
He Transmigrated into apocalypse world with reverse harem system

*Welcome to the Reverse Harem System, Host 1530. I'm system#78 ready to give you missions and help you in this world.* Reverse harem system? REVERSE HAREM SYSTEM?!!!!! WHAT THE HELL, FUCK YOU!!! "System, you made a mistake, didn't you? You meant to say Harem system, right?" *Host, what did you say? Of course, this is a reverse harem system with the main target mission being several handsome men.* "System, have you forgotten? I'm a real man, how could I be tied to the reverse harem system?" *Host, haven't you noticed yet? Currently the body you are occupying is a girl.* “Aaakkkhhhhh,” Qin Yun Feng's scream was extremely loud. this is not BL story.

MaylisaAzhura · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Strong Determination

"Are you still not aware of your position? Right now you can't resist or reject my orders." Feng Zhi Bei arrogantly pulled out his handkerchief and wiped out the spit of Qin Yun Feng who dirty his clothes. He walked two steps toward Qin Yun Yao. It made Qin yun feng alert and anxious.

"Sign the letter, otherwise you will see your beloved sister raped in front of you." Feng Zhi Bei whispered the gentle cheek of Qin Yun Yao with a wicked smile. The girl was scared and frightened by the words of Feng Zhi Bei. She stared at her brother with her eyes full of supplications for help.

"You!" cried Qin Yun Feng angrily.

"Hand sign." Feng Zhi Bei stared in the angry eyes of Qin Yun Feng with arrogance. Even if he doesn't want to, Feng Zhi Bei can still imitate Qin Yun's signature.

Qin Yun Feng would not be willing to let his beloved sister be raped. He even swore if he saw his sister hurt, he would repay it many times, no, maybe hundreds even thousands of times on feng zhi bei. Because Qin Yun Yao is everything. His family is the only one. And thanks to her, Qin Yun Feng can survive and succeed in becoming a millionaire today.

When Qin Yun Feng finished signing the file, Mu You Xue immediately took the file and smiled widely.

"At last the company belongs to us." Mu Yo Xue approached Feng Zhi Bei with a satisfied smile.

"I've handed the company over to you. So let us go."

Qin Yun Feng hasn't thought about the big company he's been pioneering for years. Compared to the company, his sister is more valuable. He can still start his business from scratch.

"Do you think it's all over like this?"

Qin Yunfeng was surprised, his heart was beating so fast and anxiety overwhelmed him.

"I'm not stupid. I'm not gonna let you and your sister go. If I do that, you're gonna take revenge or call the police. So," in his speech cup, feng zhi Bei gave a signal to the two hostages he hired.

Qin Yun Feng understood the word, and immediately shouted, "No, don't touch the Yun Yao!"

He cried, he hurried to escape from the bond that tied him, but it failed. He saw the two thieves pull his sister into the corner of the room and defile the sanctity of the Yun Yoon Yao. The girl cried and cried for help. Qin Yun Feng keeps crawling and doesn't even care about his wrists and arms that have been bleeding because of his desire to let go of the bond.

"Feng Zhi Bei, you fucking bastard. I will never let you go until I die. I will reward you a thousand times more painfully." Qin Yun Feng's scream was full of anger after seeing his sister beaten down very sadly. Qin Yun Feng's eyes sparkled like blood was coming out of his eyes. Breathing fast and hunting. His eyes were horrible, like bloodthirsty zombies. And will crash like a hungry wolf if released.

Feng Zhi Bei whispered.

"Unfortunately, you'll never be able to avenge me because you're going to die soon." Feng Zhi Bei walked near Qin Yun Yao; he wore gloves and grabbed a knife handed over by one of the robbers.

"And Qin Yoon Yao will be charged as the suspect who killed you. She'll be in prison forever." Feng Zhi Bei has planned today for a long time. He knows how great Qin Yun Feng is. The man won't just let him go; he will take revenge. So, instead of taking any risks,  Feng Zhi Bei chose to kill the man. And to avoid police and suspect charges. He deliberately planned for Qin Yun Yao to be kidnapped and raped. On the grounds of losing her consciousness, the girl stumbled and accidentally killed Qin Yun Feng, who came to rescue her. With Qin Yun You's fingerprints on the knife and without the CCTV, she would be the main suspect. And Feng Zhi Bei just had to hurt himself a little to launch his alibi.

"You!" Qin Yun Feng's eyes were filled with a burning fire of anger. Ready to burn whatever he sees. He even hoped to burn the asshole in front of him.

"Do you have the last words?" asked Fang Zhi Bei, who was standing in front of Qin Yun Feng.

"Even if I die and became a ghost, I will kill you."

"Yes, I just need to call the priest to drive you out, haha." Feng Zhi Bei laughed and imagined the impossible. He doesn't believe in the existence of ghosts at all. Even if there are ghosts, he just needs to call a priest or anyone to drive him out.

"Go to hell, Qin Yun Feng." So Feng Zhi Bei put a knife in his right hand and pointed it towards Qin Yun Feng's left chest. The knife entered the chest and penetrated the man's heart. Just make Qin Yun Feng die. After one kick in, Feng Zhi Bei kicked Qin Yun Feng to fall alongside the chair he was sitting on.

Then the man walked near Qin Yun Yao. The girl was still lying helpless on the cold, dirty floor. Highlight her empty eyes without life or spirit. She's been crying out of tears ever since.Feng Zhi Bei kicked her once, and he saw clearly that the girl was still breathing. He lowered himself and put the knife in his hand into the hand of Qin Yun Yao. The girl was still silent, not even sounding at all, when her eyes saw her brother being killed by Feng Zhi Bei.

Qin Yun Feng saw his sister's very severe condition. The girl was raped, and she would be accused of murder. She'll spend the rest of her life in prison. Qin Yun Feng can't accept that. But no matter what he can do, he can't even save his sister from rape. And now he's at the moment of his last breath. 

Qin Yun Feng regrets not knowing the evil plans of his friend and lover. He's full of anger and deep hatred. Qin Yun Feng wants revenge, repaying all their betrayals in a more sadistic way.Qin Yun Feng is full of revenge and hatred for Feng Zhi Bei and Mu You Xue.

He stared at the backs of those two people, who walked away with anger. His sparkling eyes and deep anger made him spit blood.

*Ding! Detected host with the strongest desire.*

In the remnant of Qin Yun Feng's increasingly thin consciousness, a strange sound is heard in his ears.

*Trying to merge with the host.*

*Host, do you want to tie the re-harem system?*

System? Qin Yun Feng can still hear that word clearly. Is that a system like in the novel that his sister often reads? He's mumbling. If the system can bring him back to life and take revenge, Qin Yun Feng is willing to bind and unite. He's going to finish all the missions and then take revenge and save his sister. At the last remnant of his Qin Yun Feng consciousness, he was finally able to answer.

"Yes, I want to." After that, Qin Yun Feng fell into infinite darkness.