
He Transmigrated into apocalypse world with reverse harem system

Penulis: MaylisaAzhura
Fantasy Romance
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What is He Transmigrated into apocalypse world with reverse harem system

Baca novel He Transmigrated into apocalypse world with reverse harem system yang ditulis oleh penulis MaylisaAzhura yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. *Welcome to the Reverse Harem System, Host 1530. I'm system#78 ready to give you missions and help you in this world.* Reverse harem system? REVERSE HAREM SYSTEM?!!!!! WHAT THE HELL, FUCK YOU!!! "Syst...


*Welcome to the Reverse Harem System, Host 1530. I'm system#78 ready to give you missions and help you in this world.* Reverse harem system? REVERSE HAREM SYSTEM?!!!!! WHAT THE HELL, FUCK YOU!!! "System, you made a mistake, didn't you? You meant to say Harem system, right?" *Host, what did you say? Of course, this is a reverse harem system with the main target mission being several handsome men.* "System, have you forgotten? I'm a real man, how could I be tied to the reverse harem system?" *Host, haven't you noticed yet? Currently the body you are occupying is a girl.* “Aaakkkhhhhh,” Qin Yun Feng's scream was extremely loud. this is not BL story.

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Elijah Madelyn

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顾芯生了一场病,病好之后,发现全家人都变了。 烂赌差点卖了妻女,酗酒了要打人的爹爹说他以后不赌了,他要重拾课本,参加科举,给她们母女三人幸福生活。 手脚勤快,做事利落,但只敢窝里横对她凶的娘亲连火都不会烧了,还敢提着柴刀去跟收债的人对峙。 绣活出色,对人冷漠,从不做饭的姐姐不再拿针,笑脸多了,还接过了厨房所有的活计。 顾芯觉得自己在做梦,除了父母姐姐的变化,她在救了一条鱼放生之后,骂她的人必摔跤,打她坏主意的人必倒霉,她想吃啥的话,活物会主动送上门来,往她家门上撞头,不是活物她也能很巧合得得到。 这一切是多么美好呀! 当然,镇上周家那小公子不发神经就好了。 周家小公子说,她爹娘会卖了她,以后她姐姐也会害了她,小公子要带她远走高飞,逃离魔窟。 顾爹:哪来的小兔崽子,我堂堂九千岁,离万岁只差一千的人,会卖了宝贝幺女? 顾娘:滚蛋臭小子,我一拥有偌大商业帝国的女强人,好不容易有个闺女,我舍得? 顾姐姐:渣男主,别以为我不知道你书中有多么渣,会怎么伤害我家小芯芯,啊呸! 周家小公子: w(゚Д゚)w,怎么跟上辈子不一样?不过,不管一不一样,今生我都不会错过芯芯了。 顾芯:你问过我意见没?

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