily on the Hydra agents, even making countless holes on the solid ground.

Seconds become minutes for Tarot as everything around him starts moving in a slow motion. With this, there is no going back for him.

'I guess that's why that 'web' wanted Gwen to become a spider earlier on, because her fiance is now a villain,' Tarot thought in a self-deprecating manner as he watched the Avengers trying to stop him in slow motion.

The civilization here was sick. He thought that he needed to do this to ensure that their chaotic future became slightly less chaotic.

None of the people he killed here today were innocent. He had checked these people personally to ensure that there won't be any lives lost today was innocent .

'People believe in heroes because they always do the right thing. Like God, they become fanatical in worshiping the heroes when they stand tall. These fanatics were also the ones to first attack these heroes if they made a mistake.'

'However, when you did everything right, people will start to wonder if you did anything at all.'

'The government and people in power were threatened by these heroes that were fighting to uncover their misdeeds, so they enacted laws to register these heroes.'

'The heroes didn't believe the government with their safety and identity. Whether it's to protect their families or to ensure that the government couldn't use them, they will fight the law and be branded as a criminal instead.'

'The future where heroes become criminals will now be stopped, right here and now.'

The Hydra army on the ground was executed by their last hope.

Brock Rumlow's head exploded when the red beam hit him, causing his brain matter to splatter to the ground. All the Hydra agent's there couldn't even process what had happened before the beam hit their head, killing them all instantly.

The Mandroid units were destroyed, the Humanoid Dolphin head and the Mole-man's head exploded, thousands of the Hydra army lay flat on the ground, unmoving after the execution.

The pain-nullified Reaper tried to run, but the beam hit his heart. When he didn't fall, the beam hit his arm, legs, torso, and head until his corpse became unrecognizable.

In New York, the citizens were looking upward to see the red-rain coming from the sky.

Brigadier General Hale, one of the Hydra heads, was excited to see that Hydra's purification had started. However, her forehead was pierced by a beam while she was still smiling.

Not only her, the entire faction under her was executed by the Tri-carrier. The brainwashing school that she was managing will be visited by the Paradise islander after this as it was located deep inside the mountain so they needed a more direct approach to execute the Hydra executives there.

The islander's finally got the chance for their revenge against Hydra and volunteered excitedly for the mission. Of course, they wouldn't kill the Hydra kids that were studying there. The kids will be placed inside a rehabilitation school by Ryan after this incident is over.

Ryan finally got revenge for his mother even if he didn't know the real Ryan. This was his responsibility after he took over his body.

Another head who was responsible for the accident, was experimenting with the gravitonium element, and the particle infuser chamber that they got from the Knight Industry during the attack on Ryan's family.

Daniel Whitehall was curiously looking at the falling sky inside the monitor on his hidden lab. He was so deep beneath the ground that the red-rain couldn't get to him as he was protected by the shelter he was in – nor did he know that the rain was falling for people like him.

He had finally reached a breakthrough in gravitonium and was trying to infuse the new element into a new experiment, biological-base or heavy-element base.

While he was looking at the monitor there, a clean-cut military man with a trench coat outside with a the black shirt with a skull logo he was wearing appeared behind Whitehall from out of nowhere. The dean of the island was at his side. He aimed his bazooka at Daniel Whitehall.


The hidden laboratory exploded into pieces. The gravitonium, the particle infusion chamber, and also Daniel Whitehall will disappear forever from the world after this.

Sunil Bakshi, one of Whitehall's loyal subordinates, was inside the CIA compound. He and the thousands of CIA agents will be found dead after the incident.

Octavian Bloom, Hydra's heads called The Sheikh and The Banker, were also executed by the red rain in their daily life as important people in the world.

The Baroness, one of Hydra heads, was riding her husband cow-girl style during the red rain while a corpse of a drugged teenager that her husband played with before her was placed neatly beside them. She and her husband were both dead before they could finish their daily activities of adding the corpse to their sexual session.

Gideon Malik, one of the World Security Council members, was also targeted by the red rain. His empty torso was punctured by the red beam, however he melted instead of exploding.

'So, he has a clone,' Ryan thought inwardly. He needed to find the true Gideon Malik before this event was over. However, he couldn't.

Dr. Faustus, a hidden hydra head, was experimenting with the moonstone – a source of cosmic powers inside his laboratory when the red rain came.

A random mental patient was tied up to the experiment table while being basked in the moonstone energy by Dr. Faustus. However, once Faustus died, the moonstone disappeared together with a female psychologist that followed Dr. Faustus – before Yelena could get to the laboratory to recover the gem.

Other than the Hydras, Ryan also targeted the Cartels, Sons of the Serpent, Kingpin and the rest of the gang of Hell's Kitchen, The Hand and the Five fingers, The Foot Clan, AIM, Roxxon, Alchemax, and so on. The only Hydra head he didn't find is Madame Viper who he has no idea what she looked like and Gideon Malik.

He also attacked the corrupt politicians in the Senate, killing over 70% of the country's Senate members.

Baron Strucker was based in Sokovia instead of the American continent, so he was safe… for now.

In the White House.

The President did not manage to enter the bunker before the battle started. However, the Skrulls undercover saved him from dying at the hands of the traitorous secret service agents. Same as Ryan, these Skrulls thought that if the president died in the hand of the Hydra member, then Hydra would win.

It will make their effort to replace the President with another Skrull useless. They had invested a lot in studying the President of the United States and entered a lot of sectors in the country to prepare for their invasions.

The situation was chaotic until two superheroes – the Patriot and Roadblock, came to the White House by Oracle's order. They handled all of the Hydra agents and saved the President and other staff members. Then, the red rain came.

Bryan and Elijah opened an energy shield each and superimposed them both together to create a big shield to shield them from the red rain that was killing a lot of people in the White House.

Whether it is the aliens or hydra, none of them manage to escape – unless they were under the shield.

The President was targeted by the red rain and it took almost all of the hero's resources to save him.

The Skrulls turned back to their alien bodies after they died, but that was a story for later.

The kill count increased without stopping. From thousands to ten thousands. Ten thousands until hundreds of thousands…and until it reached millions before it stopped.

The chaos that the Hydra agents made all over the country was stopped abruptly, and no ordinary member was pardoned by the red rain.

At the beginning of the red rain purification. Tarot just broke himself from the ice and flew upward.

"STOP!" Tony yelled and attacked Tarot using his concentrated chest uni-beam that's capable of massive destruction. He felt intense sorrow that Tarot had gone to the other path. The path where he could no longer do anything for him.

"Tarot, don't do this!" Steve yelled. The tremendous amount of attack didn't escape his eyes. He estimated that almost 10000 people were attacked every second.

Tarot took out a card labeled the <EMPEROR> and it dissipated inside of him. The card was made to hold over 100 magic buffs that could make him invincible for the next 300 seconds. Even if Odin attacked him during this state, the old man couldn't even scratch his armor.

Tarot raised his hand upward to block the uni-beam. The massive beam was a direct hit, however it was stopped by Tarot's hand. The excess energy enveloped Tarot's figure for a few seconds before it dissipated.

Once the smoke cleared, the Avengers widened their eyes to see that Tarot was still standing. The anti-Tarot contingency beam couldn't even scratch his armor.

"Once it is all done, you'll understand me," Tarot murmured and threw a <STAR> card to Tony.

The high speed card was unavoidable for Tony as his armor was in cooldown, however Barton interfered by shooting at the card with his arrow.

All the archer did was change the direction of the card to himself. The card arrived at Barton and suddenly, *poof*, he was gone.

"Barton!" Natasha yelled when she saw what happened to Hawkeye. The shadow clone Ryan created ice spikes from his gauntlet and threw it at his main body inside the Tarot armor. It hit Tarot repeatedly but didn't even tickle him.

Tarot faked scratching his ears even though he's wearing a helmet and said, "Relax, Clint is with the stars now."

Natasha widened her eyes. Kai showed a sorrowful expression. Hulk was confused. Bucky didn't participate, instead he stood at the side.

"Y- You killed him?" Tony asked with extreme shock and guilt swirling inside his mind.

Literally; Barton arrived at a Hollywood Star's Mansion that was holding a hot tub party. He still pulled back his arrow, causing the party guest to scream in fear.

"What?" Barton breathed heavily and scrunched his face, fearing that this was another trick in the mind.

"Hey you can't do that here. No clothes inside the hot tub," Stan Lee, who was in the hot tub with beautiful girls in bikinis while smoking cigars, shook his hand in dissatisfaction toward Barton.

"Seriously …what?" Barton didn't let his guard down while he kept trying to figure out what had happened.

"No. Clothes." Stan Lee said, annoyed.

Back at the battlefield.

Tony, Kai and Ryan tried to bypass Tarot's line of defense to get to the Tri-carrier, however it was impossible for them to do so. Mainly because two out of three were not giving their best.

Suddenly, Tony's scanner showed that something had entered the atmosphere.

"Aliens? At times like this?"

However, what he feared didn't happen as the one who had entered the planet was a human woman in a red and blue suit with a star logo on her chest. She appeared with a tremendous speed and was targeting the Tri-carriers.

"Danvers?" Fury looked at the figure with some longing in his eyes. "How?"

Fury checked the pager he had held inside his hand, but he still hadn't activated it yet. 'Was she in the vicinity?'

However, that doesn't matter now. He couldn't wait to see Danvers kick Tarot's ass.

"Oh no you don't," Tarot said coldly and took out a card labeled <MOON> and threw it toward Captain Marvel. She steered left to avoid it, but the card enlarged enough to block her way.

She stopped mid-air and punched the card using the cosmic energy that can breach a hole in Thanos' ship, but the flimsy card was unmoving.

The card carried the weight of the entire moon, and it will be impossible for her to penetrate it and get to the Tri-carrier from above.

"Down here," Tarot yelled to get her attention while waving toward her. When she turned to look at him, he pointed his finger at her and showed her the card in his hand.


The card carried immense gravitational pull that dragged her quickly to the ground and she was directly headed toward the card.

Carol didn't say much and used the attraction force to direct her attack on Tarot instead. 'Is he one of the Hydra heads that Ryan said had reappeared?' She thought silently in her mind.

Carol glanced at the team at the ground. She saw the familiar face of the man in the eyepatch, but she needed to neutralize this threat first. 'But, I can't move!'

Hulk jumped toward Tarot and landed a punch on his helmet while he was immobile –trying to grab Carol's neck from where he was standing. The punch with all of Hulk's strength only caused Tarot to slide 10 meters in the air.

Hulk fell back to the ground while Tarot was still in the air. The big green giant wasn't able to hurt Tarot, but it provided Carol with some leniency in the attraction force that she managed to escape the pulling force.

"Listen up, while she is distracting him, we need to…" Ryan took over the orders on the ground. He created a plan to bypass Tarot(himself) and to destroy the Tri-carrier in mere seconds.

"Some of us can't fly, so it's better if we can drag him down," Ryan said. He sensed that something was wrong with the shrimp-man corpse near the battlefield. The corpse was still letting out steam and he placed it in the plan too.

However at this time, he sensed the Bifrost was opening. 'Now? Ahh damn it. Wasn't the bifrost only fixed after a few years? It's only been 2 months.''

A rainbow bridge opened on the ground and the god of thunder entered the chaotic battle!

"What kind of situation is this?" Thor muttered puzzledly. He planned for a banquet. Maybe a date with Jane Foster. But instead he appeared in the middle of a battle.

"Thor. Bad Guy is in the air. Destroy the helicarrier above to save people's," Tony explained the situation in the least words that he can mutter while pointing at Tarot and the Tri-carrier direction.

"I understand," Thor said happily while twirling the Mjolnir at high speed.He released the hammer toward Tarot with the confidence that nothing could stop his hammer. Thor had confidence in Tony's word as they had worked together before this.

Tarot was fighting head on with Danvers. She hit him multiple times, but it didn't have any obvious effect other than the armor rippling everytime she landed her fist. Tarot retaliated by grabbing her head and knee-kicking her in the abdomen, causing her to gag and slide a few hundred meters backward.

Tarot sensed that Mjolnir was inside his range. Thor watched in anticipation to see Tarot get knocked out by the hammer. But instead of hitting the guy in the purple suit like the rest of his enemies, Tarot stopped Mjolnir with one hand.

"IMPOSSIBLE!" Thor exclaimed in shock. He tried to recall Mjolnir back, but it couldn't escape the enemy's grip. Mjolnir shook violently inside of Tarot's grip, trying to break free.

Hulk jumped again, but this time Tarot had a hammer. He gripped the handle of Mjolnir despite the hammer's reluctance and swung it at the green beast. Then, he threw the hammer toward Carol Danvers who tried to attack the Tri-carrier.

"Come Mjolnir!" Thor said hurriedly after the hammer had hit Carol's head, causing her to be knocked into the ground. Thor grabbed Mjolnir's handle and flew up in the air to fight Tarot head on.

"Buek-Pfff," Carol spit out the sand on her mouth, stood up to dust herself and tried again.

"Can you handle the carrier?" Steve asked while flying on Carol's left side. Kai with his wings was on her right side.

"Captain America?... I can handle it," Carol widened her eyes when she saw her idol, the legendary Captain America. She suppressed that thought and focused more on the dire situation.

"Good, we'll open up a path," Kai said playfully and flew in front of Carol.

Thor, Kai and Steve appeared next to Tarot. Thor slammed his hammer on Tarot's head while Steve summoned his gauntlets and attacked Tarot from above. The bare handed Kai used a drop kick to direct Tarot to the ground.

*BAM* Tarot was pushed until he was only 10 meters from the ground. Tony brought the Hulk upward into the helicarrier while Tarot was distracted and dropped the big green onto a helicarrier.

"Natasha, Now!" Ryan signaled.

Natasha threw the pistol shrimp corpse toward Tarot and Ryan created an ice dome immediately that trapped Tarot together with the corpse.


The pistol shrimp corpse exploded with a 4000 degrees heat, melting everything in the 20 meter diameter and leaving a gaping hole on the ground.

At that time, Tony had supercharged his unibeam and attacked the core structure of one helicarrier, causing an internal explosion that destroyed one of the tri-carrier.

"Sir, 1% of energy remaining," JARVIS notified.

"Focus all of it to get down," Tony replied.

Hulk jumped on top of another helicarrier and smashed it until it split into two. Everytime he smashed it, the altitude decreased. Hulk then stayed with the debrises until it fell to the ground.

Carol surrounded herself in the cosmic energy and breached the hull of the helicarrier multiple times with her super strength and flight – causing the last of the tri-carrier to fall down.

Fury breathed in relief when he saw that his legacy had fallen. The Avengers reassembled on the ground.

When all of it seemed to be over, suddenly they heard a cold voice coming from the hole in the ground.

"So, you think that this is over?" Tarot walked out unscathed from the crater. He walked to the Avengers slowly while a smirking emoji was shown on his emoticon face.

Hulk roared toward Tarot. Steve readied his shield and gauntlets. Tony was recharging his armor.

"Now that I am here. It is over…whatever the things that were happening…it's over.." Thor said.

"Hahaha…you're dumber than the Hulk," Tarot mocked the Asgardian God.

"What did you say!" Thor was mad and wanted to battle again, but was stopped by Kai.

"It's only over because my plan was complete. Otherwise, you won't be able to get past me," Tarot said mockingly. "I have already killed 3.8 million people all over the continent, making it cleaner than ever."

The Avengers were shocked when they heard Tarot's proclamation.

"Do you think people will be thankful for what you have done? They will fear you instead!" Tony said.

"That is what I wanted. For people to fear me."

"Everytime they think about committing a crime, they will think about what happened today. You might be worried that the country will be in chaos. But what is a few weeks of chaos compared to decades of peace?"

"You're crazy," Natasha said.

"No. I am Destiny."

"I don't care who you are. But you'll pay for what you have done today," Danvers proclaimed.

"HAHAHA, Carol Danvers. Did spending time in space for so long cause your brain to rot?"

"What?" Carol was startled. Isn't this the part where he surrendered after they foiled his plan?

"Even if all of you worked together. You won't be able to stop me." Tarot said arrogantly. He had done his part. Now the Avengers needed to do their part. To show the people that they could stop him together.

'Damn, am I really the Peng Clan's Young Master?' Ryan thought while cringing at his arrogant proclamation.

"You'll fall under the might of the Thunderer!" Thor exclaimed and threw Mjolnir at Tarot again, seemingly didn't learn anything from the earlier confrontation.

Now, the final battle is starting. If the Avengers wanted to break destiny, they needed to show all of their might. Otherwise…Destiny will break them.



We Will Have Fun There!


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